“While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart.”
Quero Apache Prayer
Looking behind I am filled with gratitude. Looking forward I am filled with vision. Looking upwards I am filled with strength. Looking within I discover peace.
“The peace that we’re looking for is not the peace that crumbles as soon as there is difficulty or chaos. Whether we’re seeking inner peace or global peace or a combination of the two, the way to experience it is to build on the foundation of unconditional openness to all that arises. Peace isn’t an experience free of challenges, free of rough and smooth, it’s an experience that’s expansive enough to include all that arises without feeling threatened.”
Tibetan Holy Lake, Tibet. Photography by Steve McCurry.
“If we are peaceful,
if we are happy,
we can smile,
and everyone in our family,
our entire society,
will benefit from our peace.”
Photo by Steve McCurry, PAMUKKALE, Turkey
If there is to be peace in the world,
There must be peace in the nations.
If there is to be peace in the nations,
There must be peace in the cities.
If there is to be peace in the cities,
There must be peace between neighbors.
If there is to be peace between neighbors,
There must be peace in the home.
If there is to be peace in the home,
re must be peace in the heart.
Chinese philospher - Lao-Tse - 6th Century BCE