May I be brave enough to hear my heart, To let it soften so that I may gracefully Choose faith over fear.
— Debbie Ford
Listen to your heart Sunday Soul Connection

As we continue to excavate Debbie’s prayer if we look at the words she used we can translate it to be the following:

  • Brave - Courage 

  • Hear is to trust 

  • Soften  - Not stubborn 

  • Gracefully -  Committed

  • Choosing Faith over Fear 

Which then can read as follows: May I have courage to trust my heart and not be stubborn but to be committed to choosing faith over fear.

The invitation is to be courageous to trust intuitively what our hearts reveals to us. We’re so used to using our rational minds and intellect for our choices and decisions which can only be based on the information and understanding that we have in the present moment!

By bypassing the intellect, with its rationalities and finite awareness, we can access the Deeper Infinite Intelligence which expresses through our heart.

Scientists have discovered that our hearts (and brains) emit an electromagnetic field that can be measure up to 5 feet away

Our hearts emit a frequency 5000 times stronger than the frequency emitted by the brain. Yet we continuously try to intellectually and rationally solve our questions and dilemmas  in our heads instead of maybe seeking our answers in our hearts.

Dare to listen to your heart. It will guide you back to your Truth and back to living the meaningful and fulfilling life you deserve to live.
— Luminita D. Saviuc

Since the start of the scientific revolution, logic and analytic thought have saturated our world, instead of listening and developing our trust muscle by following the directions from the Infinite Intelligence accessed through our heart we follow the instructions of the finite brain.

Only as we listen to our heart can learn to trust it more and as we trust it more can we strengthen and cultivate a deeper faith!

Sacred Text

The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped. Therefore my heart rejoices, and I give thanks to Him with my song. 
Psalm 28:7

The psalms are attributed to being written by David. He went from being a humble shepherd boy, to killing Goliath and ultimately becoming a King. Through all his trials and tribulations he listened to his heart and trusted the wisdom he received from it it. 


Just listen to your heart - Martine Webber 

Hush, my dear child, and listen to the peaceful singing of your heart.
Maybe it wants to open your eyes to show you the miracles on your path.
Maybe it opens your feelings to let you sense unconditional and compassionate love.
Maybe it wants to point you to your spark of light that will always defeat the dark.
Maybe it whispers in your ears that you are blessed, so loved, and already perfect …
Just the way you are. Just listen to your heart…
Let our hearts guide us and give us trustful new eyes.
Let our hearts coach our minds and ignite our true spirits.
Let us with our hearts face the present moment and the future.
Let your heart help you to understand that humanity is one.
No one is saved alone. You are not alone.
Just listen to your heart ….. it will let you know 

As with anything “practice makes perfect” just as we go to the gym to strengthen our physical muscles we, develop our trust muscle as we practice listening to our heart. So below is somethings we can practice to help 

  1. Stop Pause Listen - We have to make a concerted effort to listen so before we react SPL - Stop, pause and listen to what your heart is whispering to you.

  2. Don’t say yes, when your heart says no - Your heart knows long before you, so take time to consider what you’ll say and don’t agree because your head tells you!

  3. Create space - If your surroundings are cluttered and hectic, consider a clean sweep. Declutter and get rid of the things that steal your attention. Create a calm, open space that encourages a heart connection.

  4. Make time - Schedule white space on your calendar. Block off time that is just for you, instead of over-committing.

  5. Put your hand on your heart - Create a daily heart listening ritual. Start by sitting quietly for a few minutes with your hands on your heart, and your eyes closed. Listen. You may not hear anything at first, but if you keep showing up your heart will reveal answers you’ve been waiting for. Keep a journal nearby so you can write down your heart’s words.

What can we do in our lives, through the decisions we make, the choices we make, to tip the scales in the world away from fear and toward love?
— Dr. Vivek Murthy

But placing your hand on your heart allows you to be more in touch with that wonderful organ that helps you feel your best and is strong enough to overcome even the worst situations you have ever found yourself in. 

By feeling your heart, you sync your brain with the rhythm of its beat, and you will be able to better understand the messages that the core of your being is sending to your brain.

The habit of your behaviours may be so ingrained in you that it is hard to tell yourself that you are not feeling what you think you are feeling. Correctly hearing the truth from your heart can help you vanquish your issues and allow you to enjoy life in ways you never could have imagined.

Your head can only take you so far. When it comes to decisions, how many times have you made a seemingly rational decision for your career, business or life and it ended up being the completely worst thing you could have done? You ignored your gut and went with your head. Maybe it was the money that swayed you, or something else. But you didn’t know you made a bad call until it was too late.


I parked in front of the mall sitting inside my car waiting for my wife to get a few items from the supermarket.
Coming my way from across the parking lot was what society would consider a tramp.
From his looks, he had no car, no home, no clean clothes, and no money. 
There are times when you feel generous but there are other times that you are just not in the mood and don't want to be bothered.
This was one of those "don't want to be bothered times."
"I hope he doesn't ask me for any money,"  I thought.
He didn't.
He came and sat on the curb nearby but he didn't look like he could have enough money to even get a good meal.
After a few minutes, he spoke.
"That's a very nice car, you got there," he said.
He was ragged but he had an air of dignity around him.
I said, "thanks," and continued listening to the car radio.
He sat there quietly, and the expected plea for money never came.
As the silence between us widened something inside me said, "ask him if he needs any help." 
I was sure that he would say "yes" but I held to the inner voice.
"Do you need any help?" I asked.
He answered in three simple but profound words that I shall never forget.
We often look for wisdom in great men and women and we expect it from those of higher learning and accomplishments.
I expected nothing but outstretched grimy hands.
He spoke the three words that shook me.
*"Don't we all" ?* he said.
I was feeling high and mighty, successful and important until those three words hit me like a twelve-gauge shotgun.
*Don't we all?*
I needed help.
Maybe not for bus fare or a place to sleep, but I needed help.
I reached in my wallet and gave him not only enough for bus fare but enough to get a warm meal and a few other things for the day.
Those three little words still ring in my ears today.
No matter how much you have, no matter how much you have accomplished, you need help too.
No matter how little you have, no matter how loaded you are with problems, you can give help.
Even if it's just a compliment, you can give that.
You never know when you may see someone that appears to have it all.
They are waiting on you to give them what they don't have - 

  • A different perspective on life

  • A glimpse at something beautiful

  • A respite from daily chaos, that only you through a torn world can see.

Maybe the man was just a homeless stranger wandering the streets.
Maybe he was more than that.
Maybe he was sent by a power that is great and wise.

There are times we’ve all ignored that “still small voice” because we didn’t want to be bothered, but when we don’t tune it out, we never know how by following through we may be blessed in the process.

 Science of Mind Reading

Science of mind, Sunday Soul Connection

Body Meditation

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Divine Beloved, Mother Father God, Thou who are the Absolute Reality the Ground of our being.

As we come consciously come into your Presence at this time asking that you soften our hearts that we may be brave and courageous enough to listen to the still small voice within that ever guides and leads us, that we may constantly and consciously be committed to choosing faith over fear. For You did not give us the “Spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind”. 

We know that with faith in you all things are possible and that we can only develop our trust muscle, as we surrender and listen to our hearts and as we do, so we access and tap into the Infinite Consciousness that is all knowing and ever available. 

Help us get out of our way that we may listen to our hearts and trust it and grow in faith more and more. 

Help us get out of our own way when we’re listening to our inner critic telling us we’re not enough or that we can’t do, or be or achieve. 

Help us get out of our own way when we allow the intellect, the rational and analytical mind to direct our ways and paths so that we may turn inwardly and listen to our hearts. 

Mother Father God, you’ve given us the tools with which to live a life that is love, that is joyful that is peaceful that is whole.

Let us do our part to remove the inner mental, emotional, intellectual, blockages that stop us from remembering and realising that God in us as us, is with us always! 

Calling us to the higher and highest path so that we can experience the fulness and the all-ness that has been prepared for us since the dawn of time. 

Mother Father God help us get out of own way that we may develop a deeper relationship with you. 

That we may consciously commune with you in ways that are  deeper, more meaningful and more lasting than ever before. 

Let us set aside our judgments, our criticisms our whatever it might be that block us or stops us for ourselves or others and as we desire if for ourselves we desire it for all people.

For all that’s happening in the world at this time, we place all sentient beings before you, the winged, the finned, the hoofed, the two and four legged.. that each  need is met that each need is carried out and  that each need is supported by all.

Mother Father God we’ve forgotten that we are yours that we belong to you as we belong to one another. Let us come back to the remembrance so that we can create a world that works for all. For you created a world that has enough for every mans need and not every mans greed.

For your Infinite Intelligence, never ending Grace and for your Diving blessings that are forever flowing to us we’re ever grateful. And so it is, And so it is, And so it is …Amen


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I have been a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my Soul. Rumi


Adapted from Brother David Steindl-Rast

May you grow still enough to hear the small noises earth makes in preparing for the long sleep of winter, so that you yourself may grow calm and grounded deep within. 
May you grow still enough to hear the trickling of water seeping into the ground, so that your soul may be softened and healed, and guided in its flow. 
May you grow still enough to hear the splintering of starlight in the winter sky and the roar at earth's fiery core. 
May you grow still enough to hear the stir of a single snowflake in the air, so that your inner silence may turn into hushed expectation.
May you grow still enough to listen to the whisper of your heart and trust as you move forward in faith.


Listen to your heart by CeCe Winan.