05/05/2022 - MIDWEEK PRAYER
Bring your attention to your breath, the gentle inhalation and exhalation, the ebbing and the flow, the contraction and the expansion.
Always at this time I like to remind you of the words of Job who said “ It is the Spirit of God that has made me, it is the breath of the Almighty that gives me life!”
So let us be conscious as we take the next 3 deep breaths in, that we are breathing in the Presence, the Power the All-ness that is God in us as us. That is our very breath.
As you bring your attention down into the cave of the heart, the monastery of the soul, the sanctuary of the Spirit take a moment to acknowledge with gratitude the incredible work that our heart continues to do with out us consciously directing it.
Inhale Lower the diaphragm extend the stomach, and breathe in the life giving energising breath of God - Hold - gently slowly release.
Take a moment to be intentional that for the next 10 minutes or so you are consciously choosing to commune with the ground of your being God in you as you. Inhale - hold - gently slowly release.
As we take our third and final deep breath in leaving the world of outer distractions and connecting with the Ground of our being, let us be fully present. Inhale - hold - gently slowly release.
Today I'm sharing Psalm 102 from Psalms for Praying an invitation to wholeness.
Psalm 102
Mother Father God as we consciously come into communion with you this morning; surrendering in this moment the worries, our doubts, anxieties and distresses. All the things that niggle away our peace, that stop us from aligning with the truth of who we are and Who’s we are.
Mother Father God as we are anchored in You, we know that we are one with the Creator of all of life. When our faith in You is strong, we know that God in us, through us can do all things and that all things are possible with you.
Help us to stand in our faith more and more and to allow our doubts and fears to dissolve and dissipate into their nothingness; so that we may reside consciously in communion and connection with you, the Spirit, the Ground of our being, the Alpha and the Omega.
Psalm 102 - continued.
We know that it is challenging, when things are hard or tough or challenging to remain in this truth. To remain aligned with your teachings to acknowledging that you God, Mother Father, Source of all that is, that you're able to do exceedingly abundantly more than he can ask or think.
But embolden us, strengthen us, encourage us so that when our faith wavers something deep within reminds us that is through our faith that we connect with you. For You require to us to walk by faith and not by sight.
Mother Father God we know that, even though things, appearances, things outside of us may seem dismal, may we know the truth, the truth that our Teacher taught that will set us free.
So let us remember to take our attention away from all these things that are disturbing or distracting or distressing and place them on our inner consciousness; and remember that we are co creating with You through our thoughts, words, beliefs and our emotions. So that when things start to dismay us, we can come back to this truth and hold the vision for what we want and not what we don't.
So in this moment we take time to see health and wholeness in our physical form in spite of any appearances.
At this time we choose to see our finances, abundant and meeting our every need, no matter what the bank balance says.
At this time we choose to see a world, a world that works for all. A world where there's enough for every persons need. We choose to see a world where no child is hungry. Where no child is impoverished, working in unfavourable conditions.
At this time we choose to see a world that is accepting, loving and abiding in oneness.
Mother Father God may we often come back to hold in our mind's eye that which we want, that which we wish, that which we may desire and not let outward appearances make us see otherwise.
For your infinite grace, endless blessings and eternal mercies we are ever grateful.
And so it is, Amen.
21/04/2022 - MIDWEEK PRAYER
Bring your attention to your breath, the gentle inhalation and exhalation, the ebbing and the flow, the contraction and the expansion.
Always at this time I like to remind you of the words of Job who said “ It is the Spirit of God that has made me, it is the breath of the Almighty that gives me life!”
So let us be conscious as we take the next 3 deep breaths in, that we are breathing in the Presence, the Power the All-ness that is God in us as us. That is our very breath.
As you bring your attention down into the cave of the heart, the monastery of the soul, the sanctuary of the Spirit take a moment to acknowledge with gratitude the incredible work that our heart continues to do with out us consciously directing it.
Inhale Lower the diaphragm extend the stomach, and breathe in the life giving energising breath of God - Hold - gently slowly release.
Take a moment to be intentional that for the next 10 minutes or so you are consciously choosing to commune with the ground of your being God in you as you. Inhale - hold - gently slowly release.
As we take our third and final deep breath in leaving the world of outer distractions and connecting with the Ground of our being, let us be fully present. Inhale - hold - gently slowly release.
Today I'm sharing Psalm 97 from Psalms for Praying an invitation to wholeness by Nan C Merrill.
The Bestower of Life reigns with mercy,
let the earth rejoice!
Let the heavens be glad.!
Justice preserves creation, allowing it
to blossom and thrive;
hidden within creation, You are
The Heart of everything.
Fire goes before You,
burning away the chaff and the tares.
Your Light enlightens the world;
there is none to compare with You,
O great transformer!
All of creation is clothed with
your majesty, mirroring
your Love throughout the cosmos.
The heavens proclaim your righteousness;
and the peoples behold your glory.
Those who walk in darkness dwell in a
house of fear,
zealously following their desire
for power;
they live in the shadows of reality.
Heaven delights and rejoices when
A hardened heart breaks open and
recognises Love’s ever patient
Presence abiding within.
For You, O Beloved, encompass and bless
all the earth;
You forgive our wrongdoings and
welcome us home.
You, O Beloved, are known by whose who
are true to the Promise.,
You had the light of the saints;
You hide yourself in every soul.
Like dawns for the just, and joy for
the upright of heart.
Rejoice in the Most High, O people of
the Light,
and give thanks to the Radiant One,
The Bestower of Life!
Divine Beloved, Ground of Mystery, the Infinite Knower, the Divine Intelligence, that is everywhere present at every point in space and time.
We know there is nowhere, where you are not and as we consciously come into Your Presence this morning we’re giving thanks for the gift of another day. Thankful for the gift of health and healing and giving thanks for all that we have and for all that is unfolding in perfect timing in our lives.
Mother Father God whilst we may feel that there are things missing in our life. There is so much that we have. There's so much we have to be grateful for. There's so much that we have to acknowledge You who are the Source of all.
We take a moment to remember those that are in need of a healing touch at this time; those of our community who have undergone surgeries or about to undergo surgery. We know that the death less self existent life that is your Spirit, resides in every tissue, part and particle of our being.
So we speak this word for health, for healing, for wholeness, for perfect and right expression in their physical form.
We speak this word for the recovery and for all those in the healing profession. They're doing their part to help in the process.
We speak this word doctors and nurses that work so untiringly in a service for the benefit of others.
We speak this word for their well being. We speak this word for all people who are in need of a healing at this time. Be it mental, emotional, spiritual, physiological, psychological or financial. Whatever the need is, for each and every one of your children I surrender them all now as it is only You that could meet all of our needs in perfect and timely way.
The fact that there's so much happening in in across our planet we take a moment just to hold peace in our hearts for all sentient beings they may have a habitat that is worthy for them to live in.
That humanity will know that it is not the centre of the universe. We pray for our Leaders, we lift them up at the consciousness of Christ that is of your spirit, that it may prevail upon them to guide their actions.
You said before you call I will answer, while you yet speak I have heard; therefore, I’m surrendering everyone's needs, here this morning before your Throne of Grace
Our teacher and Way-shower Jesus said that He came that we might have life and have it abundantly, abundant peace, abundant joy, an abundance of every good thing.
I claim that for each and every one listening now and those that will listen later and for all your people.
For your Infinite Grace, your endless mercies, and eternal blessings, we are ever grateful. And so it is Amen.
07/04/2022 - MIDWEEK PRAYER
Bring your attention to your breath, the gentle inhalation and exhalation, the ebbing and the flow, the contraction and the expansion.
Always at this time I like to remind you of the words of Job who said “ It is the Spirit of God that has made me, it is the breath of the Almighty that gives me life!”
So let us be conscious as we take the next 3 deep breaths in, that we are breathing in the Presence, the Power the All-ness that is God in us as us. That is our very breath.
As you bring your attention down into the cave of the heart, the monastery of the soul, the sanctuary of the Spirit take a moment to acknowledge with gratitude the incredible work that our heart continues to do with out us consciously directing it.
Inhale Lower the diaphragm extend the stomach, and breathe in the life giving energising breath of God - Hold - gently slowly release.
Take a moment to be intentional that for the next 10 minutes or so you are consciously choosing to commune with the ground of your being God in you as you. Inhale - hold - gently slowly release.
As we take our third and final deep breath in leaving the world of outer distractions and connecting with the Ground of our being, let us be fully present. Inhale - hold - gently slowly release.
Today I'm sharing Psalm 44 from Psalms for Praying an invitation to wholeness by Nan C. Merrill
We have heard with our ears,
O Rock of Ages,
All generations have proclaimed
The mighty deeds you have wrought
in the days, in the days of old;
Of how you drove with your own hand
drove out the nations,
Sowing seeds for the life;
Of how You lead the peoples
into bondage,
and then You set them free;
For not by their own might did
they win the land,
nor did their own strength give
them victory,
But by Your power and your might,
and the light of Your countenance,
For You sought to awaken them!
O, You who know all hearts,
Who are ever present to your people,
Through You we face our enemies;
through your Name we call forth
our fears.
For not in military powers do we trust,
nor can arms save us.
For only in You can we put
our fears to rest,
and transform them into peace.
In you O Gracious One,
do we give thanks,
and forever we will offer You
our songs of praise.
Yet at times You seem to abandon us,
leaving us alone with our fears.
You have given us the freedom
to turn from You;
then does our ego seek to rule the day.
We become a sheep for slaughter,
straying far from the fold.
You seem to require too little of us,
remaining mute as we wander
on the worldly highways.
Without your saving grace,
we come in conflict with our neighbours,
we fear all who seem different
from us.
We seek to better ourselves at the expense
of other nations.
we become arrogant and greedy.
Our spirits weaken as we attack others,
we become deaf and blind
To the cries of those oppressed,
at the sight of those wronged.
As all this comes upon us, we finally
remember You O Infinite Love,
we pray for your strength in all
our hopes and challenges.
Our hearts we call your promises of old:
to be with us always. Yet,
Deep darkness overshadows the land.
Until crisis comes, we forget the Name
of the Creator;
we spread forth our hands to
a worldly god.
Yet, can we ever hide from You, O Beloved?
For you know the secrets, the will,
of our hearts and mind.
No, Love does not abandon us;
we ourselves turn our faces
from the Light.
Rouse yourself! Why do you sleep,
O foolish peoples?
Awaken! Do not stray in the darkness
Why do you cover your faces?
Why are you ashamed and cast down?
With your souls bowed down to the
call out to the Beloved for forgiveness.
Rise up, pray for a change of heart!
Then will the Indwelling Presence,
of the Divine Guest,
awaken you with kindly LOVE!
Divine beloved Mother Father God, Ground of Being Thou who are the indwelling Divine Guest.
We ask this morning that you awaken us to the love that is within us as us.
May we align with the truth of who we are and Who’s we are; that we are made in the image and likeness of Love.
Love that encompasses all things, through all things and is in all things.
Mother father God as we come before you this morning; we know that our world is in crisis and we placed our world before Your throne of Grace.
We surrender it and the needs of all its people to You, who knows what to do and how to do it.
So whether it's scarcity, whether it’s war, conflict, whether it's food shortage or not enough of whatever, that each country needs.
Mother Father God we surrender to you now, asking that you meet the needs of your people, your creation of all of creation.
At this time we hold in our hearts, all those at this moment who maybe going into, or having any kind of operational procedure; that you guide the hands of the doctors and nurses and all those involved.
We remember that we are made in that image and likeness of perfect health wholeness and life expression.
Even if the organic form breaks down in some form, in some way, the deathless Self Existence Life that is You, that is the Spirit of God in us as us resides in every tissue, organ, part and parcel of our being.
So we claim that reality, that truth, that awareness, for our loved ones, our family, friends and for all people who are in need of a healing at this time.
We know that just as you can heal us physically, you can heal us financially, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and psychologically. There is nothing that is too hard for you to do!
So whatever the healing need is at this time, for those gathered here this morning, for those listening later, and for all of creation.
I surrender all to You now.
Mother Father God if there is anything else I have failed to ask for, I know you will not fail to bless us with for it is Your good pleasure to give us the kingdom. That kingdom that contains all good.
For Your Infinite Grace, Endless Blessing, your Eternal Mercy we are ever Grateful!
And so it is. Amen.
31/03/2022 - Midweek Prayer
Welcome to our Ten At 10.
If you haven't already, I invite you to close your eyes and bring your attention to the breath.
The gentle inhalation and exhalation the contraction and expansion the ebbing and the flow.
I like to remind you of the words of Job, who said, " It is the Spirit of God that has made me, it is the breath of the Almighty that gives me life."
As we take the next three deep breaths, let us be cognisant that we are breathing in the Life giving, renewing, restorative Breath of God.
Inhale - Breathe in the energising breath of Spirit. Exhale slowly
Next bring your attention down into the Cave of the Heart the Sanctuary of the soul the Monastery of the Spirit.
Take a moment to acknowledge with gratitude the work that the heart does. Inhale deeply and Exhale slowly.
Let us be intentional of this time; that we have come together and we are consciously choosing to connect with the Ground of our being God in us as us.
Inhale deeply Exhale slowly.
This morning, I'm Sharing excerpts from Psalm 78 From Psalms for Praying an Invitation to Wholeness by Nan C. Merril
Listen well, O peoples of the earth,
to inner promptings of the Spirit
Let silence, enter your house that
you may hear!
For within your heart, love speaks:
not with words of deceit,
But of spiritual truths to guide you
upon the path of peace.
Do not hide this from your children;
teach of the inward Voice, and
help all generations to listen
in the Silence,
That they may know the Beloved and
be free
to follow the precepts of love.
For the Spirit of Truth is written
upon our hearts, that
we might share the Divine Plan,
and model to the children Love's way
as we have been shown;
That each new generation might honour
the children yet unborn.
Herein lies the hope of the future:
to live as co-creators with the great Creator,
Not like those who live in ignorance.
too impatient to wait for loves word,
Whose spirits are not faithful to their
birthright of Love.
How often they tested Love and turned
their backs to the Holy One!
They forgot the power of love, and
the times that they were saved,
When they were comforted by signs,
and sustained through miracles.
Through all generations, the rivers
have flowed
rivers now polluted by greed.
Through famine floods, the Beloved
has brought forth new life.
All through the ages,
the Earth has yielded its bountiful harvest.
yet, valleys and mountains, forests
and fields have been misused.
Yes, greed has become the great
destroyer of life,
taking without offering back,
consuming the earth with abandon,
leaving death, disease and destruction
in its wake.
We cannot be spared what we have sown;
Generations to come will suffer from
our willful ways;
their lives will be a mirror to blind
and stubborn hearts.
Injustice, oppression and greed will turn
back upon the hearts of stone;
children unborn will reap a harvest
of lost dreams.
Even so, the Source of all life remains faithful,
ever ready to lead us out of the
to speak to us in the Silence of our hearts.
Yes, you are our hope, our strength and
our comfort;
our fears will not overwhelm us.
You will guide us to the New Jerusalem,
to the mountain of Hope, the
City of LIGHT!
You will be an ever - living Presence
to those who call upon your Name,
to all who open their hearts
to Love.
When, O peoples of the earth, will you
stop testing and rebelling against
the Source of Life?
When will you awaken and live
according to Love,
And attune yourself to the music
of the spheres?
For as you turn back to the Beloved,
listening for Love's voice within
your own heart,
you will live with integrity,
you will radiate love.
When you call upon the Beloved.
your prayers will be heard;
your needs will be met
Beloved Mother Father God let us consciously choose to deepen enough in the Silence in listening to the still small voice that we might ever be replenished renewed and refreshed by the truth. That is the same yesterday. Today forever World Without end.
Mother Father God, you are the source of all things in all things, as all things we consciously come into your Presence this morning,
To give you glory to give you praise to give you thanks for your ever abiding presence that ever guides, directs and supplies all our needs.
At this time, there's so much that is happening across the world. Those that are in the mainstream news and those that have been neglected or ignored.
So we take a moment to hold in our hearts and visualise a world that is peaceful.
That is loving, that is supportive and accepting of one another irrespective of race, gender, creed, sexual orientation, or any of the other things we look at to divide us and separates us from one from another.
We take a moment to hold in our hearts a world that works for all people.
Where they're supported, where they're loved and appreciated and recognised.
A world where all sentient beings are honoured one is not judged as supeior and another inferior.
We take a moment to see a world that is loving, that is peace filled.
That there is enough for every mans need and that greed and power grabbing is no longer in the human psyche.
Mother Father God we know that where we are to put our attention, focus and energy on that which we want and not on what we do not want and yet it is so easy when we are overwhelmed with the news and all that is being shown to us to be so obsessed with it. That we forget this truth.
This morning rather than obsessing on the news we are going to obsess on a world that is beautiful; a world that is loving, that is peaceful and accepting.
The Teacher said "here two or three are gathered, there, shall I be in the midst."
So we know that the Christ Presence is right here, right now. Agreeing with us in creating a world that works for everyone.
Beloved Mother Father God as we rest in the silence
We ask that you speak to us, that you fill our full with the love with the peace that passeth all human understanding
For your Infinite Grace, Your Endless Mercies and Eternal Blessings, we are ever ever grateful! And so it is Amen
25/03/2022 - Midweek Prayer
Bring your attention to your breath, the gentle inhalation and exhalation, the ebbing and the flow, the contraction and the expansion.
Always at this time I like to remind you of the words of Job who said “ It is the Spirit of God that has made me, it is the breath of the Almighty that gives me life!”
So let us be conscious as we take the next 3 deep breaths in, that we are breathing in the Presence, the Power the All-ness that is God in us as us. That is our very breath.
As you bring your attention down into the cave of the heart, the monastery of the soul, the sanctuary of the Spirit take a moment to acknowledge with gratitude the incredible work that our heart continues to do with out us consciously directing it.
Inhale Lower the diaphragm extend the stomach, and breathe in the life giving energising breath of God - Hold - gently slowly release.
Take a moment to be intentional that for the next 10 minutes or so you are consciously choosing to commune with the ground of your being God in you as you. Inhale - hold - gently slowly release.
As we take our third and final deep breath in leaving the world of outer distractions and connecting with the Ground of our being, let us be fully present. Inhale - hold - gently slowly release.
This morning I’m sharing Psalm 25 from Psalms for praying by Nan C. Merrill
Mother Father God, Divine Beloved. Thou who art the ground of our being. The Divine Intelligence in which we live move and have our being in. As we consciously come into communion with you this morning, surrendering all our concerns, our fears our worries, our doubts and insecurities.
Asking we be fill full of the peace that passes all human understanding. Let us set aside whatever has been upper most in our mind, troubling us, worrying us, disturbing us and come back to the remembrance that right where we are God is and all that God is, is right where we are.
That there is nowhere where you are not. When we forget that we are living moving and having our being in the Divine Omniscience, Omnipresence and Omnipotence that is your Spirit, touch our souls that we may come back to the remembrance of this truth.
We surrender all that is worrying, disturbing or distressing us. Whether it be personal or global.
We cannot help but feel the concerns of our world whether it be wars, people suffering from the effects of war, through starvation, food scarcity and all the many ills that exists in our world at this time.
Mother Father God, whilst we think we may be inadequate or insufficient to heal the worlds needs, we know that when we put anything and everything before you in prayer and trusting as our Teacher taught You with whom all things are possible and You who nothing is too hard for, You know what to do and how to do it.
Mother Father God for our world, our families, our friends, our communities for all people and all sentient beings, this morning we hold them in this prayer of Light, of Love and of Truth knowing Mother Father God you know what to do for each and everyone of us. For you said “before you call I will answer; whilst you yet speak I have heard.”
For those members of our Community who are not with us this morning and are recovering from operations, may you truly do the quickening within their physical form. May you do the healing and restoration that their recovery be quick and speedy.
For those that are away travelling, may you keep them safe protected and watched over. For those that could not make it this morning, wherever they are Lord we ask for a blessing upon for them. Divine Mother Father God it is your good pleasure to give us the kingdom, that kingdom that contains all love, all peace, all good, all joy and all abundance.
Let us recognise that at all times we can access this kingdom and in accessing whatever we may need, may we share it realising that it is your Grace that is our sufficiency in all things.
For your infinite Grace, your endless blessings and eternal mercies we are ever grateful. And so it is. Amen
17/03/2022 - Midweek Prayer
Bring your attention to your breath, the gentle inhalation and exhalation, the ebbing and the flow, the contraction and the expansion.
Always at this time I like to remind you of the words of Job who said “ It is the Spirit of God that has made me, it is the breath of the Almighty that gives me life!”
So let us be conscious as we take the next 3 deep breaths in, that we are breathing in the Presence, the Power the All-ness that is God in us as us. That is our very breath.
As you bring your attention down into the cave of the heart, the monastery of the soul, the sanctuary of the Spirit take a moment to acknowledge with gratitude the incredible work that our heart continues to do with out us consciously directing it.
Inhale Lower the diaphragm extend the stomach, and breathe in the life giving energising breath of God - Hold - gently slowly release.
Take a moment to be intentional that for the next 10 minutes or so you are consciously choosing to commune with the ground of your being God in you as you. Inhale - hold - gently slowly release.
As we take our third and final deep breath in leaving the world of outer distractions and connecting with the Ground of our being, let us be fully present. Inhale - hold - gently slowly release.
This morning I’m sharing Psalm 30 from Psalms for praying by Nan C. Merrill
Mother Father God, as we consciously come into communion with you, praising, glorifying, magnifying Your Name for it is worthy to be praised from the rising of the sun to the setting of the same.
We live move and have our being in Your Spirit that is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent.
You who are the Alpha and Omega, That which is, was and yet to come, The Lord God Almighty.
We know that as we surrender ourselves to you this morning we allow, The Divine Feminine Energy to move through us to inspire us, to guide and direct us.
Mother Father God in our surrender, we release our concerns; in our surrender we release our anxieties.
In our surrender we release our fears of the unknown; we release the confusion of all that is going on in our world personally and all that is going on in our world globally.
We surrender the idea that it’s too much, too overwhelming, too difficult, too… Because we know that You who are in us is Greater than anything that is in the world.
Be it in relation to our own individual needs, wants or desires personally, professionally physically, socially, psychologically, mentally. Or be it for all the concerns that is happening in our world globally.
We know that there is nothing too hard for you to do. So we come back into remembrance and alignment with the truth that God in us as us is doing perfect work in us as us.
As we allow our fears to dissipate and our faith to be embolden. You did not give us a Spirit of fear, but of power, of love and a sound mind.
We need that sound mind to bring us back to the remembrance of peace, that peace that passes all human understanding. That peace, that settles and stills all the disquietude within us.
Our teacher said “Peace be still, my peace, I give unto you, not as the world gives it, give I unto you, but My Peace, the peace, that passes all perfect understanding I give unto you.
Let out minds be stayed on thee no matter what is before us, that we may allow that perfect peace, that everlasting peace to saturate our souls, to quieten out hearts and dissipate any, discord, disquietude or dis-ease that is within us.
Mother Father God it’s only as we take time to come consciously into communion with you can our souls find it’s rest; can our souls find its peace, can our souls know that , whatever is facing or confronting us, that you’ve already gone before us to make smooth, successful and effortless whatever it is, that is for us to do or that is about to occur or happen to or for us.
Words are not enough to convey all that is happening across our globe now and so we hold in our hearts every area of our world where there is conflict.
We hold all life to be precious and we recognise that the power, greed and corruption is with the minority and not the majority.
We ask that you touch the hearts, the minds, the souls of all people that they come back to the remembrance of our Oneness.
Our oneness with each other and our oneness with you.
Mother Father God for anything I may have failed to ask for, I know you will not fail to bless.
For it is Your Good Pleasure to give us each and everyone the Kingdom that contains all good.
For your Infinite Grace Your Endless Blessings and your Eternal mercies I am ever grateful. And So it is. Amen
10/03/2022 - Midweek Prayer
Good morning and welcome to out 10@10.
Bring your attention to your breath, the gentle inhalation and exhalation, the ebbing and the flow, the contraction and the expansion.
Always at this time I like to remind you of the words of Job who said “ It is the Spirit of God that has made me, it is the breath of the Almighty that gives me life!”
So let us be conscious as we take the next 3 deep breaths in, that we are breathing in the Presence, the Power the All-ness that is God in us as us. That is our very breath.
As you bring your attention down into the cave of the heart, the monastery of the soul, the sanctuary of the Spirit take a moment to acknowledge with gratitude the incredible work that our heart continues to do with out us consciously directing it.
Inhale Lower the diaphragm extend the stomach, and breathe in the life giving energising breath of God - Hold - gently slowly release.
Take a moment to be intentional that for the next 10 minutes or so you are consciously choosing to commune with the ground of your being God in you as you. Inhale - hold - gently slowly release.
As we take our third and final deep breath in leaving the world of outer distractions and connecting with the Ground of our being, let us be fully present. Inhale - hold - gently slowly release.
This morning I’m sharing Psalm 115 from Psalms for praying by Nan C. Merrill
Divine Beloved, Ground of Being, thou who art the Absolute Mystery Mother Father God.
As we consciously come into your Presence this morning taking a moment to acknowledge the gift of this new day.
Takin a moment to acknowledge that we woke up and that we able to give thanks for a brand new day to which we may write upon it that which we desire.
We’re so grateful for this day, we’re so grateful for Your Life that is within us that woke us up to this new day.
We’re so grateful for Your Life that is within us that quickens, that heals, that renews, that restores, that replenishes not only physically, physiologically, mentally, emotionally, financially, spiritually.
Yours is the Life that is our life, Yours is the Life that truly empowers, uplifts and renews us.
So in spite of what is happening in our world at this time we come back to the remembrance of the truth that our teacher and Way-shower demonstrated, that we were to “be in this world but not of this world”
He told us that we would have trials and tribulations, but to be of good cheer for He has overcome it!
As we look to his example to overcome all the things we find overwhelming, debilitating, unnerving worrying and stressful. Let us remember the words of the psalmist who wrote “That the earth is the Lords, the fullness thereof, the world and aa those who dwell within.”
For all the situations and conditions that are happening in this world too numerous to mention may we recognise individually and collectively that ALL life is Holy. All Life is Sacred, All life is precious in your eyes.
Whilst mankind has sought to see separation and division we, here, know that we were created to see all things as equal.
To see unity in all of your creation; to see the Oneness that exists because we all come from Your Spirit; the One Life, the One Presence, the One Power that is everywhere present.
Mother Father God as we consciously come into communion with You this morning releasing anything that is troubling us.
Releasing our doubts, our fears worries and concerns. Releasing anything that separates us from the remembrance that right where we are Your Presence is.
That right where we are, we’re living, moving and having our being in the Divine Omniscience, Omnipresent, Omnipotence that is Spirit. That is Life, that is God, that is You, that is right where we are!
Let us instead take our attention away from what is troubling us. Whatever it is we’re confused about or causing us dismay and come back into alignment and remembrance of this truth.
Mother Father God, as we let these words sink in and permeate within us, we remember we are to walk by faith and not by sight.
We are to put our confidence in you and not put our trust in man who’s breath is in his nostrils.
So we pray for the governments across the world that they truly come back to the remembrance that they are there to serve the people and not serve their individual desires or greed.
We pray for those who are seeking more and more power, that are harming the people in ways we cannot even conceive of.
We pray that Humanity awakens - awakens before it’s too late. That the precocious resources that our earth holds is not unlimited and that there is enough for every mans need not every mans greed.
That we truly move beyond the idea of separation and separateness and me and mine to we and us and ours.
That we see ourselves joined together with one another, with those different from us by race or creed, or culture or religion.
As we know Oneness we know that you are the One of which we are all a part of. So let us open our hearts to this truth to this remembrance and live and love and express from it.
Mother Father God for anything I have failed to ask I know you will not fail to bless us with. For it is your good pleasure to give us the kingdom that contains all good.
For your Infinite Grace, your Endless Blessings and Eternal Mercies we are ever grateful.
And so it is Amen.
03/03/2022 - Midweek Prayer
Good morning and welcome to out 10@10.
Bring your attention to your breath, the gentle inhalation and exhalation, the ebbing and the flow, the contraction and the expansion.
Always at this time I like to remind you of the words of Job who said “ It is the Spirit of God that has made me, it is the breath of the Almighty that gives me life!”
So let us be conscious as we take the next 3 deep breaths in, that we are breathing in the Presence, the Power the All-ness that is God in us as us. That is our very breath.
As you bring your attention down into the cave of the heart, the monastery of the soul, the sanctuary of the Spirit take a moment to acknowledge with gratitude the incredible work that our heart continues to do with out us consciously directing it.
Inhale Lower the diaphragm extend the stomach, and breathe in the life giving energising breath of God - Hold - gently slowly release.
Take a moment to be intentional that for the next 10 minutes or so you are consciously choosing to commune with the ground of your being God in you as you. Inhale - hold - gently slowly release.
As we take our third and final deep breath in leaving the world of outer distractions and connecting with the Ground of our being, let us be fully present. Inhale - hold - gently slowly release.
This morning I’m sharing Psalm 61 from Psalms for praying by Nan C. Merrill
Divine Beloved, Ground of being, Source of all that is.
As we consciously come into your presence this morning, as the author writes you who are the Love of peace, the Love and the Mind the Love and the Intelligence the Love that is everything Love; not only this Love that is this galaxy but of the whole cosmos as well.
Your Love that is the ground of our being, your Love that permeates in and through every cell of our being. Your love is that which renews and energises.
We are made in the image and likeness of that Love, we are born to express and experience that Love.
As we consciously come into communion with you this morning we ask that your dissolve and dissipate anything that blocks us from realising that Love that is at our centre; that Love that is unchanging and unchangeable at our core. That love that is infinite and all encompassing that is right where we are.
Mother Father God as we consciously come into your Presence this morning, we surrender all our concerns, all that’s disturbing, or causing us anxiety or worry.
Whether if be that which is personal for our life, our relationships, our well being or whether it be for the greater - for our world and all that is happening.
For the confusion and conflict, the greed and the power grabbing, for it all as we bring it before the Throne of Grace this morning surrendering and releasing and renewing into the remembrance and reminder of our oneness with You.
This Lenten period we have committed to deepening in our relationship with You. This Lenten period we are committed to releasing whatever beliefs or erroneous ideas, thoughts that we have that diminish our understanding, truth and alignment of You at the centre of our being.
This Lenten period may we renew our consciousness allowing the Mind that was in Christ Jesus not only to be in us but to operate through us.
For the next 40 days or so we are preparing ourselves to deepen in you like never before.
Fasting from all that is limiting, destructive or negative in our consciousness; that we may feast on the truth, the remembrance of the aligning with You. You who are the ground of our being, who’s Life is our life and who’s Love we live, move and have our being in.
Mother Father God as we prepare ourselves this lenten period to be the expressions of your Spirit, your Love, your Infinite Intelligence here on earth at this time; let our hearts and minds remain open to whatever revelations you may make to us.
Let our hearts and minds remain open to the truth that reveals itself in infinite ways.
Let our hearts and minds remain open to the Oneness, the All-ness that is right where we are.
Mother Father God as always whatever we ask for ourselves, we are asking for all. We include the entirety of your creation in our thoughts and prayers this morning.
For those that are in need of healing whether it be physically, mentally, emotionally. For those in need of shelter, safety and peace we hold them in our hearts. For our Governments our leaders for those in power we hold them in our hearts.
Mother Father God you know what to do and how to do it; so we surrender all our needs at this time to You!
For your infinite Grace, endless Blessings and eternal Mercies we are ever grateful. And so it is Amen