End of year ritual create two lists separately hand write on the Gratitude list your name and DOB! Put it on your prayer table of somewhere safe that you can focus on the forth coming attractions more readily.
Creating a gratitude list focuses the mind on the many blessings that you received and amplifies the attraction vibration thereby improving your mental health and well being which studies now have shown.
for what has occurred in 2024 and
the - forthcoming attractions of what you want to occur and attract in 2025
Here some tips to consider:
What positive habits did you embrace?
What hurdles and challenges did you overcome that you’re grateful for the lesson?
What patterns of behaviour have you let go of?
What accomplishments or successes did you celebrate?
What people, places experiences brought joy and made an impact or a difference on you this year?
What were the characteristics of this impact and how did it shift your perspective or change you?
Where did you courageously step outside of your comfort zone?
What are you most proud of?
What new insights, skills or wisdom have you gained?
What did you learn/accept/heal/transform about yourself this year?
Where was God’s presence evident in your life this year? What prayers were answered?
What spiritual disciplines have deepened your connection with the Spirit of God within?
How do you intend to show up for God in the new year?
The act of letting go can be incredibly cathartic, relieving us of burdens and creating mental and emotional space for growth.
Burning the list releases the negative energy, and fosters a sense of closure, as it can’t be retrieved making room for new possibilities.
This list is to be burnt on 31.12.
Letting Go of what has limited you in 2024 and the past .
Some tips to consider:
What destructive habits did you or about to release?
What hurdles and challenges did you overcome that angered or caused you to be fearful?
What emotions or situations caused you to be stressed and anxious that needs to be released?
What attachments to unfinished work in relationships personal or professional, health, spirituality, creative expression or community involvement?
What roadblocks did you encounter that needs to be released?
What was hard this year - how did you meet and deal with it?
Where have you not shown up as your best self be it in relationships or situations with yourself or others?
Where and with whom have you been resentful, selfish and dishonest?
What limited or negative beliefs that no longer serve you have you released?
Whom (including yourself)have you still not forgiven? - see them sitting in front of you or write a letter sharing all that you feel holding nothing back?
Any triggers, upsets or grievances that need to be released?
In what situations or times did you fail to seek God first? Or you think God failed you?
Also other things to consider
Are there things left unsaid or unresolved and will you have regrets if not attended to?
Is there anything you need to repair or restore to be in a state of right alignment in your relationships or other areas?
Is there any forgiveness work that you still have to do, both with others and within yourself?
Are there any more contributions you would like to make to loved ones, your community and/or the planet?
Have you added to the betterment of humanity?
What would you like to invite into the new year?
What aspects of your life are you avoiding?
Are there any projects that are unfinished that will impact going into 2025?
Are you leaving the world a better place?
What are you going to stop, start or continue in 2025 for your growth