Body Meditation

Midweek Prayer
24 /02/22

Buddhist Reflections and Prayer of Intention

Movement Prayer

24 February 2022 - Midweek Prayer transcript

If you prefer to listen to the recording instead, please go here.

Good morning welcome to our 10@10. Bring your attention to your breath - the inhalation and exhalation the expansions and the contraction. Always I like to remind you of the words of Job who said “ It is the Spirit of God that has made me it is the breath of the Almighty that gives my life!” So as we take the next three deep breaths let’s be aware that we’re breathing in the Life giving energising breath of God. Inhale - lower the diaphragm , extend the stomach and take in the Life giving energising breath of God. Hold (10secs) Exhale. 

Now bring your attention down into the cave of the heart, the monastery of the Spirit the sanctuary of the soul. 

Take a moment to acknowledge with gratitude the work of the heart - Inhale slowly - Hold 10 secs Exhale. As we take our third and final deep breath in let us  take a moment to be intentional that the time we’ve come together is to deepen in our connection with the Ground of Being God in us as us. Inhale slowly Hold 10 secs Exhale gently. 

the This morning I’m sharing Psalm 52 for Psalms for praying an Invitation to Wholeness by Nan C Merrill

Mother Father God as we consciously come into your presence this morning to align ourselves with the truth of who we are and whose we are; that we are sons and daughters of the most high God!

We are made in the image and likeness of the Divine Creator. The image and likeness of health, wholeness and perfect and right expression. 

As we come into this alignment of the truth of who we are and who’s we are, we remember that all that God is we are and God is Good and Very Good! 

As we come into this union with you this morning with you, we know that there is so much going on in our lives and the lives of our loved ones, friends and family, the lives of our Community, nation and the lives of all that exist in this world. 

We know that there are wars, rumours of wars, threats of war and escalations of wars. 

We hold in our hearts the people of the Ukraine and the peoples wherever there is conflict. 

We hold in our hearts those people who are having to run and seek shelter and safety.

We hold in our hearts those people who are experiencing food scarcity. 

We hold in our hearts those people who are without food, shelter or heat or the basic necessities for life. 

We hold in our hearts our world and all sentient beings, the winged, the hoofed, the finned, the two legged and four legged, we’re all part of the One Life, the One Presence the OnePower that is the Divine Beloved Creator of all that is.

As we recognise our oneness with You and with all creation. Let us open our hearts for the peace for the love, for the acceptance for the unity for the joy that is at the core of our being to resonate out into the world; that’s in great need at this time. 

Mother Father God for those that are governing us, for those that are in political power, may they seek to be all that they’re meant to be when they were elected into office.  May  they seek to be the servants of the people. May they seek not abuse their power or position. 

Mother Father God there are not enough words for me to express thee needs of us individually or collectively. There are not enough words to express the allness and the needs of each and every one. 

But I know you know  what we have need of even before we have need of it. We know that it is Your good pleasure to give us the kingdom. Our teacher and way shower said that we were to cast our burdens on you, for you care for us.

Mother Father God, as we surrender every need, every want every desire, every wish to you now, we know that each and everything will be met in perfect and timely ways. 

We know that as we keep our hearts in you and our minds stayed on you, we shall experience the Peace that passes all Human understanding. For your Infinite Grace your Endless Blessings, your  Eternal Mercies we are ever grateful And so it And so it is And so it is Amen.

Body Meditation - Sunday Soul Connection

Body meditation

Inhale Affirm to yourself this is my breath as I breathe deeper.


Affirm to yourself this is my breath as I breathe out slower.

Repeat three times.

Then place your hand and attention on each of the following parts of your body and take a moment to acknowledge the extraordinary work it does without you being conscious of it.

As you inhale say to yourself this is my breath as I breathe in… and exhale this is my breath as I breathe out… 


Acknowledge gratitude for the heart pumping life giving blood

Inhale: This is my breath as I breathe in Love 

Exhale: This is my breath as I breath out Cruelty 

Inhale: This is my breath as I breathe in Joy

Exhale: This is my breath as I breath out Impatience


Acknowledge gratitude for eliminating waste & toxic substances out of body

Inhale: This is my breath as I breathe in Gentleness

Exhale: This is my breath as I breath out Fear

Inhale: This is my breath as I breathe in Calmness

Exhale: This is my breath as I breath out Stress


Acknowledge gratitude Detoxifies the blood & combats infections 

Inhale: This is my breath as I breathe in Kindness

Exhale: This is my breath as I breath out Anger

Inhale: This is my breath as I breathe in Generosity

Exhale: This is my breath as I breath out Frustration


Acknowledge gratitude as it brings in air from the atmosphere and pass oxygen into the bloodstream.

Inhale: This is my breath as I breathe in Honesty

Exhale: This is my breath as I breath out Depression

Inhale: This is my breath as I breathe in Courage

Exhale: This is my breath as I breath out Sadness


Acknowledge gratitude for how it stores, mixes & breakdowns food!

Inhale: This is my breath as I breathe in Fairness

Exhale: This is my breath as I breath out Anxiety

Inhale: This is my breath as I breathe in Trust

Exhale: This is my breath as I breath out Worry

Take a moment to acknowledge all of the systems of the body: skeletal, nervous, muscular, respiratory, endocrine, immune, cardiovascular/circulatory, urinary, integumentary, reproductive, and digestive systems.

Now affirm:

The divine within me is wholeness, and my mind reflects this wholeness into every organ, every function,  every action, every reaction of my physical being, renewing it after the perfect pattern – the Christ within me.

Buddhist Reflections and Prayer of Intention

If anyone has hurt or harmed me knowingly or unknowingly in thought word or deed, I freely forgive them and I ask forgiveness 
If I have hurt or harmed anyone, knowingly or unknowingly in thought word or dee.

I forgive the past and close the door.
I forgive all and resentment is dissolved.
I forgive myself and I’m at peace.
I accept myself and I am free.

May I feel protected and safe contented and at peace.
May my physical body provide me with strength.
May my life unfold smoothly and with ease.

May I be happy, May I be peaceful, May I be free.
May my friends be happy, may they be at peaceful, may they be free.
May those that challenge me be happy, may they be peaceful, may they be free.
May all beings be happy, may they be peaceful, may they be free.

Prayer of Intention

I am the light of God, with in & with out, radiating brightly.
I am the love of God, with in & with out expressing unconditionally.
I am the power of God within & without manifesting exuberantly!
I am the presence of God with in & with out eternal and unceasingly!

Movement Prayer - Sunday Soul Connection

Movement Prayer

You may wish to do this movement prayer at any time before doing so take 3 deep breaths and then commence.

±1 Movement Prayer

Stretch your hands toward the sky and wriggle your fingers and affirm aloud: 
I open myself to Life all around me.
Cross your hands at your wrist palms down, over your heart affirm aloud: 
I am one with love, and all that love is.
Bring your hands together as if in prayer, in front of your lips affirm aloud: 
I speak only words of health and wholeness.
Drop your hands to your sides, palms open, facing outwards affirm aloud:
I give thanks for all good things flowing to me. 
Bend your elbows and make small circles with your wrists. affirm aloud:
I release and let go, and so it is.  
Take a deep breath and be blessed!

±2 Movement Prayer

Stretch your hands toward the sky and wriggle your fingers and affirm aloud: 
I’m enthusiastic about life and living.
Cross your hands at your wrist palms down, over your heart affirm aloud:
I am loving, loved and lovable.
Bring your hands together as if in prayer, in front of your lips affirm aloud: 
I speak only words that are life-giving and energising.
Drop your hands to your sides, palms open, facing outwards affirm aloud:
I give thanks for my abundant good.
Bend your elbows and make small circles with your wrists affirm aloud:
I release all limiting and erroneous thoughts.  
Take a deep breath and be blessed!

±3 Movement Prayer

Stretch your hands toward the sky and wriggle your fingers and affirm aloud: 
I am one with all that is.
Cross your hands at your wrist palms down, over your heart affirm aloud: 
I am love expressing in human form.
Bring your hands together as if in prayer, in front of your lips affirm aloud: 
I speak only words that uplift and are positive.
Drop your hands to your sides, palms open, facing outwards affirm aloud:
I’m grateful for every blessing in my life. 
Bend your elbows and make small circles with your wrists affirm aloud:
I release all limiting thoughts and beliefs.
Take a deep breath and be blessed!

±4 Movement Prayer

Stretch your hands toward the sky and wriggle your fingers and affirm aloud: 
I open myself to the Oneness of all of Life.
Cross your hands at your wrist palms down, over your heart and affirm aloud:
I radiate love to all who I meet.
Bring your hands together as if in prayer, in front of your lips affirm aloud: 
I speak only words that affirm the quality of life I want.
Drop your hands to your sides, palms open, facing outwards affirm aloud: 
I’m continuously grateful for all my blessings seen and unseen.
Bend your elbows and make small circles with your wrists affirm aloud:
I let go of any real or perceived shortcomings I may have.
Take a deep breath and be blessed!