Good Morning and welcome to Dr Ing’s Sunday Soul Connection,
As always I like to applaud you for taking the next 45 minutes out of your busy Sunday to consciously come together, linking hearts and minds with other like minded souls.
This work that we do as we are gathered here today, whether you believe it or not, as we are expand and evolve in consciousness, it ripples out to impact the greater world around us.
So my beloveds we continue our deep dive into the deepest things of God. The sacred texts that we shared last week spoke about that it is the Spirit that searches all things, that we can know the deep things of God.
So this week, we are looking at wisdom. Last year, we studied wisdom as one of the 12 powers represented by the disciple James. As we studied that quality, we recognised that it was wisdom that was able to discern and wisdom that was able to utilise good judgement.
But that is not the wisdom that we are going to address today. As always, I like to remind you that we are using finite language to interpret and express that which is Infinite. That which is beyond language. I'm sure we've all had the experience that when we have “heard from God”, that wasn't necessarily in words more of a feeling and a knowing. Whatever it is that was presented to us. But as we only have language or words at this moment, we will try our best to utilise them to their fullest.
So let us kick off with our:
James 3:17
However, the wisdom that comes from above is first of all pure, then peace-loving, gentle, willing to yield, full of compassion and good deeds, and without a trace of partiality or hypocrisy. Now, I certainly think that that's a deeper definition of wisdom than anything that perhaps we have applied when we think of wisdom for ourselves or you know.
So let's break that down. It's pure, the wisdom of God is pure. Meaning that it's not contaminated with thoughts that are wicked or evil or something that has contradictory elements to it. It's free from all of the stuff.
It says wisdom that makes sense that it is peace loving. The wisdom of God is not based in anger, criticism, condemnation, or any of the things that sometimes test and expresses through us when we think we’re acting with wisdom.
The sacred text says it is gentle meaning it's kind, it's tender. It's accommodating. It can surrender. We all need to access the wisdom of God, which encompasses so much more than our ordinary everyday wisdom.
We need that wisdom that is pure, that is peace loving, that is gentle, that is willing, that is compassionate, that is impartial.
We need to be able to stand in that wisdom when whatever we are confronting, whatever situation or person that is in front of us that may be challenging us, to be so anchored in the wisdom of God, that our ego does not swerve us to one side.
We know that we can ask God for more wisdom because the sacred text says that we are to allow the Spirit of God to guide us, to direct or to give us what we need. I love that in the book of James, it tells us that “any one of us lacks wisdom that we should ask God, who gives to all generously.”
When we’re empowered with His/ wisdom, we don't need to muddle along using our own finite limited way of thinking but can access the wisdom of God is ever and always available
When we are in a situation, if we can take a moment to ask for the wisdom of God to guide us, the outcome will be so much different, I would like to think so much better.
One of the things that I'm trying to emphasise, is that when we are accessing the wisdom of God, we're accessing an Intelligence that is so beyond anything and everything that we could even conceive of.
Our Volkswagen Squareback bounced over the sand and rocks, leaving a cloud of dust in our wake. I looked over at my wife, Sue. The sun was bright and the sky was clear—perfect conditions for off-roading. Back then, in 1984, Sue and I were living in southeastern California, right on the border of the Anza Borrego Desert State Park. The scenery was majestic, but not without its dangers. Summer temperatures could rise above 125Ft and it was no place for tourists to go off-road without sufficient preparation for getting stuck or lost. Heat stroke or dehydration could be deadly. As could the rattlesnakes and scorpions one might encounter.
Sue and I always took a day bag with us, packed with snacks, water, sunscreen and a first aid kit. We’d also had a car specially modified for driving in the desert. With it, we could go anywhere a dune buggy or Jeep could go. That day, we drove about 20 miles into the park and up through a beautiful stretch of dry wash. Around midday, we stopped to stretch our legs. As usual, we had the desert to ourselves for as far as we could see. When the spirit moved us, we hopped back into the car. But when I turned the key in the ignition…nothing happened. I tried again. And again. Nothing. I could see Sue was thinking the same thing: The engine wouldn’t start back up today.
Our Volkswagen had one odd quirk. Roughly once a year, it would refuse to start. If left overnight, the engine would run just fine the next morning. We’d taken it to two different mechanics and a VW dealership. But no one could find anything wrong with our car. Because it happened so rarely, we’d just learned to live with it. But it had never happened suddenly, when it had been running reliably.
What now? I hadn’t seen a soul on our drive out here, and we had no way to call for help.
“We could walk back to town,” Sue said. “Flag someone down.”
“That’ll take hours.”
Sue took my hand. “Let’s pray,” she said. Together, we bowed our heads. I took a deep breath, willing my thoughts to stop racing.”Please God give us guidanceShow us what to do. And get us home safely. Amen.”
Poem: Empty Me by Ted Loader from Guerillas of Grace
Eager not to waste any more daylight, we quickly gathered the supplies. We were about to set off when Sue called my name. “Look!” she cried, pointing to the horizon. Sure enough, coming up through the wash, there was...something, getting closer. It wasn’t long before I could make out what it was—a dune buggy! And it was heading straight for us!
There was a man in the driver’s seat. Not a local. Our community was small, and I didn’t recognize him at all. “You folks need help?” he asked.
“Do we ever!” said Sue.
“Can you give us a ride back into town?” I asked. “Our car won’t start again until it sits overnight.”
“Mind if I take a look?”
I knew it was hopeless, but I didn’t want to be rude to a stranger trying to help. The engine cover was already off, so he could see for himself.
He barely examined the engine before he said, “I know what’s wrong.” It had something to do with our “solenoid switch.” . We’d need a long screwdriver with an insulated handle to bypass the solenoid and create a direct connection between the starter motor and the ignition switch. “Lucky for you,” the man said, “I have that tool with me.”
Science of Mind Reading
The man got to work, and the engine roared to life. My jaw dropped. The man gave us a big smile. “Don’t stop again until you get the car home.”
We thanked him profusely.
“Please, at least let me pay you!” I called after him.
He shook his head. “Just glad to help.” And with that, he climbed into his dune buggy and roared off, continuing the way he’d been going—past us and deeper into the desert.
“That was an angel,” Sue said. I couldn’t disagree. And even if he wasn’t, if it was just a VW expert who happened to be passing by, he had to have been sent by heaven. Because what were the odds that it was all just coincidence? All these years later, I’m still astounded.
Who could have imagined that in the middle of the desert, a man would turn up just at the right time just with the light tool and would know what to do.
If that is not the wisdom of God that is at work, - the God that knows what to do, how to do it, and when to do it, then I don't know what is.
When things happen that we consider that miraculous, or we can’t explain we say that was a coincidence, and if you know me well enough, you know that I always say there's no such thing as coincidence. There is simply a higher working of the law that is unchanging and invisible, which we don’t often utilise and so when we experience it, we think it’s incredible and amazing!
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Get yourself out of the way, and let joy have more space.
May The Mind of God always guide us.
May we always remember The Life of God that flows through us.
May we always align with The Power of God that abides in us.
May The Joy of God always ever uplift us.
May we always allow The Strength of God to renew us.
May The Beauty of God always inspire us.
May we always deepen into the deeper things of God.
And May we always know Wherever we are, God is & that all is well!
Song: Brandon Lake Just like heaven