“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.”
— Dalai Lama
“What if we were to be together and listen to each other’s comments with a willingness to expose rather than to confirm our own beliefs and opinions? What if we were to willingly listen to one another with the awareness that we each see the world in unique ways? And with the expectation that I could learn something new if I listen for the differences rather than the similarities? We have this opportunity many times in a day, every day. What might we see, what might we learn, what might we create together, if we become this kind of listener, one who enjoys the differences and welcomes in disturbance? I know we would be delightfully startled by how much difference there is. And then we would be wonderfully comforted by how much closer we became, because every time we listen well, we move towards each other. From our new thoughts and our new companions, we would all become wiser.”
— Margaret Wheatley, mid-20th century
“The kindest word in all the world is the unkind word, unsaid.”