Good Morning and welcome to Dr Ing’s Sunday Soul Connection. As always, we like to begin our time together by setting the intention with Naturally Seven and Let it be.
I applaud you for taking the next 45 minutes or so out of your busy Sunday to consciously choose to deepen in communion with the Ground of Being God in you as you and we continue with our series, the deeper themes of God.
As I've been reflecting on this subject, I realised that each of the words, albeit limited in the use of language, to define and describe the deeper things of God, each of them had a separate or another connotation.
So we started with love, which represented adoration, the adoration that God has for each and every one of us. Followed by Light. Again, that is illumination. How can we allow the light of God within us to illuminate our consciousness, how our words and our truths and beliefs can be manifested?
This morning, as we look at the deeper things of God we're looking at the word of God, which will represents creation.
We're all familiar by now. From first John, “in the beginning was the Word, the Word was God and the Word was with God. That all things were made through Him and without Him was nothing made that had been made.
The word is that vehicle that transforms, or transports, the thoughts that we are holding in consciousness, the thoughts that are in the realm of the unformed brought out into the world where they can be manifested.
It can manifest in various ways as in that the quote I shared with you yesterday. It has the energy to help, to heal, to hinder, to harm, to humiliate, to humble, to bless, to curse.
Jesus was very clear about the power of our words. When he reminded us “by our words we would be justified, and by our words we would be condemned.
See, when we look at the creation story in Genesis when God was creating, God said, Let there be and it was so whether it was the light, whether it was separating the Earth, or the waters from the earth, or even when he said let me create man in my own image and likeness.
You see, we forget the creative power, the energy that lies in words. It also reminds us in the Bible, that whilst the tongue is a little member, it can cause a mighty flame. It can set fire because we are so sometimes unconscious of the words we are using or how we are using them.
We can become selective when really using our words to create the life we want. One of our Sunday -Soul-ers reminded me last week that I was to practice what I preach when I was sharing with her how the cat had brought a mouse indoors and in my attempt to rescue it, it escaped into my bedroom. I forgotten to use the power of the word for the mouse and for myself, to affirm divine order and the highest and the best of both myself and the mouse.
I was more focused on just wanting the mouse removed out of the house; it is a reminder that truly we have to be conscious of how we are using the word, for it is one of the deepest things of God, as it is how we create.
It is that power in the Word that we have divine authority, to create using the spirit, the energy, the life-force, the creative energy, intelligence, that is God. We direct God with our words, and our thoughts and words are merely our thoughs given to language.
It is something so simple, yet something which we continuously overlook time and time again. It was not for nothing that Jesus was speaking to the fact our words can create, can uplift, can praise, can glorify, can inspire; and our words when used critically, can have such a negative impact, can be destructive, can be debilitating.
We are using these words day in day out and sometimes we're so unconscious of the effect of the words that we are using. We fall into the pattern of using certain words because they seem to be colloquial or hip at the moment. I cannot bear or stand to use the term something “is to die for.” That is such a misuse of the power of your words; and yet people continuously use it even though they know, or something is “drop dead gorgeous”.
We have to understand that words, are our creative our power, and it is one of the deepest things of God. We have the power at our disposal. To use or misuse, to uplift or to condemn, to praise or to destroy and it isn't necessarily what you might be saying about someone else, or something else. But what you might thinking and feeling about your own self.
The word is a powerful creative tool that you have been given, and given with free will to use how you will. If you choose to use your words to direct the Creative Intelligence, the Divine Infinite and Absolute Mystery that is exist at the centre of your being to create a life that is in-harmonious or not in accordance with what you want. Then don't blame God. God is neutral. Like the air you are breathing. It is only blocked or withheld when something is forcibly stopping it.
Whether you are holding your nose or you put a bag over your head or whatever it is. You are the one that is blocking the free flow of the air that is freely given; and it is the same with the Creative Intelligence that is utilised through your thoughts and words.
You are directing It as to what you want from It. You see one of the phrases Jesus often said and I love he said “you will know the tree by the fruit it bares”. You can tell someone by what is going on with them. What is happening to them or for them. Because you can see that they are speaking the word that create the life they are having.
They are holding the thoughts with which is either uplifting or destroying them! People like to offload blame on to something or someone else ie the stars or the government or… but when we know that we have to take responsibility for the thoughts that we are holding and the words that we are speaking so that we can create the life that we want.
We can no longer blame something on someone for what is not right. For what's not going our way. We can talk about this subject forever and ever, but talking will do us no good until we start to apply it; until we stop to take heed that our words have the power and the energy to manifest in our lives whatever it is we are giving it direction to.
Sacred Text
For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. Col. 1:15-16
Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. John 1:3
So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it Isaiah 55:11.
Each of these speaking to the power of the Creative Intelligence that is Spirit, that comes and express through your word that shall make and bring forth everything that is seen from the unseen; there is nothing, no thing that is not created that is an existence, that has not come through this dDivine Creative Intelligence that exists right where you are. That is everywhere present at every point in space and time.
I don't know how many times we have spoken about the power of the word. But I trust that as we understand that this is truly a deeper aspect of God, to understand to realise to accept and to put into practice this incredible tool we've been given, to use our words in alignment with the life we want to create, that which we want to experience, that which we want.
If we recall the story of Ezekiel when God tells Ezekiel to speak to the dry bones, we know that as he did so, bone joined to bone and sinew became attached to bone and muscle attached to the sinews. Because there is power in your word, there is power in the words that you are speaking there is power in the words because they are the vehicle to which your thoughts are given expression to.
Poem - The Dry Bones by Mark Walters
Breathe in the new life, His army to raise
Breathe on the dry bones, rise up from the grave
Speak boldly that flesh and sinews may cover
Speak life that the lips, long dead may deliver
Words borne of God, seed a new generation
Words borne of self, cede our own desperation
This gift is a treasure more precious and true
The gift He would give to a dead world is you
Speak, for His harvest is calling to you
Speak out His words, they are faithful and true
Must the rocks cry out, is there no one to stand?
You are Ezekiel to this day of man
I love, love, love how that poem is speaking including us to speak to the dry things in our life. The things that need to be regenerated and rejuvenated. Each and every one of us has dry bones which we need to speak that Divine Creative Word to be for our health physically or financially or emotionally or spiritually. It doesn't matter what it is, be it for our world and everything that is going on.
We need to speak our word like Ezekiel did to the dry bones to remember that this this is one of the deeper things of God. That spirit is constantly revealing to us.
So my stories I want to use some of the illustrations of Jesus of how he spoke into existence, from the unformed into the manifest world as form. We all know about Jairus daughter, the father came and asked Jesus to come and heal and as he was going, people came and said that she was dead, so don't bother to waste your time. to just reach Jesus who spoke the world she's not dead but nearly sleeping. Jesus knew the power of His Word to speak that which he wants so that he could bring it forth into the world of form.
We know that he went put everybody at the room took hold of the daughter's hand and said come forth child get up and she did so.
We all know the story of the centurion who servant was gravely ill and he came and said to Jesus I'm not worthy, but simply speak the word. He knew the energy and the vibration that Jesus could speak forth, didn't even need him to be present in front of his servant. But that Creative Intelligence that is everywhere present would do the work. Once you speak the word with faith believing.
We know the story of Lazarus when he told that he was gravely ill, Jesus didn't rush, but lingered a further three days. So that he could prove how speaking the word, speaking into existence that which was not as if it were.
Again, He looked at the appearances when he did finally arrive and they told him that Lazarus was dead. He responded No he's not. Do you not believe that spoke the words Lazarus come out.
At the pool of Bethsaida where a man that has been there for 38 years, and when Jesus asked him do you wish to be healed? the man complained about how he had no one to help him when the waters were stirred up. Jesus asked a simple question, do you wish to be healed and then spoke the word “get up, pick up your mat and walk”.
Mark 7:31-37 - Jesus Heals a Deaf and Mute Man
31 Then Jesus left the vicinity of Tyre and went through Sidon, down to the Sea of Galilee and into the region of the Decapolis.[a] 32 There some people brought to him a man who was deaf and could hardly talk, and they begged Jesus to place his hand on him.
33 After he took him aside, away from the crowd, Jesus put his fingers into the man’s ears. Then he spit and touched the man’s tongue. 34 He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him, “Ephphatha!” (which means “Be opened!”). 35 At this, the man’s ears were opened, his tongue was loosened and he began to speak plainly.
36 Jesus commanded them not to tell anyone. But the more he did so, the more they kept talking about it. 37 People were overwhelmed with amazement. “He has done everything well,” they said. “He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”
As I always say Jesus is our greatest example of what we can achieve. For he told us that we would do greater work than he did. If Jesus could speak the word in each of those examples to make the deaf hear, the mute to talk, the blind to see, the dead to come forth, the sick to be healed.
Science of Mind Reading
What are you speaking into your life? What are you speaking into existence? What are you using this Divine Creative Intelligence that is at your disposal to create for you?
Beloveds, as we truly, seek to embrace and embody this deepest thing of God our word of God, the creation of God. Let us make it truly our practice to be more diligent in what we are speaking to, to what we are creating for ourselves. To what we are bringing forth from the unformed world of thoughts and ideas into the manifest world of expression.
You've been given this wonderful tool, you've been given also, another tool of free will and choice so choose your words carefully. Recognise and remember the Creative Intelligence that is imbued in them. For they are the vehicles that bring your thoughts out from the world of the unformed into the expression and experience of the formed.
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