The true definition of the Law of Attraction is like attracts like.
Whatever you give your emotional energy and attention to, is what will come back to you.
Demonstrates how we create the things, events and people that come into our lives Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energies which, in turn attract like energies. Negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract positive energies.
The Law of Attraction is like gravity. You see it every minute of every day. It is always influencing and impacting you and your life.
The Law of Attraction governs everything within our abundant Universe. It does not discriminate. It only exists with perfection whether you like it or not.
“To let life happen to you is irresponsible. To create your day is your divine right”
The law of attraction is all about vibration. Everything is vibrational, your thoughts, your ideas, every being. You will draw to you whatever vibration matches yours, wanted or unwanted.” Anonymous
“What the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind of man can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill Conceive, Believe Achieve
“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Proof of a belief in the Law of Attraction can be found in early Christian, Hindu, and Buddhist writings. For example, some interpret Jesus’ teachings as describing our “limitless power to create.” Buddha also said, “All that we are is a result of what we have thought.” These thinkers perhaps believed that human thoughts could shape reality. The Law of Attraction’s true formative period started in the early 19th century, as the concept took shape, and became more widespread. It became to be known as the New Thought Movement.
Ralph Waldo Trine’s “In Tune with the Infinite.” Published in 1897, the book sold millions of copies and gained Trine a wide following, including from the automobile industrialist Henry Ford. Trine emphasized that happiness was largely a matter of positive thinking. As he noted in his book,
“If one holds themselves in the thought of poverty they will be poor, and the chances are that they will remain in poverty. If one holds themselves, whatever present conditions may be, continually in the thought of prosperity, they set into operation forces that will sooner or later bring them into prosperous conditions.”
Sacred Text
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Mark 11:24 Conceive, Believe Achieve
“All that we are is the result of what we have thought.” – Buddha Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.
The first and easiest way to use the law of attraction is to use The Focus, Feel, and Expect Process.
Focus and Identify on what you want to attract into your life. (Happiness, Money, Success, Love…) and eliminate anything negative
Feel what it feels like as if you already have that thing in your life now. Create and raise your vibrational level using denials and affirmations listen to SSC 23/2/20Denials & Affirmations
Practice the 369 manifestation method
3 times in the morning
6 times throughout the day
9 times in the evening
3. Expect it to show up in your life. Live in the expectancy of it manefesting
Thus one can say that the creation carries within it the intelligence of the creator. We can even say that the creator exists within the creation and the creation exists within the creator. Thus we begin to realize that the power of the universe is contained within us and that we are intricately connected to the universe. And in order to understand the universe, one needs to simply understand their own self and vice versa.
This verse can also be applied to the human mind and the law of attraction. What you believe in your subconscious mind (microcosm) is what makes up your external world (macrocosm). And the external world constantly feeds your subconscious mind. So in order to change your life, you need to constantly stay aware of the beliefs in your subconscious mind.
In simple, the law of correspondence is the interconnection, an invisible communication you are having with the universe.
The connection between your subconsciousness and your physical being, your physical world and the invisible energy around you.
Your outer world of wealth, relationships, people around you, everything is determined by what you see of them in your subconscious mind.
You are creating your outside world by what you are thinking of it to be inside your head.
Law of vibration vs. law of attraction.
You might be wondering, how is this law different from the law of attraction?, as they are similar—and can even work together.
The law of vibration is the first law that must happen before the law of attraction; in creating that vibration within yourself, you invoke the law of vibration deliberately, and only then can the law of attraction happen."
The law of vibration is about matching the specific frequency of what you're looking for, and the law of attraction takes this idea a bit further by allowing you to "create [the frequency] within yourself by any means, like visualization, meditation, or affirmations,"
At the end of the day, whenever we're manifesting, we do need to work with these two laws so we can both attract and vibrate at the same level as what we want.
"What you align with vibrationally is easier to attract,"
Science of Mind Reading
Story and Poem
My name is Joe Rapisarda. I am the author of the bestselling book, Awaken your power. My entire life I have had an insatiable curiosity about the dormant potentials of the human mind. I’ve always felt that we, as human beings, have so much more potential mental ability than what we are currently using as a society. In 2003, I began to intensify my quest for knowledge and it lead me on an amazing journey of discovery. My studies took me to seemingly unrelated subjects like religion, spirituality, quantum physics, psychology, and wisdom teachings. What I learned astonished me! I learned that the human mind is capable of so much more than just thinking and feeling. It also has the ability to align and attract energy into our lives. This energy manifests into our reality as the people, situations, and events we experience in our every day lives. Simply put – I discovered that we have the ability influence the reality we experience through the thoughts we think.
Once I learned the fundamentals of this power, I spent the next few years testing it out in my own life. I was given many sink-or-swim type challenging situations where I was forced to use this power to improve my life. I have used this power in my life. These feats include but are not limited to being able to:
Recover from sickness and injury.
Prevent sickness.
Overcome financial hardships.
Find success in business.
Attracting the woman of his dreams
Become a millionaire.
Become a black belt in karate at school where less than 1% of the students achieve that rank.
Find the perfect woman for me.
Write a bestselling self-help book with no previous writing experience.
overcome daunting life challenges such as attracting unique ways to heal from Thyroidism and Adrenal Exhaustion / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Find balance in all aspects of life.
The list goes on…
Today I use this power in everyday life. I use it to achieve goals and I use it to overcome the obstacles that life sometimes present me with.
My point in sharing this information with you is to show you that I have achieved positive results in my own life using this power, and you can too.
One night while I was writing my book, I woke up from a dream with the inspiration for a poem about the law of attraction.
As fast as I could, I grabbed a pen and a notepad and began to write down the lines to a poem. When I was finished I looked in amazement at the simplicity and wisdom of the words. It covers all the basic things a person needs to know about the law of attraction. I feel I can praise this poem without feeling like I am bragging because I don’t honestly believe I was the one who wrote it. Yes, it came from my mind, and my hand wrote it down, but I feel I was given this inspiration and knowledge by a higher power that was helping me write my book so I could help others. (Note: this was not an isolated incidence. Throughout the writing of my book, I felt I was channeling intuitive insight from unseen helpers.)
I decided to call the poem, “Thoughts Are Things”, because it shares how our thoughts are alive with energy and how they work to attract the future we experience. Here is the poem:
Thoughts are Things
Whatever you think, whatever you feel,
It doesn’t matter if it’s make-believe, or if it is real.
Thoughts are things that go out into the unknown
To bring you back whatever you’ve sown.
Positive thoughts vibrate high,
While negative thoughts vibrate low.
Just focus on your own thoughts to see how your future will go.
You see, your thoughts are a map of where you are headed,
And your feelings decide if that direction is welcome,
Or if it is dreaded.
So change how you think to change how you feel,
And watch how the universe attracts to you,
That which you have made real.
Here’s what the poem means:
Part 1. “Whatever you think, whatever you feel, it doesn’t matter if it’s make-believe or if it is real.”
This means that your subconscious mind cannot distinguish between what is real and what you are imagining. It interprets all your thoughts as “real” and it assumes that whatever you are thinking about you want in your life.
Part 2. “Thoughts are things that go out into the unknown to bring you back whatever you’ve sown.”
This means the energy (vibrational frequency) of your thoughts will align with the energy of whatever you are thinking about to attract people, situations, and events into your life that match the energy of your thoughts. The word “sown” was used because it means to plant a seed. The seeds of your thoughts tend to grow into the plants of reality.
Part 3. “Positive thoughts vibrate high, while negative thoughts vibrate low.”
This talks about the vibrational frequency of thoughts. Positive thoughts such as joy, love, compassion, appreciation and hope vibrate with a higher, lighter, and faster frequency. Negative thoughts such as anger, hate, worry, fear, and greed vibrate at a lower, slower, and heavier frequency. The amazing thing is that we , as human beings, get to choose our own frequency, and consequently the things we will attract, through the thoughts we think about.
Part 4. “Just focus on your own thoughts to see how your future will go. You see your thoughts are a map of where you are headed and your feelings decided if that direction is welcome or if it is dreaded.”
This means that your feelings are your built-in navigation system for using the law of attraction. If your feelings feel good to you then you are attracting energy that is helpful to you. If your feelings feel bad to you then you are attracting energy that is not good for you. It’s as simple as that. Learning to become aware of your feelings is a big step in learning to master the law of attraction.
Part 5. “So change how you think to change how you feel, and watch how the universe attracts to you that which you have made real.”
This means that if you don’t like the way your feelings feel to you, you can change the way you think to change the way you feel. When you change the way you feel, you change your energy and the energy you are attracting.
The last part, “and watch how the universe attracts to you that which you have made real”, closes up the poem by stating that your focus will attract physical manifestations in your life that mirror your thoughts.
I Know the Active Power of God One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.—EPHESIANS 4 : 6
The key thought for our meditation today is the idea that there is an active Presence of the creative Spirit in all our affairs—not something passive, but something that is moving in and through everything we do. We should affirm that this Divine Presence is everywhere, that It is always active in, around, and through us. AFFIRM: Believing that the Spirit is at the center of everything and at the very center of my own physical being, I recognize this Presence harmoniously acting in every cell, every organ, and every function of my physical body. I praise my body-temple, bless it, and know that every activity within it is in harmony with Divine Life. One Mind governs everything, and I now affirm and accept that this same Intelligence governs my affairs. It is within me and around me at all times, directing, guiding, governing, controlling, and leading me happily to the fulfillment of all good purposes.”g
I salute the God-Presence in everyone I meet, and I know that as surely as I do this, the Love dwelling in them responds to the same Presence that is within me. We act in a unison of peace and understanding. Recognizing all of nature as the handiwork of God, I see the beauty of His activity in everything—in the wind and the wave, in the sunshine and cloud, and in everything that God has created.”
“You are a volume in the divine book A mirror to the power that created the universe Whatever you want, ask it of yourself Whatever you’re looking for can only be found Inside of you” ― Rumi
circulated from the Boston College advent prayer list, 12/21/0
Our Father, Mother, who are in the world and surpass the world
Blessed be your presence, in us, in animals and flowers, in still air and wind.
May justice and peace dwell among us, as you come to us. Your will be our will;
You will that we be sisters and brothers, as bread is bread, water is itself
For our hunger, for quenching of thirst. Forgive us. We walk crookedly in the world, are perverse, and fail of our promise.
But we would be human, if only you consent to stir up our hearts.
Song: Believe - Fearless Soul