Learn to live the life we were created for!
Learn to live the life we were created for!
Welcome to Dr Ing’s Sunday Soul Connection, a vibrant virtual eCommunity, that meets via the airwaves through conference calling from the convenience and comfort of your own home.
We embrace the perennial wisdom that can be found in both religious and secular philosophy!
We believe in One Power, One Presence, One Life force that permeates in and through all life, known by many names, but none can fully describe it!
We recognise and affirm the right of all people to fully and freely express their true and authentic selves, without judgement, criticism or prejudice.
We live and practice from the premise, that Life is ultimately about Love, Kindness and Oneness and not religious biases.
I completed my Doctorate this year, by creating the Awaken App, LOGO HERE (download FOC from the App Store) for the religious and spiritually unaffiliated which across the globe, is the 3rd largest group after Christianity and Islam; which could addressed their emotional and spiritual needs through mini practices of five minutes & under!
Jumpstart your week by joining our Sunday Soul Connection at 10am prompt, as we seek to expand our conscious awareness of the Inner and Outer expression of the Divine.
In order to grow personally and deepen spiritually; through appreciation and understanding of the world’s wisdom traditions and teachings, poetry, reflections, stories, sacred texts, meditation, prayer, affirmations and music!
Peace and blessings always!
Dr Ing
June 2019
“There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies. My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is kindness.”
Honour our diversity to find peace in our selves, our communities and our world.
Honour our diversity to find peace in our selves, our communities and our world.
I personally believe that there is only one religion, the religion of Love. That there is only one language, the language of the Heart. As Kurt Johnson says in his book, The Coming of the Interspiritual Age: “If my religion, doesn’t help me love you more, then it can’t possibly be truth!”
Each Wisdom tradition, believes in a Higher Power than themselves whether they call it Allah, Yahweh, Buddha, Jehovah, Brahma, Jesus or The Tao. Along with the perennial philosophies, share some deep truths and values such as peace, wisdom, compassion, service and ultimately LOVE!
Love of that Something Greater whatever you choose to call it; love of each other and all of creation!
I believe it’s time, in the 21st Century, to create a Contemporary Fellowship which welcomes and includes ALL PEOPLE of ANY & NO FAITH TRADITION! People who recognise and align themselves with the realisation that only as we honour our diversity will there be peace in our selves, our communities and our world.
“Religion is not an end in itself. One’s union with god is the ultimate goal. There are so many religions because immature people tend to emphasise trivial differences instead of important likenesses. Differences between faiths lie in creeds and rituals rather than religious principles.”