The law of perpetual transmutation of energy asserts that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Still, it changes from one state to another. This means that the energy in the universe is always transmuting into and out of form. At no time will the energy be standing still.
Many people do not realize that everything in the universe is an energy that is in constant motion Change is all there is in the universe.
The universal truth of this law is that lower energy can be actively transmuted into higher energy.
This law reminds us that there’s nothing to be afraid of because energy is always in flux and better still, you have the power to transmute (change) it.
“energy flows where attention goes” and that is the gist of this law. So by exercising your power to activate thoughts that serve you rather than the ones that don’t, you can transmute negative vibes first into neutral ones, and then into happier territory.
In 1842, Julius Robert Mayor coined the scientific law of conservation of energy. He said that energy could never be created nor destroyed. This revelation in physics is the first law of thermodynamics. These are the concepts upon which spiritual communities have dug deeper into the idea of energy. They discovered that scientific universal laws apply to these concepts. These principles order the entire universe.
All persons have within them the power to change the conditions of their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change
The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy states that energy is constantly moving, transmuting, or transferring, and it is always in motion (hence the word perpetual!). This continuous metamorphosis never stops; Everything is always changing and nothing stays constant. In addition to its constant state of movement, energy just ‘is’. It exists. It cannot disappear, it cannot go away, it cannot add to itself.
Water is great example of this law at work in our physical world. Water can transition into an ice cube, steam, clouds, rain, snow, but water never disappears from earth; it always exists. You cannot get rid of the energy that is water, you can only change (or transmute) its form.
The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy encourages us to take an active role in our emotional regulation. To do this, we begin the internal work to improve our actions and reactions. As we begin the internal work, we also need to assess our external environments. Notice the energetic quality of the things around you (friends, coworkers, partners, tv, podcasts, books, etc.). Positive or negative, energy is always transmuting, so protect your own.
Align yourself with the positive and the good within the world, and you will transmute the energy within yourself to match. When we begin to change for the better, we start to change the world for the better too.
Transmutation the process of changing from one nature, substance, form, or condition into another; transform. We see this transfer of energy all the time in the world around us: Forming an idea into product, ice into water, decay into life; energy can cycle within us, too.
“Grapes must be crushed to make wine, Diamonds form under pressure, Olives are pressed to release oil. Seeds grow in the darkness. Whenever you feel crushed, under pressure, pressed or in darkness, you’re in a powerful place of transformation and transmutation. Trust the Process.”
Without birth and death, and without the perpetual transmutation of all the forms of life, the world would be static, rhythm-less, un-dancing, mummified. Alan Watts
Everything is in flux: everything changes; the body changes, the soul changes. We are capable of extraordinary self-transmutation and internal self-transformation. Clive Barker
How to utilise this law
The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy states that energy is constant and always transferring, always changing the conditions around us. Use this law to change the conditions of your life to your advantage. Align yourself with the right external conditions, the right internal conditions, the right people, and the right emotions, and you will attract the things you desire.
Through positive thought, prayer and action you can manifest change.
You can turn sadness into happiness, poverty into wealth, or darkness into light. How powerful and wonderful would you feel if you could transmute all that lower, toxic energy or arguing, disagreeing and battling with your spouse or work colleague for example, into a household or workplace filled with love, peace , cooperation and harmony.
Higher frequencies transmute lower ones when applied with intention. Knowing this, we can actively seek to uplift negative energy around us by maintaining positive thoughts and actions.
Sacred Text
“... all things [are] evolving from other things, and resolving into other things..."
The Kybalion
The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Gen 1:2
The impermanent (objects of the senses) have no reality; reality lies in the eternal. Those who have seen the boundary between these two have attained the end of all knowledge.Realise that which pervades the Universe and is indestructible, no power can affect this unchanging and imperishable reality. Bhagavad Gita 2.16-17
“All people are like grass, and all their faithfulness is like the flowers of the field. The grass withers and the flowers fall, because the breath of the LORD blows on them. Surely the people are grass. The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” Isaiah 40:6-8
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17
I am the Lord thy God and I changeth not Malachi 3:6
God's immutability. That simply means that God is unchangeable. He is neither capable of nor susceptible to change of any kind. He is the unchanging God.
divine paradox - If paradox is taken as a holding together of two truths that seem contradictory, - can we resolve paradoxes ? They are and remain a mystery - the incomprehensibility of God two poles of our paradox are held in non-contradiction
Science of Mind Reading
Poem by Mark Hamilton
This coffee is like a miracle: oil-slick black, thick as night, a transmutation of water which has journeyed through deep earth to emerge, by a secret ministry, worlds different from before. Water has lifted out the spirit of the grounds. They brood together now, darkly locked, held by a spell that cannot be reversed. I drink: its force is a kick, a slap of the sea in a cave, lapping its secrets of ocean. I wreathe it round with the burning of tobacco: leaf turns to flame turns to smoke, rising like an offering, winnowing up… It stirs in me - like crystals of sugar revolving, dissolving - a cry for transmutation. My body and my mind are soothed, are roused - strangely both - but what can reach my spirit? The wind rattles at the window, there is a stirring abroad… God, or spirit, or presence, how can I pass my spirit through you, fuse myself into something new? Like coffee, like smoke, I cry, transmute my spirit too.
Story: The Seed of the Jack Pine by Howard Thurman
Meditations of the Heart, 1953, Beacon Press.
In response to a letter of inquiry addressed to a Canadian forester concerning the jack pine which abounds in British Columbia, the following statement was received: “Essentially, you are correct when you say that jack pine cones require artificial heat to release the seed from the cone. The cones often remain closed for years, the seeds retaining their viability. In the interior of the province, the cones which have dropped to the ground will open at least partly with the help of the sun’s reflected heat. However, the establishment of the majority of our jack pine stands has undoubtedly been established following forest fires. Seldom do the cones release their seed while on the tree.”
The seed of the jack pine will not be given up by the cone unless the cone itself is subjected to sustained and concentrated heat. The forest fire sweeps all before it and there remain but the charred reminders of a former growth and a former beauty. It is then in the midst of the ashes that the secret of the cone is exposed. The tender seed finds the stirring of life deep within itself–and what is deepest in the seed reaches out to what is deepest in life–the result? A tender shoot, gentle roots, until, at last, there stands straight against the sky the majestic glory of the jack pine.
It is not too far afield to suggest that there are things deep within the human spirit that are firmly imbedded, dormant, latent and inactive. These things are always positive, even though they may
be destructive rather than creative. But there they remain until our lives are swept by the forest fire: It may be some mindless tragedy, some violent disclosure of human depravity or some moment of agony in which the whole country or nation may be involved. The experience releases something that has been locked up within all through the years. If it be something that calls to the deepest things in life, we may, like the jack pine, grow tall and straight against the sky!
The Changeless Abides with Me. I Am Calm and Peaceful in the Midst of Confusion
I am the Lord, I change not. —MALACHI 3 : 6
The Tao, considered as unchanging, has no name. —TEXT OF TAOISM
We should realize that all the great scriptures have taught one identical message—the unity of good. All the sacred books have been inspired by the one Mind. Each in its own tongue has told the story of Reality. “I am the Lord, I change not,” was revealed to the Hebrew mystic. To the great Chinese sage came the same message, “The Tao cannot change, it has no name,” and to Hermes, God is in Itself, by Itself, full and perfect. Affirm: We now bring to this glorified conception and the realization that this Divine Being is the breath of my breath, omnipresent, forever within me, then I shall realize that we live in one eternal and perfect Mind. “There is no variableness in God since God is eternal, immortal, and infinite. Nevertheless God is that from which every transformation and transmutation arises.” This means that, while I live in the Eternal, which does not change, we are forever drawing from It the possibility of the manifold expressions that give variety to existence and that make living interesting. I know that the Changeless abides with me. I am calm and peaceful in the midst of confusion. I know that nothing moves the soul. Peace, infinite peace, is at the center of my being. I live, move, and have my being in that which is perfect, complete within Itself. That Self is my self.
Holmes, Ernest. 365 Science of Mind (pp. 541-543). 7/12
The Highest Secret of Transmutation of Soul!
First He pampered me with a hundred favours. Then He melted me with the fires of sorrows. After He sealed me with the seal of Love, I became Him. Then He threw myself out of me.
Translated by Maori and Polynesian people
Eternal Spirit,
Earth-maker, Pain-bearer, Life-giver,
Source of all that is and that shall be,
Father and Mother of us all,
Loving God, in whom is heaven:
The hallowing of your name echo through the universe;
The way of your justice be followed by the peoples of the world;
Your heavenly will be done by all created beings;
Your commonwealth of peace and freedom
sustain our hope and come on earth.
With the bread we need for today, feed us.
In the hurts we absorb from one another,
forgive us.
In times of temptation and test, strengthen us.
From trial too great to endure, spare us.
From the grip of all that is evil, free us.
For you reign in the glory of the power
that is love,
now and forever. Amen.
Song: It’s within you By Fearless Soul