"Don’t avoid extremes, and don’t choose any one extreme. Remain available to both the polarities - that is the art, the secret of balancing."
“But there is no energy unless there is a tension of opposites; hence it is necessary to discover the opposite to the attitude of the conscious mind."
C.G. Jung
“Life is possible only through challenges. Life is possible only when you have both good weather and bad weather, when you have both pleasure and pain, when you have both winter and summer, day and night. When you have both sadness and happiness, discomfort and comfort. Life moves between these two polarities. Moving between these two polarities you learn how to balance. Between these two wings you learn how to fly to the farthest star.”
“People desire to separate their worlds into polarities of dark and light, ugly and beautiful, good and evil, right and wrong, inside and outside. Polarities serve us in our learning and growth, but as souls we are all.”
The Law of Polarity states that there is an opposite for everything in our world; this is necessary for balance within our Universe. Everything has a duality and a built-in opposite that cannot exist without the other. If one side (of anything) has the potential to exist, by the law of polarity, the opposite expression has to exist also.
Polarity is having positive and negative that attracts each other, complementary forces that work together to create a balance. An example is Light and dark. There can’t be light without darkness, and darkness was created so that Source could know Its Light. This is true for any polarity, and they were conceived so that Source, or God, could experience more of Itself.
Polarity is not to be confused with duality, which is positive and negative forces that conflict with each other and divide. Examples are right and wrong or good and evil, in other words, when we judge something, we create conflict. Polarity balanced Duality conflicts divides.
Paradoxically, these opposing and separate sides are also a part of the same, because together, they make up the whole. A pole cannot exist in a vacuum, it must create a full circuit. This is the beauty of the Law of Polarity, opposite and the same.
The polar ends are both extremes of the same continuum. They're just as alike as they are different. In fact, it is often said that love and hate are similar emotions. This is a perfect example of the Law of Polarity and a great explanation as to why love can often turn to hate, and hate can so closely resemble love. Same spectrum, opposite ends, easy to flip between.
Think of a coin. There are two opposing sides that appear separate, but they’re two sides of the same object and they’re inseparable. While you might flip a coin and get heads, there is always the potential that you could have gotten tails—that’s the Law of Polarity. The potential for the opposite at all times.
You cannot have one side of the continuum without the existence and potential for the opposite end. If there is a positive, there HAS to be potential for a negative. You can’t have black without white, birth without death, light without dark, happy without sad, healthy without illness, good without bad, etc.
Everything is on a continuum and has and opposite. We can suppress and transform undesirable thoughts by concentrating on the opposite pole. It is the law of mental vibrations.
To tie this law in with the previous episode, if the Law of Rhythm is a pendulum, then the Law of Polarity is the furthest right and left point that the pendulum reaches. These two laws are closely related; Everything we experience in our world is cyclical and within balance because of these two laws working together.
A flood means danger for people, but a chance for plants to spread their seeds farther. A forest fire can mean death for animals and people, but it creates really fertile soil for future growth. The death of a loved one can be traumatic for you, and inspire someone else to live their life more fully, even an asteroid hitting earth was bad for the dinosaurs and good for humans.
Sacred Text
Even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you.
Psalm 139:12
I create light and darkness, I, the LORD, do all this.
Isaiah 45:7
Everything has its “that”, everything has it “this”. From the point of view of “that” you cannot see it, but through understanding you can know it. So I say, “that” comes out of “this” and “this” depends on “that” which is to say “this” and that” gave birth to each other. But where there is birth there must be death; where there is death there must be birth. Where there is acceptability there muse be unacceptability; where there is unacceptability there must be acceptability. Where there is recognition of right there must be recognition of wrong; where there is recognition of wrong there must be recognition of right. Therefore the sage does not proceed in such a way, but illuminates all in the light of Heaven. He too recognises a”this”. But a this which is all a “that”; a “that” that is also a “this. His “that” also has both a right and wrong in it. So, in fact , does he still have a :this: and “that”? Or in fact does he no longer have a “this” and “that”? A state in which “this” and “that” no longer find their opposites is called the Hinge of the Way When the wings is fitted into the socket, to can respond endlessly. Taoism Chuang Tsu 2
The Universe does not perceive good or bad, this is entirely a human concept. The Universe operates in the world of “is” or “is not”. It is 100% neutral. This means the Universe also doesn’t perceive polarities like “hard” or “easy”, so that means there isn’t anything I can’t manifest easily as long as I don’t decide it has to be hard! I know... exciting!
“Good” and “bad” are human concepts with no meaning to nature. The Law of Polarity embodies this neutrality, this simplicity—it’s just the expression of two ends.
It says in the Bhagavad-Gita, "God is Above the Opposites". By always placing the All-Powerful, All-Knowing Great Spirit or Absolute of which your True Self is a Divine Spark, behind everything you say and do, and by endeavouring to focus on the positive even when things appear not to be going your way, while also avoiding the extremes, then in time, you will come to master the Law of Polarity.
Moreover, by refusing to label anything as 'good' or 'bad' be it a desire, person, thought, thing or circumstance, you prevent yourself from becoming attached to either side. And when you are not attached to either side of the opposites, you can see them for what they are—different expressions of the same thing; and so you can start to transcend this Law of Polarity.
Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.
The Kybalion
How to apply this:
There are many situations in our lives that we automatically classify as “good” or “bad”.
Losing a job, getting into a car accident, breaking up with your partner, Losing your job, loosing money is not bad necessarily it could be the best thing that ever happened to you because it allows you to get a new job or start your own company.
Using this universal law of polarity, you’re able to transmute “bad” into “good” and “negative” into “positive”. There is great power in this and it’s not something to be taken lightly.
You can actively change the polarity of what you are experiencing into something else that you desire. Think about what is lacking or you are struggling within in your life at present and then visualize it moving to the other end of the scale.
So for example, with mental focus you can transform poverty into prosperity, fear into courage, sluggishness into vitality, and failure into success.
Science of Mind Reading
Since I've resolved to laugh at life
find humor in its flaws,
and realize that stress and strife
are shaped by worldly laws;
Since I've resolved to compromise
with dreams that can't come true,
yet listen to my inner cries-
to follow those anew;
Since I've resolved to meet the test
of strengths by which I live-
and always do my honest best
to trust and to forgive;
Since I've resolved- my love to share
with every kin and friend,
set time aside to listen, care-
their sorrows ease, transcend;
Since I've resolved to ply my skills
expressed through words and art,
feel the sweet joy each piece fulfills-
to share my thoughts and heart;
Since I've resolved that time on earth
is but a short-lived stay-
fine-tuning for my greater worth
neath heaven's golden ray;
Since I've resolved to set life free-
embrace it- scarce or rife.
I now accept, with joy to see-
the meaning of my life.
I’ve been living with cancer for over a decade, and it has taught me so much about taking care of myself and living my life to the fullest. On Valentine’s Day in 2003, I was diagnosed with a rare and incurable (yet thankfully slow-growing) stage IV cancer. This WTF moment sparked a deep desire in me to stop holding back and start participating in my well-being. Though I can’t be cured, I can still be healthy — I can still feel better, love harder and have a more joyful life. So I hit the road on a self-care pilgrimage and haven’t looked back. More than a decade later, my life is more connected and magical than it was before my diagnosis. Although I still have cancer, I am healthy, and I run a mission-driven business that serves my community and makes me feel profoundly grateful each and every day. If I can pull that off, just imagine what YOU can do.
Through my books and film, my journey has resonated with thousands of health, spiritual wealth, and happiness seekers. Patients and folks interested in prevention (aka feeling awesome) have hopped on the Crazy Sexy bandwagon to learn how to better care for their minds, bodies and spirits. Even the lovely Oprah is excited about my wellness revolution.
It taught me how to listen to my brilliant inner guide. It brought me back to nature (my church) and the garden and my kitchen (my pharmacies) as well as connecting me more deeply with the people and animals (compassion rocks) who set my heart ablaze.
While there’s currently no cure for my slow-growing cancer, that doesn’t mean that I’m not a huge fan of Western medicine. I believe in it deeply. Personally, I have an oncologist who I adore and who continues to monitor my condition. If my disease were to become aggressive or if effective, proven treatment options became available, I’d absolutely consider them. I believe in a balanced approach to healing, and I want to see a world where doctors and patients embrace intelligent medicine as well as healthy lifestyle practices. Disease isn’t an either–or situation, and neither is health. Be the bridge. Seek the bridge.
My lips shall not speak wickedness, nor my tongue utter deceit.
JOB 27:4
Affirm: I realize that I am formed in the spiritual image and likeness of God and that it is the desire of God to be manifested and expressed through me always. I know, too, that my spiritual body is now perfect, capable of perfect expression at all times—perfect expression of love, peace, poise, confidence, assurance, and power. Now that I realize my true nature, every negative thought has left me. I have no fear, no dread, no feeling of inferiority, no feeling of tension. Every cell, tissue, organ, and function in my body is in complete harmony. Only good can be manifested through me. I love everyone and know that everyone loves me and is interested in me and in the work I am doing. I go about my work with ease and relaxation. I work quietly, without strain. My nerves are strong, quick, steady, with abundant reserve power for any emergency. All the Power of God is surging about me and through me in perfect peace and harmony. Perfect assurance is mine.
Holmes, Ernest. 365 Science of Mind (p. 235).4/3
“On the seeker’s path, wise men and fools are one. In His love, brothers and strangers are one.
Go on! Drink the wine of the Beloved! In that faith, Muslims and pagans are one”
Benediction: EARTH DANCE
Based on the Lord’s Prayer published in Minnesota Women’s Press, December 1999
Our mother, which art the earth,
Nurturing are thy ways.
Thy web of life be woven
Thy way be found within,
As it is all around.
Thank you this day for our daily bread and sweat
and forgive us our misuse of you,
as we forgive others their misuse of us.
And lead us not into exploitation,
But deliver us
From lording it over you,
And over each other,
And over all our other fellow creatures.
For thine are the waters of life,
The hills, valleys and plains of home,
The breeding, seeding, feeding ground, ?
For now, and for as close to forever
As we will ever come.
Ah, woman!
Song: Dare to be me - Fearless Soul