“Every man has a feminine side, and every woman a masculine side. It is important to use discipline with intuition, and to use intuition with objectivity.”
Paulo Coelho
The union of feminine and masculine energy is within the individual is the basis of all creation.
Shakti Gawain
The law of gender manifests in all things as masculine and feminine. It is this law that governs what we know as creation. The law of gender manifests in the animal kingdom as sex. This law decrees everything in nature is both male and female. Both are required for life to exist.
The Law of Gender is a representation of the two opposing types of energy—one that nurtures and one that drives.
“A complete human being is in equilibrium between the masculine and the feminine. ”
Masculine energy is characterized by DOING and achieving and is molded by logic and reason. The feminine is more intuitive, oriented towards receiving and allowing, and characterized by BEING.
Masculine energy is based in knowledge; It is application, action, logic, practicality, stability, willpower, focus, drive, clarity, and goal-oriented. If you are a natural leader, a problem solver, have big dreams, consider yourself highly motivated and driven, and enjoy stepping up in a crisis, you're probably tapping into your masculine energy in a healthy way.
Feminine Energy is based on knowing; It is intuition, creativity, passion, nurturing, authentic, connection, open, flowing, dynamic, and perceptive. If you consider yourself an empath, wise, pensive, or feel like an "introverted" extrovert, it's likely because you're tapping into your feminine energy in a healthy way. When you're at your most powerful, you feel safe and vulnerability and can make others feel so supported and seen by you. You light up the room.
Sacred Text
All life, all pulsation in creation throbs with the might declaration of the bine truth of Shiva Shakti, the eternal He and the eternal She at play in manifestation. Hinduism Kularnava Tantra 3
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
Gen 1:27
All life, all pulsation in creation throbs with the mighty declaration of the bine truth of Shiva-Shakti, the eternal He and the eternal She at plat in manifestation.
The Kularnava Tantra 3 Hinduism
All ye under heaven! Regard heaven as your father, earth as your mother and all things as your brothers and sisters.
Shinto Oracle of Atsua
O mankind, we created you from a single pair of male and female and made you into nations and tribes, that you might know each other.
Quaran 49:13
If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.
Romans 12:1
I am Father and Mother of the World.
Bhagavad Gita 9:17
Love, the divine Principle, is the Father and Mother of the universe, including man.
Christian Science and Health, 256
Heaven and Earth, are the father and mother of the ten thousand things…
Confucianism Book of HISTORY 5.1.1
How to apply it: Achieve your own balance between the-divine masculine and divine feminine energies in order to live more authentically.
Science of Mind Reading
Astride the colt and claimed as King
that Sunday morning in the spring,
he passed a thornbush flowering red
that one would plait to crown his head.
He passed a vineyard where the wine
was grown for men of royal line
and where the dregs were also brewed
into a gall for Calvary’s rood. |
A purple robe was cast his way,
then caught and kept until that day
when, with its use, a trial would be
profaned into a mockery.
His entourage was forced to wait
to let a timber through the gate,
a shaft that all there might have known
would be an altar and a throne.
He and His disciples then walk on Sunday from Bethany to Bethphage, just outside Bethany at the Mount of Olives. Bethphage means a place in consciousness where grace is realized. That makes sense to me, Grace was certainly realized at the Mount of Olives.
He sends two Apostles to find a colt, a donkey for him to arrive in Jerusalem. The donkey represents meekness, stubbornness, persistency and endurance. Do these characteristic sound like Jesus’ personality traits?
Of course they do. He has done as much as possible to fulfill the prophet Zechariah’s declaration, found in the Hebrew Bible.
To ride a donkey and make them obedient represents control over will. Remember, in Genesis and the creation story, we all were given dominion over all the animals, fish and birds, meaning over every kind of thought.
So Jesus is again taking dominion over thoughts by riding the donkey. Our Christ consciousness ruling our “animal” or physical self.
Laying the Palms on the road signifies unlimited resource of strength. The road is paved with strength.
One would need strength to move forward to the confrontation ahead.
And the people shouted and praised Him, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.”
Even the praise bestowed onto Jesus means something, hosanna, means ‘save now’.
In today’s metaphysical terms; ‘This is the supreme I AM (Jesus) stating the law of Spirit in the development of life action.’
Or over coming every day troubles and entering Jerusalem, a place of peace by controlling our thoughts.
And do you recall that at the other end of the city, Pontius Pilate was entering from the west while Jesus entered from the east. And Pilate had his armored troops and his fine horse. Everyone complete with their armor and swords. A show of force in preparation for Passover celebrations.
Compared to Jesus’ humble entry at the other end, Pilate was like a King of the material world. Showing force in place of love, wisdom, and compassion.
Metaphysically—what Jesus “acts out” in his own entry to the city—is that great spiritual power does not need tangible physical expression, no fine horses or clothes, no strength in legions of troops.
Like Jesus, our own spiritual power is not of this world. It lies in—and expresses through—a quiet grace, a loving Presence. If we are truly centered in our Christ energy, the world around us will recognize its gentle power, and respond.
Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.”
John 12:13
Affirm: The Christ within is my light, my strength, and my support.
On this Palm Sunday, I honour the Christ. The Christ within is my light, my strength, and my support. As I live from that light, strength, and support, I live a life without fear, a life of love, a life of peace.
On this day of sacred celebration, the Christ within beckons me to step fully into the light. This light so brilliantly reveals to me my true, divine nature. I have within me the power to rise above any tribulation, the wisdom to navigate through any challenge, and the courage to overcome any fear.
This day reminds us to honour the Christ not only within myself but also within one another and within all of my experiences.
The Christ is in all and through all our hope of glory.
What else can I say? You will only hear what you are ready to hear.
Mother Father God as we enter into this Holy Week, open our hearts, that we may deepen in our connection with you. So that every thought of our minds and every prayer of our lips welcomes the Lord of our being.
We ask that this Palm Sunday, we welcome the Christ in our midst the Lord of peace, the Lord of life, the Lord of light.
That we enter into the spiritual consciousness of peace that is Jerusalem in us.
Help us to dominate our animal nature so as to allow our Spiritual Divine Self to come to the fore and shine through.
May Your Spirit guide and illuminate us through out this Holy Week and fill our hearts with your peace.
Song: The Real Me - Fearless Soul