Lean in & Listen

Lean in & Listen

Christians throughout the centuries have given different names to how we hear from God. In his journal, George Fox describes how the Lord “opened” a truth to his mind. John Calvin witnessed to the “inner testimony” of the Holy Spirit. And Ignatius of Loyola recognised “movements” of the soul, thoughts, and inspirations given by God to move us closer to him.

Prayer is first of all listening to God. It's openness. God is always speaking; he's always doing something. Henri Nouwen

The word 'listen' contains the same letters as the word 'silent.' Alfred Brendel

Poem: Are You Listening by dianne register

God speaks to us, if we listen.
Do we wait for His still small voice?
Are we careful to open our hearts and ears—
A simple but definite choice?

Do we spend time each day in His presence
Sharing our hopes and our dreams;
Or call on Him just in an hour of need
As a final resort, so it seems?

What act would it take in our busy lives
To listen and heed His word--
To end chaos as it surrounds us--
To be healed – pure and free as a bird?

He tells us to give Him our burdens
To place on Him all of our cares
He promises to always be with us
And He listens to each small despair.

Is our prayer life considerably lacking?
Do we ever take time just for Him?
Or do we go through each day self indulgent
Concerned with our personal whims?

Until the next tragedy happens
Until life falls apart at the seams
Then suddenly we call Him to help us,
"Please save us," we urgently scream.

But what if our God didn't listen?
If He treated us as we do Him
Listening only when He chose to listen.
How different our lives would be then!

If He spoke when it was convenient
If spared us a short space in time
To share just a few precious moments
Of HIS personal life so sublime.

If He chose to bestow all His blessings
Just when it was found opportune
On a haphazardly personal basis
Selectively did He attune.

But God IS our constant companion
He listens and answers our prayers
He speaks to us if we just listen
For He is a Father who cares.

It's when we lean in and listen, the beautiful voice of the Lord speaks and His words are life. 

Sacred Text

For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding; he stores up sound wisdom for the upright; he is a shield to those who walk in integrity, guarding the paths of justice and watching over the way of his saints. Then you will understand righteousness and justice and equity, every good path; for wisdom will come into your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul; Proverbs 2: 6-15

My child, pay attention to what I say. Listen carefully to my words. Don’t lose sight of them. Keep them within your heart.For they are life to those who find them.
— Proverbs 4:20-22


Watson Thornton was already serving as a missionary in Japan when he decided to join the Japan Evangelistic Band, an evangelistic mission founded in England in 1903. He decided to travel to the town where the organization’s headquarters were located and to introduce himself to its leader. But just as he was about to get on the train, he felt a tug in his spirit that he took to be the leading of the Lord telling him to wait. He was puzzled but thought he should obey.

When the next train rolled into the station, Watson started to board but again felt he should wait. When the same thing happened with the third train, Watson began to feel foolish. Finally, the last train arrived, and once more Watson felt a check. “Don’t get on the train,” it seemed to say. Shaking his head, he thought, I guess I was wrong about this. Watson thought he had wasted most of the day for no apparent reason. Yet as he turned to go, he heard a voice call out his name. It was the mission leader he had intended to see. He came to ask whether Watson would consider joining the Japan Evangelistic Band. If Watson had ignored the impulse and boarded the train, he would have missed the meeting.

What was this impulse? Watson believed it was the voice of the Lord. Despite this, he felt unsure of himself. His actions didn’t seem to make sense at the time. It felt more like a matter of intuition than anything else.

A personal example of God speaking to me
I want to share one way in which he has spoken to me. When I was around 21, I did a GAP year traveling around different communities with a rucksack on my back and little money, and traveling by bus. When I came back to the UK, I was planning to go to Liverpool to do a post graduate teacher’s degree. I decided to spend the weekend in London with the Antioch community (which was just beginning at that time).

During that weekend God spoke very clearly to me about giving up my plans for Liverpool. His word to me was very clear and direct. God spoke to my heart and he spoke through other people as well. When I went to church on Sunday God spoke to me through the Gospel reading about not looking back when Jesus calls. I heard that word as a direct confirmation that I should not delay my response to the Lord’s call for me. So in place of Liverpool God opened up for me a place to live in community with Antioch in London. And that is where I have remained to this day.

That decision was a very strong experience and took place over the space of a weekend when I was young and flexible with my plans. But I find now-a-days, that I’m not easily open to making drastic changes like that. But the Lord is still teaching me, often through discipline, to listen to his word and to trust him when he speaks to me. As we journey with the Lord, we can be confident that the Good Shepherd will help us grow in listening to his word for us.


Science of Mind Reading

God, take my soul to that place, where I may speak without using words.


Mother Father God, May we take the time to seek you with all our heart, to be open to listening to your voice. In knowing that as we desire consciously  to spend time in your presence we receive more than answers, directions or blessings. We receive the gift of you! Touch our hearts that we may remember to prioritise spending time with You in order to face life’s challenges with strength, peace and trust.

Song: Donnie McClurkin - Speak to my heart

How, Then, Shall We Live? 

How, Then, Shall We Live? 


Gather Merit
It is to be able to cultivate compassion; to have an altruistic motivation and to do things to benefit others. It is to help people in an appropriate way, such as giving advice, and likewise to be generous and disciplined and to develop patience—to develop these kinds of qualities and do things with a pure, sincere wish to help.

Seek Out Good Role Models
someone with truly excellent qualities to look up to and try to emulate. By relying on such role models, we will be able to mold and transform our character and behaviour into something much more positive, and as a result we will encounter fewer difficulties.

A life is made of days. Each day is an opportunity to say something honestly, to make something more beautiful, to create something precious, to give a gift only we can provide for the family of the earth. To dedicate a single act to the healing of others is a day well lived.
— Wayne Muller
Try to make at least one person happy every day. If you cannot do a kind deed, speak a kind word. If you cannot speak a kind word, think a kind thought. Count up, if you can, the treasure of happiness that you would dispense in a week, in a year, in a lifetime!
— Lawrence G. Lovasik

Approach All Endeavours with Intelligence
Whatever activities you are involved in, whether they are mundane or spiritual, you need to approach them with intelligence. You need to ask yourself, “OK, what qualities are needed to fulfill this role? How should this job be done? What information is needed?” You need to acquire the necessary skills and qualities, to listen to and learn from others, and to change yourself.

Nurture Dignity and Confidence
Sometimes we encounter problems and challenges in our mundane lives, or we experience failure. At such times, we shouldn’t let the setback rob us of our dignity and confidence. Instead, we should approach the situation in a constructive way. Think, “OK, I didn’t succeed here. Why not? What was I missing? What did I do wrong?” And take it all as experience.

Sacred Text

Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.”
Colossians 3:12-13

Poem: Mary Oliver, 1935-2019

When it's over, I want to say: all my life
I was a bride married to amazement.
I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms.
When it is over, I don't want to wonder
if I have made of my life something particular, and real.

I don't want to find myself sighing and frightened,
or full of argument.
I don't want to end up simply having visited this world.


So tonight JaMychol Baker Tae Knight and myself went out to eat at this place called Brads in Oxford, and after us sitting there a while waiting on our food i noticed an elderly woman sitting alone. My exact thoughts was “dang I’d hate to have to eat alone”. So after thinking about it a minute i walked over to her and asked if i could sit with her. She said yes and we talked for a minute and after a while of talking she told me she lost her husband and that tomorrow would have been their 60th anniversary. I instantly gave my condolences and asked her to come eat with us, which she was excited to do. The point in this is always be kind and be nice to people. You never know what they are going through. This woman changed my outlook on life and how i look at other people. Everyone has a story so do not judge!

This is my doctrine: Give every other human being every right you claim for yourself
— Robert Ingersoll


Gamble everything for love, if you are a true human being. If not, leave this gathering. Half-heartedness doesn’t reach into majesty. Rumi


May the Love of God
be the ocean that you sail on
And the grace of God
bring you calm in stormy days.
May the Word of God
guide you to your destination
And the breath of God
speed you safely on your way.

Science of Mind Reading

Song: Goodness of God, Jenn Johnson

DIVINE DIS-EQUILIBRIUM Dealing with Depression

DIVINE DIS-EQUILIBRIUM Dealing with Depression

The most glorious moments in your life are not the so-called days of success, but rather those days when out of dejection and despair you feel rise in you a challenge to life, and the promise of future accomplishments. Gustave Flaubert

"A pearl is a beautiful thing that is produced by an injured life. It is the tear [that results] from the injury of the oyster. The treasure of our being in this world is also produced by an injured life. If we had not been wounded, if we had not been injured, then we will not produce the pearl." —Stephan Hoeller

Be aware of your feelings

Take the time to recognise and think about your feelings, as they might help you to understand the source of what is making you feel depressed. Depression is often linked to events in the past, and sometimes there can be no explanation at all. Either way, becoming aware of these things is part of coping with depression.

Create a Support Network

When you feel depressed, you may have a tendency to hide away and bottle up your feelings. However, the best approach is to build a support network of friends, relatives or even dedicated support groups, who can help you address how you are feeling.

Stay Connected

Meeting up face to face is best but if not social media is a way 

Look after your physical health Review your diet

No overeating or excess alcohol

Do things you enjoy

Walking Running Swimming
Creating art Reading listening to music

Challenge Negative Thinking

Feelings of pessimism and hopelessness are common symptoms of depression. Defined as ‘cognitive distortions’, these are thoughts that are irrational or unrealistic – but they can be overcome if you challenge them in the right way.
If you find yourself thinking in these terms, ask yourself some challenging questions like:

  • Is there an alternative explanation to this?

  • What evidence is there that what I think is the whole truth?

  • If a loved one thought this about themselves, what would I think? What would I say to them?

Helping others

The Journal of Happiness Studies found that those who volunteer receive a boost to their mental health and greater satisfaction in their lives.


Embracing the mystery of depression does not mean passivity or resignation. It means moving into a field of forces that seems alien but is in fact one's deepest self. It means waiting, watching, listening, suffering, and gathering whatever self-knowledge one can-and then making choices based on that knowledge, no matter how difficult. One begins the slow walk back to health by choosing each day things that enliven one's selfhood and resisting things that do not. — Let Your Life Speak:by Parker J. Palmer

Sacred Text

Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. 1Peter 5:7

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4: 6-7

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Revelations 21:4

We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; 2Corinithians 4:8

Story - Those in the Bible

Those of us who have a mental illness are sometimes told and also think that our mental illness is our fault because we lack faith.  This is not the case.  Mental illness is a biological disorder and can affect anyone.  Let me tell you a story found in the Bible.
The people of Israel were worshipping an idol named Baal so the prophet Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal to a contest to see who could bring down fire from heaven to burn their sacrifice.  The prophets of Baal went first; they prayed, shouted, and even cut themselves.  Nothing happened.  Then Elijah prayed and fire came down from heaven and consumed the sacrifice as well as the stones of the altar.  Then Elijah had all the prophets of Baal killed.  When this happened, Queen Jezebel said she would kill Elijah, so, in fear, he left his servant behind and ran into the wilderness where he sat under a broom tree and prayed he would die because he lacked faith.  While Elijah slept, an angel woke him up, provided him with food and water, and encouraged him to take nourishment. Elijah ate and drank, but then he lay back down.  Again, the angel told him to get up and eat so he could go on a journey to Mt. Horeb, the mountain of God.  When he got there, he spent the night in a cave, and God asked him what he was doing there.  Elijah complained that he had been very zealous for God, but the Israelites had rejected God’s covenant, torn down God’s altars and put God’s prophets to death.  Elijah said he was the only one left and they wanted to kill him also.  God told Elijah to come out of the cave and stand on the mountain because God was going to pass by.  Then a powerful wind blew and shattered rocks on the mountain, but God was not in the wind.  There was an earthquake, but God was not in the earthquake.  Then there was a fire, but God also was not in the fire.  Finally, there came a gentle whisper.  God again did not rebuke Elijah but told him to journey back to his life, anoint a man to be the new king and anoint Elisha to succeed him.[1]

In 1998, shortly after she revealed that she was a lesbian, Ellen Degeneres's popular sitcom was axed. "Everything that I ever feared happened to me," Degeneres later recalled. "I lost my show. I've been attacked like hell. I went from making a lot of money on a sitcom to making no money. When I walked out of the studio after five years of working so hard, knowing I had been treated so disrespectfully for no other reason than I was gay, I just went into this deep, deep depression." But the comedienne persevered, continuing in the industry, and ultimately finding acceptance and happiness with an Emmy-winning talk show and an unforgettable turn as a fish with amnesia in Pixar's Finding Nemo franchise.

Lady Gaga hasn't been shy about too many things, least of all her long battle with mental illness. In a candid interview with Billboard, the pop star admitted, "I've suffered through depression and anxiety my entire life. I just want these kids to know that" But as you might guess, the "Born This Way" artist has beaten her depression, and has said, "I learned that my sadness never destroyed what was great about me. You just have to go back to that greatness, find that one little light that's left. I'm lucky I found one little glimmer stored away." Today, Lady Gaga works hard as an advocate for mental health. Her Born This Way Foundation seeks to empower youth, inspire bravery, and provide resources for young people dealing with depression, severe anxiety, and even bullying.

J.K. Rowling's life before Harry Potter is well known. Living in poverty, she was an unemployed single mother who spent her days writing in local cafes. But at the same time, she was also suffering from severe depression and battling suicidal thoughts. Shortly before beginning her famous series, Rowling even underwent cognitive behavior therapy in an attempt to improve her illness. Fortunately, Rowling is healthier and happier these days, but immortalized her bout with severe depression in Harry Potter. Her suicidal thoughts inspired the Dementors, terrifying creatures that feed off of the happiness of humans and wizards.

Science of Mind Reading

Poem: Sometimes by Lucy Petersen

Sometimes I can't find the words
That fill my messy head.
Can't find the effort to smile
Or get out of my silly old bed.

The world just sometimes feels like
I don't fit and don't belong,
And even when I make the effort,
A smile just doesn't last long.

I could pretend with all my might
That I am the happiest I can be.
Surrounded by the world, it seems
Lonelier I couldn't be.

Not sure what may be the answer.
Not sure if I'm really keen
To spend another day here,
Living this dreadful dream.

But I must find some courage,
Light a fire inside my heart
And find a love for life again,
And I know where I shall start.

I'll walk among the forest
And feel the crisp sea breeze
And lay among the meadow
And listen to all the bees.

I'll figure out the mayhem
And gaze at all the stars
And dance at every sunset
With a smile inside my heart.


Whatever happens to you, don't fall in despair. Even if all the doors are closed, a secret path will be there for you that no one knows. You can't see it yet but so many paradises are at the end of this path...


Mother Father God may we remember that
You walk beside us, each moment of each day. You know us by name, see each joy and sorrow. You created within us a gentle capacity to love and nurture. You gave us understanding and patience in a troubled world. You laid upon us the responsibility to carry and care for new life. You released us to run and dance, to sing and create. You crafted in us sharp minds that are able to solve problems and see possibilities. You desire each of us to live life to the full, embracing your love for us and extending grace to others. You gave your life so that we could walk free to build your kingdom on earth as in heaven. We lay our lives before you and trust in your unfailing love. Guide us, Heal us, Touch us, And lead us, To reflect more and more of you life within our own. Amen.

Song: Hulvey & Antoine Bradford Came for me

Embracing Joy whilst being challenged

Embracing Joy whilst being challenged

Good morning and welcome to Dr Ing’s Sunday Soul Connection. I’d like to apologise for a slightly late start this morning.

I’m always amused when God is actually giving me a demonstration of whatever it is I'm about to share in the mornings message which is entitled embracing joy, even when you're being challenged.

I dialled in early to check the line was okay and it was perfect; then when it came time to dial in, I then got the most horrendous crackly line and each time thereafter, until finally I have a decent line.

So my message this morning is taken from our sacred text which is one of the most powerful texts that we can ever use as a reminder how to live and express to life.

I think we'll just go straight to it.

Sacred Text

James 1:2-8
2My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3knowing that the testing of your faith produces [a]patience. 4But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be [b]perfect and complete, lacking nothing. 5If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. 6But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. 7For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; 8he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

So yesterday when I sent the text reminder that we were going to look at the$ T’s - temptation, testing, trials and tribulation;  they're all really an expression of the same thing and each and every one of us who are having this earthly experience will experience one if not all of them. Throughout the course of our journey here.

As I reflected on those from both the Old Testament or New Testament, that were tested or had trials or tribulations or temptation, U realised that these things aren't from God in the sense that God is trying to punish us or see how faith filled we are.

These are simply opportunities that is given in our life to express that truth, that belief, that awareness and understanding that the Spirit of God, the power of God that is indestructible, that Spirit is right where we are and the way we can know that, is to recognise that in spite of whatever it is, be it a trial, test, temptation or tribulation that the attitude to be maintained, is that of constant and joy in the Lord. For He is our strength and our salvation.

You see, when we’re tried, tested, tempted or experiencing tribulation it is always an opportunity to come back to the remembrance of who we are and Whose we are.

I share emphatically over and over again,  if we lived on a desert island without anyone else and just food and shelter provided we actually wouldn't know who we were. We wouldn't know how strong we were, we wouldn't know how independent we were, we wouldn't know that we’re able to  overcome those challenges in our life. Because it is those tests, those trials or tribulations that helps us to grow and evolve.

It is the tests,  those trials, tribulations and temptations that allow us to deepen in our connection with the indestructible, immutable Spirit of life that is God.

I want to break down our sacred text a little more. You see when the writer of this text,  said count it all joy the suggestion is  maintaining that attitude, the awareness, the connection, that the Infinite Spirit of Life The Creator of all, is right where we are.

As we face the various challenges in our lives, our faith can deepen and grow and it deepens and grows as we learn to be patient. As we learn to be patient and trusting. One of the quotes I share often “is to wait on the Lord and be of good courage.” The invitation is to be patient and courageous while waiting for the answer, for the direction, for the healing or whatever the need is.

Let me emphasise that God is never withholding anything from us. So it is impossible for God to deprive his beloved children of anything.

But what is required of us in order to receive it, is to acknowledge it, to be aware of that it's the faith that can move mountains even If we have just a mustard seed. We know that all things are possible. You see the text says God is the One who gives to all liberally without reproach, without any condition.

If we lack wisdom, if we lack finances, if we lack awareness, if we lack healing then come to God. I remind myself of that particular quote often when I'm seeking direction, that you Mother/Father God give to all men liberally and does not hold anything back.

Since God is not holding anything back then what is the block that is blocking me? That block is me, that block is you, the block is those ideas or  limiting beliefs that we are worthy or deserving.

The text says, if you're going to ask God, ask God in faith, not doubting because you’re  like someone on the waves being tossed  this way and that way.

I have seen friends and they have talk to me and shared how they wanted and prayed for something, then in the next breath they'll come out with they don't think they'll get it whether say it’s a new house or a new car or a new job, or a new man or woman.  One minute they say they want this thing or whatever and the next they’re changing their mind that contradicting whatever it is. This is what the text means when it says.  “ let not a double minded man unstable in all his ways expect to receive any good thing from God”.

God is always responding to whatever is the dominant, thought or thinking that we are holding in consciousness. So if we aren't able to hold a dominant thought for what we want, or to maintain a faithful cause for whatever direction we are wanting or heading or desiring, God is unable to deliver you see?

So the reminder that no matter what it is we are facing, no matter what it is we are going through, no matter what it is that is happening in our lives, we are to count it all joy and be of the mindset that God is greater than any situation, condition or circumstance.
That He is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than you can ask or think. That it why we’re admonished that we should walk by faith and not by sight.  Not looking at the experience or the appearance of whatever it is we are facing or going through. But let us look to God. That Unchanging, Unchangeable Source that is right where we  are.

Our teacher said in John 16:33 “in this world he will have tribulation that be a good cheer. For I have overcome the world.” Our teacher was tested, tempted and experienced trials and tribulations over and over, mentally, spiritually physically. So he knew what he he meant when he said keep good cheer, be joyous. Understand this truth. You are not just this physical body. You are spiritual being endowed with that physicality, the spirituality, the emotionality the mentality that is of Spirit that is Infinite Life and Intelligence, that is unchanging and unchangeable. That is the same yesterday today forever world without end.

When we tackle obstacles, we find hidden reserves of courage and resilience we did not know we had. And it is only when we are faced with failure do we realise that these resources were always there within us. We only need to find them and move on with our lives. A.P.J Abdul Kalam

Every situation and condition I have found myself that has challenged me led me to deepen in my faith as I met them overcame each one.


Ludwig Van Beethoven was born in 1770 in Bonn, Germany and died in 1827 in Vienna, Austria. He was one of the most gifted composers in history. He composed nine symphonies, six overtures, thirty-two piano sonatas, nineteen sonatas for strings, seven concertos, one opera, and numerous other works.

The young Beethoven was known as the most important musician since Mozart. By his mid-20s, he had studied with Haydn and was celebrated as a brilliant, virtuoso pianist.

Around the age of 26, Beethoven began to hear buzzing and ringing in his ears. In 1800, aged 30, he wrote from Vienna to a childhood friend - by then working as a doctor in Bonn - saying that he had been suffering for some time: 
"For the last three years my hearing has grown steadily weaker. I can give you some idea of this peculiar deafness when I must tell you that in the theatre I have to get very close to the orchestra to understand the performers, and that from a distance I do not hear the high notes of the instruments and the singers’ voices… Sometimes too I hardly hear people who speak softly. The sound I can hear it is true, but not the words. And yet if anyone shouts I can’t bear it."

Beethoven tried to keep news of the problem secret from those closest to him. He feared his career would be ruined if anyone realised.
"For two years I have avoided almost all social gatherings because it is impossible for me to say to people 'I am deaf'," he wrote. "If I belonged to any other profession it would be easier, but in my profession it is a frightful state."

Once Beethoven was out for a country ramble with fellow composer Ferdinand Ries, and while walking they saw a shepherd playing a pipe. Beethoven would have seen from Ries's face that there was beautiful music playing, but he couldn't hear it. It's said that Beethoven was never the same again after this incident, because he had confronted his deafness for the first time.

He wrote to his brothers, “What a humiliation for me when someone standing next to me heard a flute in the distance and I heard nothing. . . Such incidents drove me almost to despair. A little more of that and I would have ended my life.”

Beethoven could apparently still hear some speech and music until 1812. But by the age of 44, he was almost totally deaf and unable to hear voices or so many of the sounds of his beloved countryside. It must have been devastating for him. 

Beethoven had heard and played music for the first three decades of his life, so he knew how instruments and voices sounded and how they worked together. His deafness was a slow deterioration, rather than a sudden loss of hearing, so he could always imagine in his mind what his compositions would sound like.

Beethoven's housekeepers remembered that, as his hearing got worse, he would sit at the piano, put a pencil in his mouth, touching the other end of it to the soundboard of the instrument, to feel the vibration of the note.

When it came to the premiere of his massive Ninth Symphony, Beethoven insisted on conducting. The orchestra hired another conductor, Michael Umlauf to stand alongside the composer. Umlauf told the performers to follow him and ignore Beethoven's directions.
The symphony received rapturous applause which Beethoven could not hear. Legend has it that the young contralto Carolina Unger approached the maestro and turned him around to face the audience, to see the ovation.

Poem: I choose to be happy

Science of Mind Reading

How do you let go?
How do you forget?
How do you say No?
I got my mind set
Set to be free
Focused on a positive life and the best me
Watching each day pass
Living life as I follow my moral compass
Everyday is a new day
Another day to make change
Stick to the positive words I say
Words written on a page
Memories in my brain
I choose to let go the pain
I choose to be happy
I choose to not let anything get in my way.


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Within tears, find hidden laughter
Seek treasures amid ruins, sincere one.


May you be filled this week with good courage and count it all joy,
in whatever challenges you face,
so that you breathe deeply of the indwelling Spirit,
the Spirit that will keep you in the midst of your stress,
and move you from a place of fear into one of love.
you are a unique and wonderfully created person
of immense worth.
You are the most glorious of all God’s creations:
you are the most delighted in.
Go forth, child of the Highest Holy One,
and be held in perfect rest —
for your name is Beloved
and God’s watch is ever over you.

Song: Count it all joy, The Winans

You already are

You already are

As always I like to appreciate you for taking the time out of your busy Sunday to consciously join myself and others as we deepen in our connection and communion with the Ground of our being, God in us as us.

Because I know that the times, all of us myself included, when we forget our divinity, we forget our true nature. We forget our spiritual identity when we're caught up in whatever it is that is happening or going on around us or to us, or for us.

We might cling to some affirmations and bible quotes. But in the middle of whatever it is, sometimes we're more invested in whatever the experience or the challenge is, than the remembrance of our true nature and so this morning, we're continuing on from last week about our core beliefs. I wanted to look at the core beliefs of  our teacher and way shower.

As always I believe when something is true, you'll find this truth in all of the major philosophies of theology. In Hinduism, they recognise that the Atman which is the individual consciousness, and the Brahman which is the universal consciousness, our nature, God's nature are one.

In Judaism, they say that He is in all and all  is in Him. In Islam Muhammad says, blessed be his name “Those who know themselves know their Lord”. Menicus and Confucianism says, Those who come those who know completely their own nature know heaven.
In The Chinese Book of Changes, it is written in the depths of the soul. One sees the divine, the one; and Buddhism.  Lord Buddha says “ Look within you are the Buddha.”

We have so many examples from our way-shower,  our teacher, our beloved Saviour and friend Jesus who demonstrated by example of his divinity, but also to remind us of our own divinity.

He told the Jews , I and My Father are One, also that it is the father within me that do the work. He reminded them, I am the Way the Truth, the life, I am the light of the world. You will know the truth the truth will set you free.

I've come that you might have life and have it abundantly. Before Abraham was I am, all these statements of truth speak to his core belief about himself. But also he reminded us that this was not just true of him but true of all of us.

The major teachings, I believe that he shared, was to remind us that we are all divine sons and daughters of the Most High God. He came to fulfil the law, he reminded us. Yes, Moses brought you the commandments, but the Pharisees and Sadducees with so busy enslaving and imprisoning people with the letter of the law, they'd forgotten the spirit of the law; and that's what he came to show, to demonstrate, to live, to express and to show us how we too, can live and express from our true nature.

I know from personal experience, that when I can catch myself in the midst of whatever it is my mind and consciousness is obsessed with and come back to these truths. To examine right where I am, these teachings still hold true. He said, Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will abide forever. These are not words that were meant for 2000 years ago. These are words that are meant that this very day, this very time that we are living in this very situation and condition and whatever the experiencing that we are facing.

The core beliefs we may have held before need to be eradicated and get these core beliefs so entrenched, so imprinted so emblazoned upon our soul, so that we too, can walk on water or turn it into wine; few of us have ever achieved such feats but he told us the works that he do, and that he has done, we will do greater.

We do not do greater because we are fearful. We do not do greater because we are lacking in our faith; that is not strong enough. We do not do greater because we have that self limitation of belief. We do not do great because we failed to trust. It’s all part of the human experience in our human nature. But what I'm here to remind you this morning, these may be experiences and expressions of the human nature, but we are more than our human nature, we are spiritual beings.

We need to come back into the alignment with these teachings, that are the same today, yesterday, world without end. This life was not meant to be fraught and yes, we will have tribulation that he told us, but he reminded us that we were to be good cheer. For as he overcame it, so we too shall overcome.

I have to keep reminding people that as he lived as an example, he overcame death. He overcame the way people treated him through forgiveness, through love, through trust in the belief of his own divinity. He recognised that he came from the Source of all that is God, The almighty, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and that to God, He ultimately returned. That was why he could say before Abraham was I am, that understanding, that recognition of him being a part of the Infinite Divine  Source that is everywhere present; that are understanding and belief that that Spirit that creates an upkeeps the galaxies, the cosmos and everything; that sustains all of life was right where He was.
Yes, he had moments of weakness to like we do. But he overcame them because immediately he came back to the remembrance of who He was and Who's He was.

My Beloveds, the invitation always is to look to our teacher our way- shower, the example of what it is that we are ultimately called to be, to express, to do, to experience. We can only do that when we truly open ourselves to aligning with our true nature.
It's not just the saints and sages of the ancient world that had wisdom, we to have it. It isn't that God only spoke to those prophets of old. God is speaking to each and every one of us in the depths of our being if we choose to listen, If we choose to adhere, if we choose to obey. That is the greatest gift we have been given the ability to choose what it is we want. God did not create us as automatons to obey Him. That gave us the free will to do so if we so choose.

When we look at the example of Jesus, or Buddha, or any of the saints and sages of old, you can see that they worked on themselves so They could truly be saturated and drenched in the Divine that was right where they were; that they could live and express from that realisation, that eternity That is God, that is always present.

That they can move beyond the dualistic thinking of you and me and separation. That they could see that there was no other that we will all one that greed and selfishness and vanity. All of these things that we all have an experience and share and express could be transcended with right thinking, with compassion, with tolerance, with love, belief and acceptance, that the Divine is in and through  all of creation.

The divine one the saints and sages recognise that it was important for their consciousness, not to be attached to anything but let it be attached to the Divine to the Sacred to God.

My beloveds, know who you are and affirm that.

Sacred Text

And they all said Are you the son of God then? And he said to them? Yes, I am. Luke 22:70

I believe that is an invitation for all of us to acknowledge that we, too are the sons and daughters of the Divine. That when we are thinking to ourselves that we are just this little identity, that little label we attach. I'm just Ingrid Scott. Remember to ask myself, Am I not the daughter of God of the Most High of the Infinite Intelligence the absolute reality the divine mystery that is everywhere present?

Am I not one with this life that is in and through all of things? Am I not able to align with the presence that is right where I am? Am I not able to speak the word for my health, my wholeness, my abundance?

Our sacred texts speak how our teacher affirmed boldly clearly, unflinchingly who he was and let's remember that, in those times that would have been thought of as heretics, that was considered blasphemous and he spoke it boldly.

Who are we then not to speak boldly, to our true identity, our true nature. Not just when things are good and everything is going swimmingly in our life, but to speak to our true nature, when things are challenging, when things can seem at their most distressing, when things can seem at their hardest. Let us speak from our true nature, as children of God as the sons and daughters of the Most High that we are joint heirs, as Christ was. My beloved, you are already that it isn't something you have to become. It's something you have to remember and claim.


Science of Mind Reading

Ken Butigan recalls the beginnings of his education in nonviolence at the University of San Diego:
I learned that Jesus was a maker of peace, an agent of restorative justice, and a proponent of what we might call “responsibility to protect nonviolently,” as in the case of the woman accused of adultery who was about to be executed when Jesus intervened, neither with justified violence or hand-wringing passivity, but instead, at great risk to himself, with a creative and thought-provoking nonviolent action that saved the woman’s life and saved the men from carrying the burden and terror of the guilt of homicide. In his time of foreign occupation and oppression, Jesus proclaimed a new, nonviolent order rooted in the unconditional love of God. . . . I [heard], as if for the first time, Jesus’ command for us to love our enemies and for us to offer no violent resistance to one who does evil  and I was forced to reflect deeply on the actions Jesus took to dramatise this call, including urging [his disciple Peter] to put down his sword as the soldiers were arresting him in the garden of Gethsemane…
Jesus is the revelation and embodiment of our Nonviolent God, whose sun shines on the good and the evil alike. I would come to learn therefore that nonviolence was ontological, at the heart of God, the God who created the universe and said that it was good.Nonviolence is not ineffective, passive, weak, utopian, naïve, unpatriotic, marginal, simplistic, or impractical, but it recognises evil in the world and responds to it with good.

I thought it was a perfect example of someone who is trying to live the way that Jesus lived. It isn't always easy, when our teacher told us to turn the other cheek or if someone takes our coat to give our cloak as well. It isn't easy because we are so attached to our thoughts and feelings of indignation and self righteousness but as this also shows, we don't bury our hands and pretend evil doesn't exist. So we don't feed fire with fire. We feed those that are evil by returning good

Poem: Deborah Ann Belka

Establishing my faith,
pressing closer into . . .
the higher calling
found Jesus in You.Gaining a perception,
of godly discernment
giving understanding
my full commitment.Striving for perfection,
growing spiritually
working out my faith
uncompromisingly.Holding on to my hope,
trusting You for all things
letting Your Word
pull on my heart strings.Establishing my faith,
going for the goal . . .
the hope of Your glory
propelling my soul!


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You wander from room to room
Hunting for the diamond necklace
That is already around your neck!


May you Go into your week knowing you are and that you are loved perfecty and empowered by the Spirit within you to share and Express the Love and Light of your being with everyone you meet.

Song: Joel Vaughn, Details

Unlearning some of our Core  beliefs

Unlearning some of our Core  beliefs

So my beloved, the invitation has always been to just let it be for the next 45 minutes or so. Not thinking about Sunday lunch or what we have to do in the coming week.

We have chosen to link our hearts and minds by joining on this Sunday Soul Connection conference call to deepen our awareness and our connection and our communion with the Ground of our being God in us as us and so this morning, the theme for our Sunday Soul is how can we unlearn some of our core beliefs.

The quote I sent out in yesterday’s notification by Shakti Gawain says it all : “We heal ourselves on the mental level as we become aware of our core beliefs, release those that limit us, and open to more supportive ideas and greater understanding.”
Every single one of us are both hampered and hindered by our core beliefs that are negative and limiting; these are the beliefs that we have accumulated from since early childhood. From parents from teachers from peers, as we were forming in a young age. These were the beliefs that we accepted and have become so entrenched in us that even when we see or are experiencing something to the contrary of that core belief we find it hard to believe or accept. We doubt that it's true or that it's relevant to us.

These core beliefs lead, guide and direct our lives because we operate and accept them as if they are a truth that is unchanging and unchangeable. Every choice and every decision we make is the result of these patterns of these core beliefs that we have been holding on to and when we see or we can take time to reflect on a particular action or behaviour, we can trace the trajectory all the way back to the belief underneath or behind it.

I shared with you one of my core beliefs is regarding my fear of heights, also driving on high motorway flyovers, suspension bridges  Whether it's the Marlebone flyover  or going up the narrow ramp at the Chiswick flyover or anything that raises off the ground. As I approach it something unconsciously within me starts to react. My stomach starts to tighten. My hands start to sweat and my nerves start to get frayed.

I laughed to myself this week I drove up to Rugby for a spa break, and ahead on this motorway I was on, I could see it rising in the distance and the cars were going uphill, and that reaction started and I had to challenge myself did I think God when God was creating various galaxies and bringing forth various Life expressions did God ever get nervous? ever questioned, ever doubted? Of course not.

We are expressions of the Divine and we forget our divinity because we're so caught up and bound up in our humanity. We forget how powerful we are. We allow these core beliefs that we've accepted as a truth to direct our life. The stories, the convictions, the judgements that we hold about ourselves to define us.

One of the things I know is that it’s irrelevant how long you've been on the path, how long and how much work you've done in yourself, there's always a core belief that will come up and stop you  when you least expect it, because it's really challenging and I don't want to use the word difficult or hard. We'll just leave it is challenging, it’s challenging to change what is held in the subconscious because as we’ve shared before the subconscious operates and it's so much more powerful than our conscious mind.

So when we are trying to change that core belief that we've got really grounded and rooted in our subconscious using our conscious mind, it really sometimes it's a feeble attempt, and we do it once or twice and we think we've managed to change it, when in fact we've barely done anything.

These core beliefs are something that we have to challenge over and over and over again. And there was a Judith Beck back in both 2005 and 2011 wrote various papers and she identified the three main categories of negative core beliefs about the self is firstly, helplessness feeling that we're incompetent, feeling inferior, vulnerable feeling when not good enough, that we're stupid, that we're unworthy that we're undeserving. Every one of us has felt that at some point at some time in our lives.

Sometimes I think it doesn't matter how often people tell us that we are to the contrary that we are beautiful ,or the were attractive. If our core belief in and about ourselves is that we're not, it doesn't matter how many times people tell us, it's something that we don't accept or believe.
It's something that we take as untrue.

The second main core belief, she's says is the fear of being unloveable, that we're not likeable, that we're incapable of intimacy, that we aren't able to find the right partner or someone that loves us in life.

The third category, she says is worthlessness, which leads us to believe that we are insignificant, we’re useless, that we are able to achieve or accomplish, or as clever as somebody else…

As I read these three categories, I personally could identify with each one. As I said, irrespective of how long or how much work you've been doing once these core beliefs have formed within our psyche, within our subconscious eradicating them is challenging.

Often times we try to change it by doing things on the outer. Say, for instance, the core belief is that I'm not beautiful, I'm not attractive, then we think okay, if we lose weight, if we take care of our body, if we exercise, if we change up our routines or do more yoga, trying to change who we are by reading self help books that this will change things. But, as always with everything, it's an inner work, not an outer work that we have to address.

It's an inner work that we have to drill down into in order to make the changes and we can know when we are accessing and expressing from our negative core beliefs because sometimes, beliefs will always start with I am - I am not clever, I am unattractive, I am not worthy, I am — and you can put whatever sentence you wish after that.

So the invitation this morning is to pay attention. Pay attention to when you feel yourself consumed by anger or self pity or you’re acting out self destructive behaviours; and see what is the core belief behind that? That way we can start to delve down and examine and excavate and find out what  is that core belief that we're holding on to.

A way we can do this, is with something called Socratic questioning. It says that “Socratic questioning is a very effective cognitive restructuring technique”, which can help you challenge irrational, illogical and harmful thinking errors. I love that, cognitive restructuring simply said it's a way of changing your thinking.

The basic outline for this technique is to ask the following questions:

  1. Is this thought realistic?

  2. Am I basing my thoughts on facts or on feelings?

  3. What is the evidence for this thought?

  4. Could I be misinterpreting the evidence?

  5. Am I viewing the situation as black and white, when it’s really more complicated?

  6. Am I having this thought out of habit, or do facts support it?

1. Identify one core belief at a time
2. Understand how the core belief impacts your life
3.On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you believe it?
4.Explore hidden forms of resistance
5.Find ways to disprove your core belief
6.Find an alternative core belief
7.Explore how your life will change with your new belief
8. If you don’t change your core beliefs, what will be the consequence?
9.Develop a plan of action

Sacred Text

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. COLOSSIANS 3:16

Throw all your anxiety onto him, because he cares about you. 1 Peter 5:7


I used to watch people on the streets and in restaurants and think that their boisterous conversations and broad smiles were evidence that they lived a life much better than mine.
I assumed that they were happier than me, smarter than me, and worth more than me. All around me was evidence that this was true: my meager bank account, my junky car, my thrift store clothes.
I was always a dreamer with big ideas and ridiculous plans, but I was unable to make those plans a reality because the story I told myself was that I wasn’t enough. As long as I continued to tell myself that story, I would continue to be not enough.
My story about not being good enough showed itself in every aspect of my life—my job, my family, my social life.
Until I was able to open my eyes and change my story, these aspects of my life were not getting better. You receive what you are telling your subconscious mind you deserve. I was telling my mind that I wasn’t good enough and that’s what I saw all around me.
The first step in changing a limiting belief is identifying it.
Identifying my story about not being good enough was surprisingly difficult for me initially because I told myself that story for so long that I didn’t think of it as a story at all. I thought of it as true and that was, at its heart, quite ridiculous. It took a lot of thought before I even realized that this was the story I was telling myself.
A new story in itself is not always enough. That story needs to be rooted in something. You have to believe it, and changing your beliefs can be the most difficult thing of all. When I decided to change my story about myself, I looked around at my life for evidence that the new story was true.
For example, I knew I had friends and family who loved me and certainly thought I was good enough to receive that love.
When I looked at my life objectively I realized that I’d actually accomplished quite a bit. I’d always done well in school. I’d written quite a large body of work that I enjoyed and liked. I always went out of my way to be kind and helpful to others. These are all things that, in my eyes, made me just as good as anyone else.
As I started to look at my situation more, I realized that one of my core problems was “the anyone else” part of my story. I was comparing myself to others, and that will lead to unhappiness most of the time.
Instead of thinking of myself as just as good as anyone else, I started to change my story again to simply say that I am good.
Supporting your new story with facts will help you believe it, but what really anchors it into your life is associating it with positive emotions.
Sitting around visualizing isn’t enough to make change happen in your life. I’m a strong believer in action. That’s where you really start to see the change happen.
I immediately started challenging myself. I started making a conscious effort to speak up in social situations and to express my opinion. I started asserted my needs more. I was able to see things for a more positive perspective.
I’m not saying that I am always successful. I most certainly am not. Sometimes I fall back into old habits, but I remember that simply making the effort gets me a step closer to my ideal than I was before.
The physical circumstances around you won’t change overnight. You won’t change your story to being abundant and then suddenly have millions of dollars in your bank account the next morning. What will happen, though, is that you will recognize the opportunities that will get you there.
Don’t be angry with yourself or the universe if it doesn’t happen fast enough for you, or if you fail to make the changes you want all once. Taking small steps in the right direction every day will get you were you need to be. It’s important to be consistent.

Lovelyn Bettison

Science of Mind Reading

Science of Mind Reading

Poem: Core Value By Joseph Gregory Spencer

Core beliefs support the platform,
upon which life is staged
Our act tumbles out of balance,
when these are not engaged

Life's projects all demand critique,
oft there's no turning back
All life's efforts called into doubt,
when conviction they lack

Rational thought sets us apart,
from the other creatures
Reason affords us selections,
with competing features

We choose wisely when we employ,
deeply held conviction
A life rewarding will be found,
heeding this prescription

A host of others, we ourselves
are effectively lead,
by deep beliefs made manifest
One's words alone are dead


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Truth lifts the heart, like water refreshes thirst.


Mother Father God When the noise and haste surround us
and threaten to take us hostage,
May Your gentle voice soothe and guide us to a place of quiet strength.
When the days seem cold and dark, and the nights unbelievably long,
May Your smile illumine and warm us from within.
May we truly go forth in joy and be led back in peace;

Song: Joel Vaughn, Truth about me

Speak to your fears and be un-reluctant

Please bear with me a little bit this morning as we are having to navigate using different technologies.

So, welcome welcome, welcome to our Sunday Soul Connection and as always, I like to applaud you for taking the next 45 minutes or so out of your busy Sundays as we consciously come into community to deepen in our connection not only with each other but to God Source of all that is, the Core, the Essence that is at the centre of our being.

The quote that I shared with you yesterday,  by Zora Neale Hurston struck me when I came across it because it spoke so eloquently to what I had just recently experienced.
She says “Through indiscriminate suffering men know fear, and fear is the most divine emotion. It is the stones for altars and the beginning of wisdom.”

I guess a little bit more added to explain why fear is the beginning of the wisdom and  the stones of altars.  I recognise as I had experienced, dealing with my own fears that they truly were the altar of deepening in our faith.

I was absent last week because I went away for a friend's daughter’s wedding down in Cornwall somewhere I haven't been to at least 50 plus plus years; and certainly I wasn't driving at the time as I was at school.

It was fascinating. I'm used to driving round London, a little countryside but those lanes and roads of Cornwall was a whole nother level of experience which tested my 45 plus years of driving.

Driving down the narrow lanes with the grass brushing each side of the car; then roads that were so narrow that you wondered how you were going to manage when another car was coming towards you. Then on top of that the dealing with the steep gradients where you felt like the car would roll backwards.

I recognise the fear that was rising within me as I don't do heights and especially when I went to St. Michael's mount, and it was a steep cobble steps, not  the usual cobbles but cobble steps  that were sometimes 10/12 inches high or more.

I tool my time going up there very very slowly whilst whilst I reached the top and it was a spectacular view the journey up there was not so spectacular. As I navigated my fears  climbing the cobble as well as my fears of being so high up,  my fears of stumbling and falling.

It was this realisation as she says so eloquently, are the fears that become the stones that build our altars. We're familiar with the story of Jacob after he had disinherited his brother and ran off and then was returning home and was frightened as to how his brother would see and  receive Him after he had cheated him.

We know that he spent the night at this particular place where he wrestled with an angel or an expression of God the divine, and he wouldn't let the angel go until the angel blessed him and they wrestled throughout the night. When he woke up the next morning he realised that truly he’d seen the face of God and built an altar there.

I recognise that as we build that altar, that recognition of Something Great, Something Divine that has happened to us, that connection that communication, that awareness  of Spirit we truly get to experience our faith growing.
He was then emboldened to go forth and meet his brother. After all the years they've been separated, after all that he had done in cheating him out of his birthright.

I believe that as we look and face our fears and speak to them we grow; because I found myself having conversations when I was fearful in these particular instances that I found myself. Exactly what are you afraid of? You're not afraid of dying? What are you afraid of? What exactly do you think? Do you think God is not here? Do you think God is somewhere far from you? You know, that's not the truth.

So I would affirm as I was driving down and it was early in the morning because I wanted to beat the traffic and I was just feeling tired, or at least the concentration was making me tired.  I would be affirm I'm awake, aware and alert. I'm awake. aware and alert; and then when I found myself in this narrow lanes and unprecedented steep hills, I would affirm: I'm calm, courageous and careful. I'm calm, courageous and careful. I would find whatever it was that I was fearful of address and speak to it.

I recognise too often, we don't speak to whatever it is that is niggling at us. Whatever is driving our attention away from our union with the Divine into our union with the ego.

We know that the ego is not a good or bad thing. It simply is. It's a part of who we are, a part of our nature that exists. It exists to allow us to grow, to become more aware, to become more conscious.

It is important that we recognise whether we are plugged into our ego or plugged into our true self  so as to know whether we are operating from faith or fear.

I have often said that my journey is no different from yours. I face the same situations. It's just it looks slightly different. But we're dealing with the Divine,  the Sacred, we're dealing with God who doesn't know size, doesn't know numbers, doesn't know zeros. It simply knows whether we are operating from faith or fear.

In truth, we know that when we're operating from fear, it's simply that we're having faith in the thing that we don't want to experience. The thing that we are most wanting not to happen. So fear is just faith in the very thing we don't want.

So I believe that as we speak to whatever it is and we address it and are not trying to hide from it, or try and deny it. We move from being reluctant to being un-reluctant and the journey of being faith filled expressions of the Divine Being;  un-reluctant to deal with whatever life throws at us, to being un-reluctant to face our challenges to be un-reluctant  to not acknowledge the things that hold us down and hold us back, to be un-reluctant to acknowledging we may have messed up.

I believe as the author says that as we look at the things that causes the pain, that causes the suffering, that causes us to fear, they are all invitations to deepening our communion and connection with God in us as us.

When things were fun, loving and happy as it was a wonderful wedding and a wonderful occasion. Yes, I took time to acknowledge and thank God for this opportunity to be in such a wonderful place; but  more often or not it was when the things that were most challenging, the steep hills, the narrow lane, the big cobble steps up a steep hill  that I realised I needed God the most.

It is in those moments that I realised how much more I need God than in that happy times and the times that I'm dancing and laughing and enjoying. We need God all the time. But more so when we are challenged. When we are conscious that that is the most important time that we need the divine.

Then we can pull out of the egoic trip that we may be on, or that our ego is leading us deepening in our fear and our worry, in our angst and our troubles and bring our attention to God and hand over whatever it is we are wrestling with.  We know that God is in that place like Jacob.

Sacred Text

I sought the LORD, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4

When anxiety was great within me, Your consolation brought me joy. Psalm 94:19

It's this realisation, understanding and acceptance. We are never separate from God. The Creator of all that is sustainable, that is the provider of all that is, so for every need and for every concern we can choose to go to God or we can choose to wallow in whatever it is that is fighting for our attention and making us fearful. Ralph Waldo Emerson says it is fear that defeats more people more than anything else in the world.

I have seen I've seen people live life and living in a way that is uninspiring. They hide their dismay, their despair with drinking or doing drugs because the fear of trying something has held them back from doing and living expressing that which they were purposed for. They spend their lives telling me how they had this idea or they thought of doing that, but they never did.

My beloveds, my invitation to you this morning is to speak to your fears and be un-reluctant. Speak to whatever it is that is trying to vie for your attention and distract you from the remembrance of who you are and who’s you are.

Poem": Life doesn't frighten me at all by Maya Angelou

Shadows on the wall
Noises down the hall
Life doesn't frighten me at all
Bad dogs barking loud
Big ghosts in a cloud
Life doesn't frighten me at all
Mean old Mother Goose
Lions on the loose
They don't frighten me at all
Dragons breathing flame
On my counterpane
That doesn't frighten me at all.
I go boo
Make them shoo
I make fun
Way they run
I won't cry
So they fly
I just smile
They go wild
Life doesn't frighten me at all.
Tough guys fight
All alone at night
Life doesn't frighten me at all.
Panthers in the park
Strangers in the dark
No, they don't frighten me at all.
That new classroom where
Boys all pull my hair
(Kissy little girls
With their hair in curls)
They don't frighten me at all.
Don't show me frogs and snakes
And listen for my scream,
If I'm afraid at all
It's only in my dreams.
I've got a magic charm
That I keep up my sleeve
I can walk the ocean floor
And never have to breathe.
Life doesn't frighten me at all
Not at all
Not at all.


Science of Mind Reading

All six of my children had been born naturally, in the comfort of our home. I knew the natural ways to induce labor—walking, evening primrose oil, a bowl of pineapple chunks, a warm bath. I was a pro at breathing rhythms and the most comfortable delivery position. By child number seven, I knew what I was doing. But after 35 hours of labor, my home-birth doctor sent me on to the hospital.
“You need advanced medical attention,” he said. “Your labor isn’t progressing.” I didn’t know if I was more disappointed or scared.
My husband, Michael, helped me to our old blue Mercedes van. We’d already made arrangements to deliver our baby at the hospital in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, if I had any complications. The eight-mile drive from our home in Teton Village should have been easy. But a blizzard was underway. As we inched down the winding Rocky Mountain road, the snowfall was so heavy we could hardly see. I had to roll my window down to help navigate just so we wouldn’t slide into a ditch. Meanwhile my contractions were lengthening, the pain more intense.
We pulled up at the hospital entrance just as I didn’t think I could sit in that passenger seat any longer. The staff escorted me to a bed and prepped me for delivery. The whole atmosphere was foreign to me, so sterile and severe. My other births were warm, loving, comfortable. Soothing herbal essential oils burned while Michael held my hand and I knew when the time was right to push. I felt like I was in charge.
Now I anxiously watched the white uniforms moving around and jumped when a nurse ran a cold stethoscope along my belly. Every 30 minutes I was given a shot to progress labor. I could feel the baby’s head pressing on my pelvis.  Try to relax, I told myself. I was exhausted. Where to turn to for strength? Dear God, I’m out of my element. Are you here? Like you are in our home?
One of the senior doctors approached. I could tell he didn’t have good news. “You’ll need a C-section,” he said. “We can’t wait any longer.”
There was no time for questions. Nurses rushed me into the operating room. I lay there, helpless. I gripped the sides of the metal bed rail. The anesthesiologist leaned over me and put a mask on my face. I blinked slowly, then closed my eyes.
When I opened them again I was looking down. Below me was a panoramic view of the operating room. There was an awful lot of commotion—beeping machines, clanking metal tools, frantic activity. A woman lay unconscious on the table. She was bleeding badly.  Who is this woman? I wondered.  What happened to her? “You don’t need to see this.”
A figure moved in front of me, filling my vision. An angel—the most beautiful of angels, dressed in periwinkle garments with pearlescent wings and sea-blue eyes that held me in their gaze.
“Don’t take your eyes off of mine.”
I didn’t blink. I stared deep into those eyes and let peace wash over me like a wave. Then suddenly everything went dark.
I opened my eyes again—white ceiling, bright light . . . Of course, that was me in the hospital bed. I looked around for the angel, but only saw the medical personnel that had gathered in my room.
“Where’s my baby?” I asked. “Did my baby survive?”
Michael stepped toward me holding a bundle. “Meet Isaac Michael,” he said. “Our healthy baby boy.”
I took him in my arms while Michael explained what had happened. When the doctor made the incision for the C-section, he severed an artery. “You were dying right there on the table, Charlene,” Michael said. “It took four blood transfusions to save you.”
In fact, I saw what it took to save me. And I haven’t turned my eyes away since.


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“Run from what's comfortable. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious. I have tried prudent planning long enough. From now on I'll be mad.” Rumi


Mother Father God may we always remember that You walk beside us, each moment of each day. That You know us by name, see each joy and sorrow. You created within us a gentle capacity to love and nurture. You gave us understanding and patience in a troubled world. You laid upon us the responsibility to carry and care for new life. You released us to run and dance, to sing and create. You crafted in us sharp minds that are able to solve problems and see possibilities. You desire each of us to live life to the full, embracing your love for us and extending grace to others. You gave Your life so that we could walk free to build your kingdom on earth as in heaven. May we be fearless in  laying our lives before you, trusting in your unfailing love.
We pray that you continue to Guide us, Heal us, Touch us, And lead us, To reflect more and more of your life within our own. Amen.

Steps to Peace

Steps to Peace

Good Morning and welcome to Dr Ing’s Sunday Soul Connection.

As always, I applaud you for taking the next 45 minutes out of your busy Sunday as we consciously come together to link hearts and minds across the airwaves to deepen in our connection and communion with the ground of being God in us as us.

This morning I want to share a little about my friend who I mentioned before, collapsed the day after we had lunch, and now she's in the hospice and her journey to be at peace. I have always felt open and believed that peace is the thing that we are most seeking.

People can  have all the money in the world, have all the possessions they could want and have the abundance most people are longing for; but without peace in your mind, in your heart and your soul, all these things mean nothing and the quote that I shared yesterday by Thomas Merton, who said “we are not at peace with our with others because we are not at peace with ourselves. And we are not at peace with ourselves because we are not at peace with God.” Those words are so true and so deep and meaningful if we dissect it and break it down.

True peace comes from our connection and communion with the Source of All that is, God in us as us. It doesn't matter whether we name it, call it label it  God or Intelligence or Life-force. It is that something that is greater than us, that we need to be at one with.
Some people achieve that while they're still getting on with life,  and some people attain that as they reach toward the end of their life.

I have visited her several times now and on one occasion, she said to me, “Ingrid, I am experiencing such peace. I don't know where it's coming from; but I feel such a calm, such a peace that I've never felt before.”

I was thrilled to hear that. Because for me, as I said at the outset, peace is so important to have especially at the near end of our days. It is one of the things that’s most important to cultivate whilst we are still living life.

We’ve spent countless hours talking. She shared with me how she has sorted everything that she wanted to do and that she had left a legacy for her grandchildren for their education which was important to her.

But I started to think about what is it that gives us a peace, what brings us peace, and what can help us cultivate peace? As I thought about it, I saw that she too had taken the necessary steps to have peace in her final day and she has managed to reconcile with her family that she hadn't spoken with in a considerable amount of time.

The mother when she had passed, had kind of divided them prior to that; and  then as with sometimes when there is an inheritance, money kind of blinkers and blind people to what's important and so they fell out over that. It is when we can forgive those who have wronged us and be reconciled with them I believe is one of the most if not the most important stepping stone for being at peace.

I always say if Jesus on the cross could say “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” what is it that someone can do to us that we can say is unforgivable.

I have friends who will not forgive people who have hurt them or wronged them. They feel that the the thing done against them is too too severe to let them off by forgiving them. But as I constantly reiterate, forgiveness is not for them. It's for you. It severs that cord that connects you to them or that hurtful incident or that situation or experience.

Every time you think of them you think of that and the pain, the hurt, the disappointment, that despair or whatever it is, arises over and over again. To forgive them is to set yourself free, to reconcile with them for me doesn't mean you're going to get back and be bosom pals or be buddy buddy.

But for me personally, to be reconciled with them is to reconcile with them in my heart. If I see them, I can say hello. I can inquire about them and their well being and I can have a small conversation. I'm not trying to turn back the clock and be what it used to be prior to whatever the offence or the hurt or the whatever.

I'm reconciled with them in my heart so that I don't have any grievance against them. That I don't hold them somehow accountable for whatever happened, that pain that wounded me and by that I mean I'm no longer blaming them.

I always loved the quote that is attributed to Buddha who says “that pain is inevitable but suffering is optional.” When we hold on to un-forgiveness, when we hold on to wanting to punish whoever whatever they did to us, we are the ones that are suffering. We are the ones that are prolonging our pain, our hurts and our disappointment; because  as Rubin Carter says ‘just as you gain reconciliation from your enemies, but you can only gain peace for yourself.’

We gain peace when we are reconciled and have forgiven and we don't need to be on our deathbed to do so.

She asked me on my last visit What did I think happened to the body and the soul when it died?  For those of you that know me well enough know that my belief is that we come from God and return to God that is the great Ocean of Life, that Infinite Consciousness of which we are but  a speck of.

We are clothed and housed in this organic form called a body and as all organic forms do, it will ultimately break down so the life that we were loaned will be given back to the lender. So there's nothing for me to fear in that.

There's nothing for me to be concerned or disturbed about. It's okay we don't need to have all the answers about  what happens after death.

Every one of us might have a different belief. But it's important that we not be afraid to think about it, to contemplate it and accept we don't know. Steve Jobs says that “No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new.”

As I have shared on numerous, numerous, numerous Sunday that we should all die before we die. That is to die to the things that hold us down hold us back, the limiting thoughts, the negative beliefs, the erroneous ideas we hold about ourselves about life about living. Those are the things that should die so that we truly live and embrace the life we've been blessed with; that we have been given.

We should look to fulfil the purpose for which we are here and when I speak of purpose, I'm not talking about any particular grandiose way of being. As I say often we are not here to be the next Nelson Mandela or Mother Teresa. But we are here to be the best version of who we are, in whatever shape or way or form that looks like.

Each and every one of us has a different way, a different meaning, a different purpose; and there is no contention or comparison as to whose purpose is bigger, better, larger, smaller, or lesser.

We are here to express from that Divine Source that Ocean of Life, Infinite Consciousness that is in all, through all.  We are to give it its full expression and not dumbed down.

I caught myself this week. I had gone to collect my glasses and get my new glasses adjusted in this shop in Camden. And whilst in there a fairly well known female black comedian came in, we acknowledged one another and she and her friend continued to look at spectacles etc.

Then she engaged me and said I looked familiar. I said I know of you but I've not seen you before;  then her friend said Oh, are you a singer?  I laugh and I said if I was a singer you'd be running out of the store right now. But then I never said what I was. I never acknowledged who and what I was about.  After I left that door, I questioned myself. Why did I not say I was a minister Why did I not talk about what I do? What I'm about? Or say about my Sunday Soul Connection? it's something that kept popping into my head. Why why why?

After all, this is my purpose. This is my reason for being. Why did I not say…  I was speaking with my friend and in Costa Rica yesterday, we were talking about how things from our childhood are still impacting us well into our adulthood. As I'm sharing with her, the fact that I never spoke to what I am or what I do;  it suddenly came to me because my mother was someone who liked to brag and boast about herself and her accomplishments. I who always want to be the opposite of anything that I considered a negative of my mother, have gone the other way.

I don't speak about who I am. I don't speak to what I do. I don't speak to what I've accomplished or achieved. As I'm sharing this morning with you about fulfilling our purpose, about living our purpose in whatever way shape or form that is. It has occurred to me that sometimes we don't acknowledge whatever it is that we do that is our purpose that we do.

Playing small and dumbing down and in doing so, we are doing God a disservice .Whenever our time comes, let our legal  be one that we can be proud of. That we fulfilled whatever it was that we were meant to do on this journey, this expedition called life and living.

We're not taking anything with us when we leave, as the saying goes “ there are no pockets in a shroud”.  We come into this world and we leave this world the same way. So as I said, we spent many hours talking and she's given me her iPad to show me pictures of past holidays and trips they've done and pictures of the grandchildren. She expressed the deep deep gratitude for the life she has and the life she had. She has no regrets about leaving. She has lived a good life, she's been blessed and loved by the many people that care for her and that have visited her and for that she so grateful, grateful grateful. Grateful. Charles Dickens says “reflect upon present blessings of which every man has many and not on your past misfortunes of which all men have some.”  I've always loved quote,  because all of us are blessed now and all of us have had trials and tribulations in the past. But as I said in the beginning, as I said in the beginning, we have to be reconciled with these things. Forgive them learn our lessons and embody them and move on.

The other thing that I noticed she had come to an acceptance and the letting go of the things that she could no longer influence or affect or change. She had accepted that this is her time and accepted that there are things maybe she's left undone but she was okay with that. I believe we too, have to come to a place of acceptance and letting go.

Acceptance of ‘it is what it is’. You've often heard me share that I let go of what no longer serves me. Let go of the would have, could have, should have; forgive yourself and let that go.

Finally, although she's not a religious person, I believe she has ultimately surrendered to a higher power. I believe each and every one of us here recognise our oneness with that higher power. Even if at all times we don't use it or utilise it or embrace and embody and it is always with us.

Science of Mind Reading

Sacred Text

When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.” O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?”- 1 Corinthians 15:54-56

Let us then pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.—Romans 14:19


Life is but a stopping place,
A pause in what's to be,
A resting place along the road,
to sweet eternity.
We all have different journeys,
Different paths along the way,
We all were meant to learn some things,
but never meant to stay...
Our destination is a place,
Far greater than we know.
For some the journey's quicker,
For some the journey's slow.
And when the journey finally ends,
We'll claim a great reward,
And find an everlasting peace,
Together with the Lord.


In London, there's a woman who goes every day on the subway and sits on the dock just to listen to the announcement recorded by her husband in 1950.
Margaret McCollum after the death of her Oswald Laurence, sits on the bench waiting to hear this recording that became one of London's most famous "Mind the gap" (attention the space between the train and the dock). In 2003, Oswald died leaving a huge void in Margaret's heart. So Margaret found a way to feel his presence closest.
But from the day after more than half a century, this voice was replaced by an empty electronic recording. Out of distress Margaret asked this cassette tape to the London subway transport company to continue listening to her husband's voice at home.
But, knowing the moving history, the company decided to restore the announcement in the only stop near the house where the woman lives, specifically at the Embankment stop of Northern Line, where all passengers can listen today Oswald Laurence's voice and to think that eternal love really exists.
Wonderful gesture by the authorities


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“Peaceful is the one who's not concerned with having more or less.
Unbound by name and fame, he is free from sorrow from the world and mostly from himself.” |

Closing Benediction

May the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”

Song: I WAS loved by Davy Flowers



Solitude is the state of being alone without being lonely. It is a positive and constructive state of engagement with oneself. Solitude is desirable, a state of being alone where you provide yourself wonderful and sufficient company.  it is not only about being alone. “It’s a deeper internal process,”

Productive solitude requires internal exploration, a kind of labor which can be uncomfortable, even excruciating. “It might take a little bit of work before it turns into a pleasant experience. But once it does it becomes maybe the most important relationship anybody ever has, the relationship you have with yourself.”

Solitude is a time that can be used for reflection, inner searching or growth or enjoyment of some kind. Deep reading requires solitude, so does experiencing the beauty of nature. Thinking and creativity usually do too.

Solitude suggests peacefulness stemming from a state of inner richness. It is a means of enjoying the quiet and whatever it brings that is satisfying and from which we draw sustenance. It is something we cultivate. Solitude is refreshing; an opportunity to renew ourselves. In other words, it replenishes us.

This is not to say that true solitude necessarily requires an absence of stimuli. Rather, “the value of solitude depends on whether an individual can find an interior solitude” within themselves

Everyone is different in that regard: “Some people can go for a walk or listen to music and feel that they are deeply in touch with themselves. Others cannot.”

For solitude to be beneficial, certain preconditions must be met. Kenneth Rubin, a developmental psychologist at the University of Maryland, calls them the “ifs.” Solitude can be productive only: if it is voluntary, if one can regulate one’s emotions “effectively,” if one can join a social group when desired, and if one can maintain positive relationships outside of it. When such conditions aren’t met, yes, solitude can be harmful.

When such conditions aren’t met, yes, solitude can be harmful. Consider the hikikomori phenomenon in Japan, where hundreds of thousands of depressed or troubled young people (39+) quarter themselves away, sometimes for years, often requiring extensive reintegration therapy to move on. The difference between solitude as rejuvenation and solitude as suffering is the quality of self-reflection that one can generate while in it, and the ability to come back to social groups when one wants to.

“There is a difference between loneliness and solitude, one will empty you, and one will fill you. You have the power to choose.” “ ...

“Now, more than ever, we need our solitude. Being alone gives us the power to regulate and adjust our lives.Dr. Ester Buchholz

The best thinking has been done in solitude.” ~ Thomas A. Edison

“Solitude is the place of purification and transformation, the place of the great struggle and the great encounter.” – Henri Nouwen

“Our language has widely sensed the two sides of being alone. It has created the word “loneliness” to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word “solitude” to express the glory of being alone.” ~ Paul Tillich, ‘The Eternal Now’

“Without great solitude no serious work is possible.” ~ Pablo Picasso

One can be instructed in society, one is inspired only in solitude.” ~ Gary Mark Gilmore

“In solitude the mind gains strength and learns to lean upon itself.” ~ Laurence Sterne

“Solitude is the great teacher, and to learn its lessons you must pay attention to it.” ~ Deepak Chopra

“The more powerful and original a mind, the more it will incline towards the religion of solitude.” ~ Aldous Huxley

“Solitude is the soil in which genius is planted, creativity grows, and legends bloom; faith in oneself is the rain that cultivates a hero to endure the storm, and bare the genesis of a new world, a new forest.” – Mike Norton

"Solitude is a silent storm that breaks down all our dead branches; yet it sends our living roots deeper into the living heart of the living earth."
-  Kahlil Gibran

"St. John of the Cross points out that the divine music can best be heard in solitude and silence.  The sonorous music is not a physical sound that vibrates the eardrum but something transcending the senses.  Physical solitude and silence remove the distracting noises that prevent us from hearing on deeper levels." -  Charles Cummings.

“Solitude is like punctuation. A paragraph without periods and commas would be exhausting to read.” – Arnie Kozak

Poem/Prose - Notes to Myself by Hugh Prather

It is sometimes said that each of us is ultimately alone. This idea is compelling not because of birth and death, but because so often our moments alone seem more true, more real.  I need solitude like I need food and rest, and like eating and resting, solitude is most healing when it fits the rhythm of my needs.  A rigidly scheduled aloneness does not nourish me. Solitude is perhaps a misnomer.  To me, being alone means togetherness - the re-coming-togetherness of myself and nature, of myself and being, the reuniting of myself with all other selves.  Solitude especially means putting the parts of my mind back together, unifying the pieces of my mind back together, unifying the pieces of myself scattered by anger and fear, until I can once again see that the little things are little and the big things are big."


"The Christian solitary does not seek solitude merely as an atmosphere or as a setting for a special and exalted spirituality. Nor does he seek solitude as a favorable means for obtaining something he wants — contemplation. He seeks solitude as an expression of his total gift of himself to God," writes Trappist monk Thomas Merton in this reprint of his 1956 spiritual classic.
The author states that solitude is "not just a recipe for hermits" but a means to keeping society together. Individuals need a retreat from the exigencies and pressures of work in order to dialogue with God. Merton outlines some aspects of the spiritual life that set the stage for solitude: gratitude, keeping awake, practicing humility, listening, and unifying our lives. He sees silence as "the mother of truth" and as a divine milieu. He calls the Psalms "the true garden of the solitary." By surrendering ourselves to God, we nurture our love for others while we are apart from them. This is "the true fruit and the true purpose of Christian solitude."
The world of men has forgotten the joys of silence, the peace of solitude, which is necessary, to some extent, for the fullness of human living. Man cannot be happy for long unless he is in contact with the springs of spiritual life which are hidden in the depths of his own soul. If man is exiled constantly from his own home, locked out of his spiritual solitude, he ceases to be a true person.
It is in deep solitude and silence that I find the gentleness with which I can truly love my brother and sister.
Not all of us are called to be hermits, but all of us need enough silence and solitude in our lives to enable the deeper voice of our own self to be heard at least occasionally.
Solitude is not something you must hope for in the future. Rather, it is a deepening of the present, and unless you look for it in the present you will never find it.


Faced with a rare opportunity to experiment with solitude, Doris Grumbach decided to live in her coastal Maine home without speaking to anyone for fifty days. The result is a beautiful meditation about what it means to write, to be alone, and to come to terms with mortality.

“I had told people of my intention to be alone for a time. At once I realized they looked upon this declaration as a rejection of them and their company. I felt apologetic, even ashamed, that I would have wanted such a curious thing as solitude, and then sorry that I had made a point of announcing my desire for it. … To the spouse, or the long-time companion, or the family, and to the social circle, as it is called, the decision to be alone for any length of time is dangerous, threatening, a sign of rejection. … Having never felt the need to be alone themselves, having always lived happily in relationships, they looked upon my need as eccentric, even somewhat mad. But more than that, they saw it as fraudulent, an excuse to be rid of them rather than a desperate need to explore myself.” ~ Doris Grumbach, ‘Fifty Days of Solitude’

Solitude Precedes Spiritually Significant Events
In Scripture, solitude frequently precedes a spiritually significant event. Jacob is alone before the wrestling match, his "magnificent defeat" that changed his life forever.   Moses is alone before encountering the burning bush and the God who changed his life forever. Elijah retreated to a cave in which silence envelops him and God's still, small voice speaks to him. Jesus is frequently alone to pray, including on the night before calling his disciples. He is alone with Peter, James, and John when he is blindingly transfigured before their eyes. Jesus is alone in Gethsemane when he agonizes over his Father's calling to be crucified, to drink a cup he does not want to drink. He then drinks it to the dregs.

Jesus practiced solitude
It is this example set by Jesus, and his counsel in Matt. 6 to pray alone ("in secret"), that has motivated his followers to imitate him by seeking the discipline of solitude. If even Jesus periodically needed solitude to in order to reboot, who are we to think we can ignore this classic discipline?

Science of Mind Reading

Sacred Text

But now even more the report about him went abroad, and great crowds gathered to hear him and to be healed of their infirmities. But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray. Luke 5:15-16

And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. Mark 6:31

The Rewards

One is not alone in solitude Richard Foster observes the paradox of solitude: The Christian who seeks solitude wants aloneness from other human beings, but is aware that in solitude she is not alone. God is there, filling her with unmediated presence and love. "Loneliness is inner emptiness. Solitude is inner fulfillment." And one needn't travel to a retreat center to find it. Any site where one can be out of contact with others and silent is a place of solitude. A walk in the woods or along a deserted shore will serve. So will a cup of coffee before anyone else is up. Or a time alone in the back yard before bed, drinking in the darkness and the stars. Solitude is a time for prayer that centers on Jesus Christ, the one who so often sought solitude; it's a time to gather his passion, gentleness, and love. With these gifts the Christian emerges from solitude. He had entered solitude in hope of recovering his spiritual health.


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If you love someone, you are always joined with them--in joy, in absence, in solitude, in strife.


End of Pride Month we started and will close with a benediction

Loving God, in your wisdom, you created a world rich with diversity. We give thanks for the gifts of sexual orientation and gender identity. We celebrate with our queer, transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay siblings who choose to come out, and honour those who do not. We say “yes” to the diversity among us—within ourselves, our families, our neighbours, and our communities. We claim that diversity as we come before you and as we go out into the world. At times, we turn away from this diversity, fearful of its transformative power. We reject that which is different, force it to be silent, or pretend that it does not exist. We participate in systems that privilege sameness and uproot difference. Give us the courage to live boldly into the mystery of diversity, the strength to persevere in the face of adversity, and the power to love in ways that go beyond understanding. Help us create a world where all queer, transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and gay people can flourish.
And so it is


Song: Filled Up - Tasha Layton



Good morning and welcome to Dr Ing’s Sunday Soul Connection.

And as always, I like to applaud you for taking the next 45 minutes or so out of your busy Sunday as we consciously join together across the airwaves, linking hearts and minds to deepen in our connection and communion with the Ground of Being, God in us as us.

Today is  Father's days and we honour all fathers, especially our Heavenly Father, the father figures, the grandfathers, stepfathers, adoptive father's and men that stepped into the roles of being like a father.

Before we get to that, I would like to continue in our excavation of the difference between loneliness and being alone  which as I said previously is not the same as being lonely.

You could be alone In a crowded room and feel lonely. And you can be alone by yourself and still feel lonely, lonely, being alone and loneliness and not the same. One is more emotional than the other.

I love the quote that I shared yesterday by Iyanla Vanzant “There is a very secret sweetness about being alone that you will miss if you fear it so much.”

We’re not talking about isolation and its effect on people's health. This is not what we are talking about this morning. We're talking about the conscious decision to spend time alone and to  balance and maintain of strong social supportive connections.

Science, actually supports the benefits of being alone  I came across this by Amy Morin:

7 Science-Backed Reasons You Should Spend More Time Alone by Amy Morin

1. Alone time increases empathy. 
When you spend time with a certain circle of friends or your co-workers, you develop a “we vs. them” mentality. Spending time alone helps you develop more compassion for people who may not fit into your ‘inner circle.’

2. Solitude increases productivity.
Although so many offices have started creating open floor plans so everyone can communicate more easily, studies show being surrounded by people kills productivity. People perform better when they have a little privacy.

3. Solitude sparks creativity.
There’s a reason a lot of authors or artists want to go to a cabin in the woods or a private studio to work. Being alone with your thoughts gives your brain a chance to wander, which can help you become more creative.

4. Being alone can help you build mental strength.
We’re social creatures and it’s important for us to have strong connections with other people. But, solitude may be just as important. Studies show the ability to tolerate alone time has been linked to increased happiness, better life satisfaction, and improved stress management. People who enjoy alone time experience less depression.

5. Solitude may reduce behavior problems in kids.
When you carve some solitude in your schedule you show your children that being along is a healthy thing to do. And research shows kids who learn to by themselves are better behaved than other children. Be a good role model and teach solitary skills early.

6. Being alone gives you an opportunity to plan your life.
Most people spend a lot of time planning weddings and vacations but never plan how to get the most out of life. Spending time alone can give you a chance to ensure there’s a purpose to all of your hustling and bustling. Quiet space provides an opportunity think about your goals, your progress, and changes you want to make in your life.

7. Solitude helps you know yourself.
Being alone helps you become more comfortable in your own skin. When you’re by yourself, you can make choices without outside influences. And that will help you develop more insight into who you are as a person.

Get Proactive About Creating Time to Be Alone
Set aside a few minutes each day to be alone with your thoughts — just 10 minutes a day can help. Silence your electronics and allow yourself to think for a few minutes.

Get Proactive About Creating Time to Be Alone
Set aside a few minutes each day to be alone with your thoughts — just 10 minutes a day can help. Silence your electronics and allow yourself to think for a few minutes.

How to Be Alone
Being alone doesn’t come naturally to everyone. If you are used to surrounding yourself with friends and family or even prefer the company of strangers, learning to appreciate the joys of going solo may take some time.

  • Make a plan. The best alone-time often happens when you set aside a specific period to be by yourself. It shouldn’t be forced isolation that leaves you feeling withdrawn or anti-social. Set aside an evening or a weekend for a little refreshing “me time.”

  • Eliminate the distractions. If you find yourself tempted to work, check out social media, or talk on the phone, start by turning off any potential distracting devices. Leave your laptop and phone aside and focus on doing something that you don’t normally get to do on your own.

  • Learn to value solitude. In an ever-connected world that often devalues being alone, it is important to remember the importance of taking time to spend with just your own thoughts.

One fascinating study found that participants would rather engage in mundane tasks or even administer electrical shocks to themselves rather than spend 6 to 15 minutes alone in a room with nothing to do but think. 

Sacred Text

“You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.” Isaiah 43:1-2

Story - Pride Month

Dustin and Yaser met at their condominium pool 6 and a half years ago. Dustin was new to the building and they began chatting. Fast forward to 2015, the two married on November 14. They're also the proud dads to daughter Lucy whom they adopted in 2016. Not long after, they learned Lucy's biological mother was pregnant with her brother, due mid-February. In Dustin's own words, here's his family story:

There comes a point in some people's lives where they begin to think about starting a family. Yaser and I had discussed this several times but really had no idea how to begin the process. From the reading we had done online we just knew that it could be a long, costly process, full of unknowns. In 2016, we decided to interview a few adoption agencies to see what our options were and how the process works. It didn't take long for us to realize we were right: the process is long and costly with a lot of unknowns. 

We did an online search and decided to call an agency in the Tampa Bay area. The social worker answered and went over the process with us. She then asked us to share some information about ourselves and what we are looking for in regards to adoption. Unbelievably, she told us that she had been contacted that very morning by birth parents who were specifically looking to place their child with a same-sex male couple. What are the chances of that happening?

She asked if we would like to be considered and we immediately said yes. She met with the birth parents the next day and they decided to move forward with placing their child with us. Their child was a precious little girl who had been born 6 weeks prematurely and was still in the NICU. It wasn't long until we were completing our home study and meeting with an adoption attorney and birth parents to complete the paperwork. It was such a whirlwind but it was all worth it when we finally met our little girl, Lucy, in the hospital on July 18, 2016. She was only 4 lbs and had gorgeous red hair. We spent 6 weeks by her side while she was in NICU. She had some drug exposure and her heart and lungs were still developing. The nurses were so kind and they taught us everything that we needed to know about how to take care of her. Lucy is now an extremely active 19-month-old who is meeting all of her developmental milestones.

In September 2017, we received a call from our adoption attorney and she had some big news. Lucy's birth mother was pregnant again! She wanted to know if we would be interested in adopting again. We totally weren't prepared to go through the adoption process so soon after Lucy but we just couldn't separate these siblings. We also thought it would be wonderful for Lucy to have the support of a biological sibling. We decided to do everything that we could to make the adoption possible.

Unlike our adoption with Lucy, the birth mother this time was only a few months along in her pregnancy and needed support. The birth mother can also change her mind at any time during the pregnancy and can't sign any consent forms until 48 hours after the child's birth. This sets up a stressful dynamic in which the adoptive parents have absolutely no guarantee that they will be able to adopt the child, even if they support the birth mother throughout her entire pregnancy. In our situation, the birth parents also struggled with homelessness, addiction and criminal history.

On February 9th, 2018, we traveled to the hospital for the birth of our son, Alex. We spent time with the birth parents and couldn't believe the day had finally come! At this point we were concerned about the health of the baby since we had suspected continued drug use and the mother had little prenatal care. The birth mother was also experiencing preeclampsia. Alex was born at 9am that morning and was taken to the NICU right away with some respiratory distress. The next day we were told that he had multiple drugs in his system and was experiencing withdrawal symptoms. Yaser and I would hold him while he cried and had tremors. It was heartbreaking to see him this way.

Exactly 48 hours after Alex's birth, the birth mother signed the consent form and was discharged from the hospital. As you can imagine, it was such a relief when she signed. Alex is still in the NICU and we are having to travel several hours back and forth to visit him. He is getting better each and every day. We can't wait to bring him home to meet his big sister Lucy.

Science of Mind Reading

Science of Mind Reading

Poem - Silent, Strong Dad BY Karen K. Boyer

He never looks for praises.
He just goes on quietly working
For those he loves the most.
His dreams are seldom spoken.
His wants are very few,
And most of the time his worries
Will go unspoken, too.
He's there...a firm foundation
Through all our storms of life,
A sturdy hand to hold onto
In times of stress and strife.
A true friend we can turn to
When times are good or bad.
One of our greatest blessings,
The man that we call Dad.


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There is a freedom more precious than the world. Infinitely more precious than life and the world is that moment when one is alone with God.”

Benediction by Bob Stevenson

For those grieving the loss of a precious father, may the peace and presence of our Heavenly Father would be closer than a heartbeat to you.
For those torn up by absent, wicked or abusive fathers, may you know the lies spoken over you are not true, that you do matter, and that you might find hope in the Father who is good, and will not let guilty go unpunished.
For those celebrating dear fathers who have loved well, may you be filled with deep gratitude, and that your gratitude for a person would carry your heart to worship of the Father your dad echoes.
For those longing to be a father, and yet unable, may you find space today to grieve well, and that you would know your cries are not lost in the void, but heard and held in love by your Father in heaven — who is working for your good.
For those who are overwhelmed with the daily demands of fatherhood — and know your shortcomings all too well, may you rest in the grace of God today, and find ever deepening dependence on his sustaining power as this day comes to a close.


Song: Keith Urban - Song for Dad

Loneliness is not the same as being alone…

Loneliness is not the same as being alone…

Good Morning and welcome Dr Ing’s Sunday soul connection. As always, we like to begin our time together by setting the intention  with Naturally 7  and Let it be.

As always I like to applaud you for taking the next 45 minutes or so out of your busy Sunday as we link hearts and minds across the airwaves to deepen down in our connection and communion with the ground about being God in us as us.

Today I want to look at loneliness. I've said it before now and  I will reiterate again, loneliness, being alone and solitude are  not the same thing. Often you will see or hear people interchanging these words, but they are completely different.

The number of people that are experiencing loneliness in the UK and in the US is quite phenomenal. The figures we have something like 1 in 14 people in the UK and 1 in 5 in the US experience extreme loneliness.

You think with all that is going on and all that is available to us that loneliness would not be so prevalent, and yet it is.
I love to quote that I shared yesterday  by Vivek Murthy  who said “Loneliness is different than isolation and solitude. Loneliness is a subjective feeling where the connections we need are greater than the connections we have. In the gap, we experience loneliness. It's distinct from the objective state of isolation, which is determined by the number of people around you.”

You see, loneliness is a state of mind It's an emotion that we experience  when we feel disconnected and separated from other human beings. Those who feel lonely or experiencing loneliness also feel sometimes that they're not understood that they’re unwanted or feel they’ve been abandoned, or there's an emptiness within them that can't be filled or they feel that they're not worthy.

It’s not just the older generation we think of as being lonely, yes, they experience loneliness for different reasons. Whether their partners or spouses have died or many of their friends have died or they’re in a home or whatever it is… but the data shows that there are higher rates of loneliness between 18 to 30 year olds. I was quite shocked when I read that.

I was talking with some friends yesterday, and we were talking about  how now technology is limiting connection or interaction with one another.

People who had children during the COVID lockdown only know how to interact with the screen of the telephone or iPad that was often put in front of them whilst their parents were trying to work from home or do schooling with the other children or whatever were the other distractions and so they don't know that connection between people that we have and that is so important and so fundamental and necessary for every human. You cannot get the nuance or energy from a computer screen /telephone or iPad screen of when someone is laughing or joking you cannot feel it.  There's an exchange and energetic exchange we have when we have that literal interactional connection.

As I travelled on the tube this week the majority of people had their heads looking down at their phone and it’s as if we have come become a society and culture where we interact more with our phones than we do with each other.

I'm not anti technology,  I'm anti that disconnection that is happening between us;  the isolation that we find ourselves in. People don't want to give you eye contact. They kind of look somewhat scared if you smile  at them, much more so  if you speak or say hello to them.

This is not a world we need or want. We need to be able to remember occasionally if only, we belong to one another, the Energy the Life-force, the Spirit, the Presence that is in me, is in everyone else. If I'm to honour that, then I need to be able to connect with that  in every individual human being. Norman Cousins said “The eternal quest of the individual human being is to shatter his loneliness.” I think when we can shatter our own individual loneliness we reach out  to others and help shatter theirs

Steven Wilson says “we are living in dystopia in a world that is dominated by technology and disconnect, alienation, loneliness and dysfunction.” This virtual reality that so many of us are now addicted to is really disconnecting us from our humanity.

Our lack of interactions and interchanges with fellow humans is affecting us mentally, emotionally, spiritually. Make no mistake loneliness is a killer. People are committing suicide out of loneliness followed by depression followed by a sense of why bother? And it is my my intention, the reasons why I share the things that I share with you on Sunday, is always to encourage you as well as myself because I always think whatever the message is equally meaningful and relevant to me as it is to who I'm sharing it with.

You individually may not feel lonely or may you may have bounced back from it. So let’s look at what do we do and how can we address that?
How can we each do our part even either alone or with that of another?  It's the little and sometimes simple things.But sometimes even the little simple things can be hard for us to even think about. Because sometimes we're so caught up in the energy of whatever it is we're feeling that we can't see with clarity, or we can't see a way out, or we're too far gone in our apathy to even want to do anything.

Here's the thing. Loneliness is not something that is out of the ordinary.  As I said before, all of us may at some point in time, feel it or have felt it. So let's just accept it normal. There's nothing peculiar or anything to be ashamed about to acknowledge that, and it's important that we also recognise its effects because how it impacts us is one of the ways in recognising that perhaps even if you haven't given voice to, or acknowledged that you might be lonely. You might not be sleeping good or your sleep is interrupted throughout the night. Or you’ve taken up self destructive habits such as excessive drinking,  or as they like to call it recreational drugs.

Once you've noticed or recognised that you’re experiencing loneliness one of the ways to cure it, is perhaps to nurture or make new relationships. It is so easy to let relationships fall by the wayside; because any relationship be it social, personal, intimate, requires effort.
It requires that we make an effort. Today I had planned to go and see a friend and then changed my mind. I received a text from a girlfriend. I've met this girlfriend on Wednesday we had lunch we had a really nice time catching up. We hadn't seen each other for a long time. And I text her to thank her and I haven't heard back but I didn't think anything of it because I know sometimes people need to do something and if you don't do it in that moment it slips you but then on Saturday, I got a text from my son with her phone saying that on the Thursday following after we met on Wednesday she became ill and started dropping in and out of consciousness, they rushed her to a hospital where they think she may have cancer on the brain. They’re waiting for an MRI scan, but in one of her lucid moments she had asked her son  to contact me.

I was really taken aback when I read his text. It struck me how we never know what's around the corner, and I text my friend whom I cancelled and said I’ll be coming. We have to consciously work on our relationships and friendships. It's not I'm doing it because I feel lonely. I'm doing it because I recognise the importance of how we don't know what's around the corner. How important it is to make the effort and sometimes I think it's all too easy not to be bothered.  So it’s important to reconnect with friends if you've lost touch, or start making new friends, join meet-up groups or take up a hobby or an evening night class now they’re opening back.

Don't allow the excuse of you don't know anything or know anyone to stop you. One of the things I loved after leaving schools I used to go to evening classes where I learned French, pottery and Latin American dances; some aspects of those skills I still retain.

On the Sunday Soul we’re always talking about affirmations and positive self talk. Yes, it's too easy when you're lonely to give your attention and your focus on to the very thing that you're experiencing and wallow in that.  We are the captains of our own ship that we are sailing it's up to us to navigate with what or how we are allowing our self talk. Whether it’s negative, or constructive, destructive or positive. It’s also important to recognise that boredom plays a part in being lonely and you can you can negate that by finding something to do such as volunteering. Volunteering is a wonderful opportunity to meet people, to contribute to give of yourself, your time and your energy. I volunteer not as often  as I maybe should but  at least I volunteer once a month. Now that they’re open again and it's interesting to meet people and do things and feeling you’re being of use.


Don't surrender your loneliness
So quickly.
Let it cut more deep.
Let it ferment and season you
As few human
Or even divine ingredients can.
Something missing in my heart tonight
Has made my eyes so soft,
My voice
So tender,
My need of God
(Hafiz, 1320 – 1389)

Sacred Text

Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. Psalm 25:16
Joshua, the Old Testament hero best known for his conquest of Jericho, started out as the right hand of Moses. Moses had led the Hebrews out of slavery in Egypt, but when he died, leaving Joshua in charge, the Hebrews were still lost in the desert on their way to the promised land.
The Hebrews often rebelled against leadership, and Joshua, like Moses before him, often felt lonely and discouraged-particularly after the death of his friend and teacher. But God himself encouraged him with these words: "No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you." -Joshua 1:5.

Another Biblical figure who understood the loneliness of abandonment was Paul. Paul was one of the early evangelists in the New Testament. He worked to spread the gospel among the Jews, who saw early Christians as heretics, and among the Gentiles who saw the early Christians as only the smallest and most recent of a number of competing religions.
As Paul fought persecution to spread the gospel, he found that his friends deserted him when he needed their help. But he remained strong: "No one stood by me the first time I defended myself; all deserted me. … But the Lord stayed with me and gave me strength." -2 Timothy 4:16


According to the Office for National Statistics, almost one in 14 Brits say they are lonely, a figure that increased during the coronavirus pandemic.
Research shows it’s an issue that impacts the LGBTQ+ community more acutely – before the pandemic, 21 per cent of queer people felt loneliness “very often” or daily, according to LGBT HERO’s LGBTQ+ Lockdown Wellbeing Report. During the lockdown, this more than doubled.

Finding a partner and finding friends who share your identity is statistically harder, so that can be isolating on a very literal level.”
Coming out can be especially isolating, Fountaine added.
“The journey to understand your identity can be very lonely.
“This rejection can become internalised, so then we’re less likely to seek relationships or trust those around us.”
The pandemic left many feeling more isolated than ever before.
Among them was Ibtisam Ahmed, head of policy and research at the LGBT Foundation.

The 30-year-old lived in Nottingham during the first lockdown with his partner. As a queer person of colour and a migrant, Ahmed felt despondent as he became “disconnected from others who understand” his struggles.
“I lost a huge safety net by no longer being able to see friends and loved ones with my lived experience, which was compounded by growing stress in how the pandemic was also creating ill-will towards people of colour,” he told PinkNews.
“I am a QTIPoC migrant while my partner is white British, and there are some experiences that the two of us are unable to fully explain to each other.”

Ahmed slipped into solitude during lockdown. Soon even a trip to the local pharmacy to pick up medication felt too risky. “I became scared to go out because I noticed an uptick in racism,” he said


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“Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you. Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion. Set your life on fire. Rumi


Beloved Mother Father God
Thank you for always being with us even in the midst of our loneliness and when we feel separate from you.
Touch our hearts to remember that there is nowhere where You are not, and that we should always seek You first.
Comfort our souls, calm our minds so that our Spirit may consciously and continuously be nourished by your indwelling Presence.

Song - Anna Golden, SOS

Ageing - Sage-ing - Gracefully and Gratefully

Ageing - Sage-ing - Gracefully and Gratefully

Good Morning and welcome to Dr Ing’s Sunday soul connection. As always, we like to begin our time together by setting the intention  with Naturally 7  and Let it be.

As always,I like to applaud you for taking the next 45 minutes out of your busy Sunday to just let it be. To honour your commitment to coming into our sacred community to deepen in our connection and communion with the ground being God in us as us.

The Creator and Sustainer of all that is. It’s not enough to say we believe God, we know God, we trust God but we have to consciously align ourselves with the presence that is everywhere present at every point in space and time.

I keep re emphasising this truth this fact because I know that in moments of calamities or distress, we sometimes feel that we are somehow absent or separated from the Divine; but that can never be, as we live move and have our being in the Divine Omniscience, Omnipresence, Omnipotence that is God by whatever name you choose, choose to call Him/Her/It, our Divine Beloved is right where we are.

Today's theme for our Sunday Soul Connection is ageing to sage-ing which is a theme that I have been waiting on the appropriate time to deliver.

A while back having a conversation with one of our Sunday soldiers in Costa Rica and we were talking about ageing and I can't remember what I said. But in the end, whatever the conversation was, she sent me the song that I'm going to close with today.

A great reminder that age is irrelevant, and I love the quote that I shared with you yesterday by Jules Renard, who said “it's not a question of how old you are, but a question of how you are old”.

We’re living in times where the respected elder, the aged person can sometimes seem as if we're looked down upon. Pre-industrial revolution, we were respected. We served as the political leaders, the judges, the guardians of tradition.

We were the ones that taught the young, we were the council chiefs. We prepared the rites of passages for our youngsters, we continued the tribal tradition. We were the visionaries the seers. We were the conduits for the Divine realm, the conduits between the Divine realm and the mundane  earthly world.

We were the ones that people looked to revered.  We were the ones who people respected, but things changed after the Industrial Revolution. Our roles became less significant.

Our power is passed down to the younger generation, from father to son, who valued the new technology, rather than the old ways of the past and the shift continued to change as we technologically progressed.

But it kind of left the elders, the aged without any sort of significant and meaningful roles. We lost our honoured place in society. We became the victims of what is known as gerontophobia, a fear of advanced age, based on how we now disempower the elderly, the aged, and the stereotypes that we have now come to see them as somehow feeble or less than able and we house them or warehouse them in what is now described as the new ghettos such as the  Nursing homes and retirement communities, and this is very prevalent in the West.

I'm sure many of you will be familiar with the cultures of Africa, India or China where the aged is still respected and revered.

I was reading in China in Shanghai, which is one of the five largest cities in the world, in the late 1970s, there was only one Home for the Aged, as most of the family was shared, or most of the aged was shared within the family. They were looked after by the children. You notice the difference that here in the UK especially every town or city has multiple homes for the aged as they become a challenge to be looked after at home or whatever the need.

But people so fear this process of ageing, that they’ve lost sight of the wisdom that the aged have, our perspective has changed as we get older. We have clearer insight on how we see things. Our understanding of things, our understanding of life and what's going on around. We have more time. We're more patient. I love as I'm walking, seeing the grand children with their grandparents and you see the patience and the time that they have to spend with them. They're no longer caught up with the busyness of making a living, of earning a crust or providing for the family.

I think the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren is different from the relationship that the parents had with their own children, as they were caught up with the busyness of surviving.

One of the joys of ageing is that we have freedom, freedom to be ourselves and we're no longer concerned with people's opinions of how they think we should be, or what we should be about, or what we should be doing, or how we should be acting, or how we should be dressing.

We don't have to conform because it's expected of us. Because we need that job, we need to have that good opinion we need whatever it is.

We get to see things with a new eye. We get to realise that we're not at the end of our life. Life is just a continuation, this is just a new chapter. We don't have to be concerned, our houses most likely paid for the children are away. We don't have to meet with college bills or university bills or any of those things.

We can start to do things that we've been putting off or waiting to do till we have the time whether it’s volunteering or reading books that we've been piling up waiting to find the right time to read, or learning an instrument or going to a night class. All these things we are now able to do and the blessings of ageing is that we are appreciative of our relationships so that we've had for a long time and the new relationship. I still have relationships going back to when I was at school. For 50 plus years. We've been friends. We've kept in contact with each other.

So my invitation this morning as we moved from ageing to sage-ing is to embrace wherever we are on that spectrum that we call age because it's one of the things that is coming to all of us; whether we want to fight it, stave it off, or try and hope that it won't reach us it will! But I'm here to tell you that the ageing process is not one to be feared, but one to be embraced. It's one to be grateful that you have reach the age whatever it is that you have. For for many, it has been denied. All of us here, I'm sure know people that are younger than us that have already passed away.

So let us embrace the whole ageing, the whole experience of growing old and understand that we are growing old, both gracefully and gratefully.
Gracefully because we know that it is God that is in us that is giving us the health and the strength and gratefully because we are blessed when many others who are not alive to enjoy all the things that we are enjoying.

So my sacred text this morning I want to share several with you because it is obviously one that the writers of the Bible felt greatly and strongly about.

Sacred  Texts

Gray hair is a crown of glory, it is gained in a righteous life. (Psalm 16:31)
Okay, it’s not just being older that is the advantage. It’s about learning from experience. Taking the right lessons. Loving the Lord and learning from God. Take a look at my silvery locks!

Do not cast me off in the time of old age; do not forsake me when my strength is spent. (Psalm 71:9)
Frustrated by something that used to be piece of cake but now is taking so much out of you?

Isaiah 46:4 Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.

The righteous flourish like a palm tree, and grow like a cedar in Lebanon…In old age they still produce fruit. (Psalm 92:12-14)
I’ve caught myself saying more than once, “I wouldn’t want to be in my 20s again.” Why? Because if anything, with age we acquire wisdom. And that’s what produces fruit.

He shall be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age… (Ruth 4:15)
So maybe I can’t jog as fast as I did at 20…but there is a source, a heavenly source, looking out for me.

Job 12:12 Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?

Not every aged person or elder or elderly, we can consider as wise, and there are older people that are more foolish than some of the younger people I've encountered. But for many ageing brings with it a certain wisdom a certain understanding of life. A certain recognition, a certain perspective, a certain awareness.

We have to remember that certain patriarchs of the Bible lived to an old age:
Noah lived to be 950, Adam lived to be 930 years old, Enoch lived to be 365 years,  Job lived to be at least 210 years old, Abraham lived to be 175 years old, Joseph lived to be 110 years old, Joseph, Joshua lived to be 110 years old.


Walter Orthmann, from Brazil, started working for the RenauxView textile company at 15. Recently, the Guinness World Record certified him for the longest career at the same company - 84 years and 9 days. ⁠
He turned 100 on April 19, and is described as being in good health with excellent mental clarity and memory. He celebrated his 100th birthday with the colleagues, family, and friends.⁠ “The best part about having a job is that it gives you a sense of purpose, commitment, and routine,” he commented, adding he lives a calm life and does exercise every day.⁠

"I had to wait 110 years to become famous. I wanted to enjoy it as long as possible." Jeanne Louise Calment (1875-1997)
The oldest documented living human, this French woman had all her wits about her when she reached the "super-centenarian" age of 110. With her jaunty smile, Calment charmed the world with her upbeat attitude toward aging and life.

"Too many people, when they get old, think that they have to live by the calendar." John Glenn (1921-)
As the oldest person to board a U.S. Space Shuttle at age 77, Senator John Glenn exemplified the view that we shouldn't let age define us. The calendar is a useful way to let you know the date, but if you let yourself be hemmed in by your chronological age, you may lock yourself out of potentially valuable opportunities.

"How old would you be if you didn't know how old you was*?" Satchel Paige (1906-1982)
This baseball legend who continued his successful career well into his 60s. We are so obsessed with age, Paige implies, that we allow it to define our identities. Break out of the mindset that makes you think of your age first, and your identity second.

"Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness." Edward Stanley (1826-1893)
Do you ever feel that you just don't have enough time to work out? Do you get to work early and stay late at the office, only to convince yourself that there are just not enough hours in the day to get to the gym? Back in the mid-1800s, this British stateman advocated, well ahead of his time, for the importance to health of getting regular physical activity. He didn't have the data to support this argument that we have now about the value of exercise, but his astute observation would withstand the most rigorous scientific test about the benefits of working out regularly.

"At age 20, we worry about what others think of us. At age 40, we don't care what they think of us. At age 60, we discover they haven't been thinking of us at all." Ann Landers (1918-2002)
Ann Landers reminds us that as people get older, they move away from the egocentric concerns of youth to the more realistic perceptions of midlife and older adults, who realize that they are not the center of the universe. As a result, older adults are free to do what they want, not constrained by what they construe to be the opinions of others (who themselves are thinking only about themselves).

"Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength." Betty Friedan (1921-2006)
One of the founders of the feminist movement, Betty Friedan continued to inspire women throughout her life, writing about her experiences with aging in The Fountain of Age. In this quote, Friedan captures the concept of successful aging. Let's redefine later life as a time of growth instead of inevitable decline.

"Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be." Robert Browning (1812-1889)
This very inspiring characterization of old age fits with the concept of "successful ageing," which provides the view that it is possible to enjoy your later years in a way that exceeds your expectations.

By Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D.

Poem - My Rememberer, UNKNOWN

My forgetter's getting better
But my rememberer is broke
To you that may seem funny
But, to me, that is no joke.

For when I'm 'here' I'm wondering
If I really should be 'there'
And, when I try to think it through,
I haven't got a prayer!

Often times I walk into a room,
Say "what am I here for?"
I wrack my brain, but all in vain
A zero, is my score.

At times I put something away
Where it is safe, but, Gee!
The person it is safest from
Is, generally, me!

When shopping I may see someone,
Say "Hi" and have a chat,
Then, when the person walks away
I ask myself, "who was that?"

Yes, my forgetter's getting better
While my rememberer is broke,
And it's driving me plumb crazy
And that isn't any joke.

Science of Mind Reading


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Death has nothing to do with going away.The sun sets The moon sets But they are not gone.


June is Pride month and I’d like to share the following reflection:

We celebrate our sexuality as central to our humanity and as integral to our spirituality.
We suffer because of the pain, brokenness, oppression and loss of meaning that too many experience about their sexuality.

We celebrate the goodness of creation, our bodies and our sexuality.
We suffer when this sacred gift is abused or exploited.

We celebrate sexuality that expresses love, justice, mutuality, commitment, consent and pleasure.
We suffer because of discrimination against people because of sex, gender, colour, age, bodily condition, marital status or sexual orientation.

We celebrate when we are truth-seeking, courageous and just.
We suffer because of violence against women and sexual minorities and the HIV pandemic.

We celebrate the full inclusion of women and LGBT persons in our congregation’s life.
We suffer because of unsustainable population growth and overconsumption, and the commercial exploitation of sexuality.

We celebrate those who challenge sexual oppression and who work for sexual justice.
God rejoices when we celebrate our sexuality with holiness and integrity.


May you be Blessed on the path on which you travel.
May you be Blessed in the body that carries you upon it.
May you be Blessed in your heart that has heard the call.
May you be Blessed in your mind that discerns the way.
May you be Blessed in the gift that you will receive by going.  
May you be Truly blessed in the gift that you will become on the journey.
May you go forth in peace.

Song: I’m in my Prime - The Spinners

The Deeper things of God - Grace

The Deeper things of God - Grace

Good Morning and welcome Dr Ing’s Sunday soul connection. As always, we like to begin our time together by setting the intention  with Naturally 7  and Let it be.

I applaud you for taking the next 45 minutes or so out of your busy Sunday to to consciously choose to deepen in communion with the Ground of Being God in you as you and we conclude our series, the deeper themes of God.

Today as we dive deeper from the inspiration of our original texts, which reminded us that it was “the Spirit that searches all things. Yes, the deepest things of God” and so we started to examine what were the deepest things of God that only  His Spirit could reveal to us.

Well, we were all familiar with the themes but I think as we dive down deeper we've got an even more clearer understanding. We started by looking at love, the adoration of God, that God has for all of us each and every one of us without exception whether we think we are lovable or unlovable.

Followed by light, the Light of God which illuminates our consciousness, so that we can have a deeper awareness and understanding; followed by the word of God, the wisdom with which we co create.

Today we are ending with the Grace of God; that which I believe, as we allow in our lives, can transformed our lives.  I think it's very hard sometimes to shift away from the theological, and even that  of the dictionary definition of God, which is “unmerited and undeserved”. According to Webster’s dictionary, “it’s granted to humans for the regeneration and sanctification.“

People like to talk about grace as if it's something that we are undeserving of, and that it's the opposite of karma, which is about getting what you deserve, your comeuppance whereas grace is according to theology, is about getting what you don't deserve and not getting what you do.

God's benevolence towards us, is irrespective of who are deserving or undeserving.  It's because God is so generous and loves us so much, that even though we may think we are just so lowly.

I would like to shift to shift that limited and lowly understanding of what God's grace is and how it is we receive it. To do that, we need to look a bit deeper as to the metaphysical meaning as we always like to do how you see the grace of God is something that is a part of the law. When you read the Old Testament you will constantly see the word the Lord and the reference to the Lord as Jehovah. But if we were to exchange those words, and replace it with the Law, we start to see a different connotation about what it is telling us.

We are all familiar with the law of cause and effect. I don't think there's anyone here that is unfamiliar with that terminology. The idea that we are formulating our experiences by the thoughts, the beliefs, the words that we hold, and we manifest as the effect according to the level of faith and where we are in consciousness.

We manifest the effect of whatever the thoughts and beliefs and words were. But the truth is, whilst we are under that law, and it is only a part of the law, God's Grace, is beyond what we are able to think believe and speak for ourselves for our lives.  God's grace, totally overrides that.

You see, God's grace is beyond the idea of if we pray hard, if we believe hard, if we whatever it is, you want to think or speak for yourself.

It's beyond all of that. It's an expansion of consciousness when we understand that God's grace is beyond cause and effect. It's that level of consciousness with which God works in and it doesn't mean we don't have to watch our thoughts or words or our beliefs, or we don't pray anymore.

But it's an acceptance that we do, as we surrender and let go and trust God's Grace, because God's Grace is bigger, more than and more comprehensive than anything we can conceive of.

When we are able to move beyond that idea, that we're only going to receive God's Grace if we're worthy, even though we think we're not then, we can move away from that limited theological concept of God's Grace that comes to us unmerited. When we can move beyond that belief that somehow It’s a whimsical thing.

We need to understand that God's Grace is greater than the law of cause and effect. God's grace is far superior to anything we can conceive and believe. Yes, as we continue to do that we do not allow the idea that God's Grace somehow, maybe, it might come to us if we're deserving.

I'm going to give several sacred texts this morning because I want us to look and understand the teaching that Jesus was clearly demonstrating about God's grace. And I'm going to start off with the parable of the workers in the vineyard.

The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard - Mathew 20: 1-16

20 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. He agreed to pay them a denarius[a] for the day and sent them into his vineyard.
“About nine in the morning he went out and saw others standing in the marketplace doing nothing. He told them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.’ So they went.
“He went out again about noon and about three in the afternoon and did the same thing. 
About five in the afternoon he went out and found still others standing around. He asked them, ‘Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?’
“‘Because no one has hired us,’ they answered.
“He said to them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard.’
“When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the workers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last ones hired and going on to the first.’
“The workers who were hired about five in the afternoon came and each received a denarius. 10 So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius. 11 When they received it, they began to grumble against the landowner. 12 ‘These who were hired last worked only one hour,’ they said, ‘and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.’
13 “But he answered one of them, ‘I am not being unfair to you, friend. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius? 14 Take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you. 15 Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’
16 “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”
First of all, the householder, or the Lord of the Vineyard represents, of course, the law. The law of our highest good. The law of our being. Jehovah of the Old Testament. God indwelling Christ in the New Testament.

The Vineyard is our consciousness and the life we are living, they are one.

“Now the labourers in the Vineyard represent our thoughts, our feelings, our words, and our prayers, which we go to work in consciousness to produce the fruit of the Vineyard. The fruits of consciousness.

The wages paid to the labourers represent the results that we get according to our thoughts, feelings, and prayers, and words. Words and prayers could be synonymous. In another words the wages paid to the labourers represented the answers to our prayers.

Now the first group of labours go to work after making an agreement for a penny. They were depending upon their agreement rather than their Lord’s judgment as to what what was right. Or what he willed to give them. They did not trust at that. Instead, they trusted their agreement which was for a penny. They laboured all day and they got exactly what they had agreed to. There was no cheating, there was no turning away from the agreement, it was paid. But they were not satisfied.

This represents, folks, these thoughts and feelings and these prayers which we utter or except which are depending upon the law of cause and effect. In other words, praying for something specific because this is what I think I want. Be it a car, husband job etc - you can receive it but it may not satisfy

So I make an agreement with my lord for what it is I want

I’ll get it. But it won’t to satisfy me. It won’t. It can’t. Because it is a thing and things never truly satisfy. I can even get a healing that way.

Well, we all know what this is. This is when we go into a prayer under an agreement. Trusting the law of cause and effect, I wanted, I affirm it, I keep the picture in my mind, yes, I will get the form that I have a great two. But it won’t satisfy me. This is the bread which does not satisfy. And the water that one drinks then thirsts again. Jesus talked about it many times.

But now we have something else shown us in the story. Here we have a group of labourers who do not bind their selves to an agreement. We go into the vineyard to work, trusting 100% to the will of the Lord of the Vineyard. They don’t make any agreement. They don’t have any outlines in their head. They’re not telling that Lord what he must pay them because of the work that they are doing. They go into work and to trust the will of the Lord of the Vineyard. And as a result they get far more than they deserved and much more then they personally expected.

This is a perfect description of one who prays in this manner: praying under the Grace of God rather than according to the law of cause and effect. In this case, one who would pray, would go into his inner chamber and turn everything over to his God.

Not only the need that he may be praying about but he will also turn his present state of consciousness over to God. He will turn his doubts, his fears, his belief over to God. In other words, lock, stock, and barrel over to God.

God will answer my prayer in his perfect way because he loves me, because he understands me, and if this is true regardless of the state of consciousness I may be in at this moment. I am not depending upon my state of consciousness, the agreement, I am depending on God, and God only. When a person does this he is under the Grace of God and his answer will be something far greater than he thinks he deserves, and far greater than his present state of consciousness would have admitted possible.”

When you know, that this grace of God supersedes the law of cause and effect. Then you start to think differently, believe differently, pray differently. You know, that we can truly come to this understanding, this awareness that God's Grace that is greater than the law of cause and effect. That God's desire for you is greater than any desire you may have for yourself.

Another sacred text that I wanted to show you, it's so Second Corinthians 12:9, which simply says, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” When you are not driving, steering, directing, or dictating how God should work for you, in that humility or weakness Gods’ power works.

God's grace supersedes the law of cause and effect. My final sacred text  I want to share with you is from Ephesians 2:8, which says “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.” Isn’t dependent on us being worthy or being withheld for thinking we’re unworthy. You do not need to manage, cajole or beg It. We simply need to understand and receive it

Poem by J.I. Packer

I am graven on the palms of His hands. I am never out of His mind. All my knowledge of Him depends on His sustained initiative in knowing me. I know Him, because He first knew me, and continues to know me. He knows me as a friend, One who loves me; and there is no moment when His eye is off me, or His attention distracted for me, and no moment, therefore, when His care falters."

This speaks to the free flowing, unconditional Grace of God. The quote that I shared yesterday from Thomas Adams Grace comes into the soul, as the morning sun into the world; first a dawning; then a light; and at last the sun in his full and excellent brightness."
You see that's a bit like our journey in understanding God. First, we understood just to pray and beg and cajole; then be understood to recognise our thoughts and beliefs and have them in alignment and trust the law of cause and effect and now we understand more fully that even beyond the law of cause and effect, even beyond the prayer is God's Grace that is able to do more than we can ask.

Job Search Solution, So Good They Can’t Ignore You, Getting to Yes. The more I flipped through the titles on the shelves at the mall bookstore, the more depressed I got.
Why had I migrated to the self-help section? I’d come to the mall for an escape, a few moments to not have to think about the job I desperately needed, my dwindling bank account, my wife’s medical expenses. But everywhere I looked I was reminded of my troubles.
I’d done everything I could. Tried every way I could think of to get my name out there, sent out dozens of resumes, made follow-up calls, haunted the job placement office. Nothing. There was no getting around it. I was in a bad way. The pressure weighed on me from the moment I woke in the morning until I went to bed at night. I was a loser, a failure. No book was going to change that.

Weeks earlier I was home with the flu when my boss called. For 18 years I’d written computer programs used to manufacture wind turbines. It was delicate work, every part produced to exact specifications.
That day I was needed to measure a 2,000-pound gear we were about to put into production. I had to be sure of the specs before I could do my programming. I had the part suspended on a hoist when I started feeling dizzy. Just need to sit down for a second, I thought. I went to the break room—without lowering the gear to the floor. That was a safety violation. And I’d made it just at the moment my boss walked in. “I’m writing you up,” she said.

“You’re being ridiculous,” I replied. My second mistake. Hours later I was fired.
“It will be okay,” my wife, Samantha, said when I told her. “We just have to put it in God’s hands.”
I shook my head and turned down the next aisle. I hated when she talked that way. I didn’t believe in all that mumbo jumbo. Answered prayers. Divine intervention. Angels flittering about. I put my trust in things that were real, that I could see with my own two eyes. And what I saw now wasn’t pretty.

Samantha was diabetic and couldn’t work because of neuropathy in her hands and feet. Without insurance, her insulin alone cost $1,000 a month. Because I’d been fired I couldn’t draw unemployment. Yet she continued to put her faith in God. It felt like it was all on me, the worry, the guilt, landing a new position, figuring out how to cut expenses.

One thing for sure, hanging out at the bookstore wasn’t doing anything for me. I turned toward the EXIT sign. You need to get home and back to the computer, I told myself. Loser. Failure. The words seemed to follow me right out of the store.

I stepped out the door and standing just feet away was a grizzled, older looking man in jeans and a faded flannel shirt. He looked at me as if he knew me, but I didn’t recognize him. Had he been in the bookstore? I tried to skirt past him when I heard a voice say, “Are you okay?”

I turned and our eyes met. Was it that obvious I was hurting, that a complete stranger would ask about my welfare? Maybe he’d noticed me in the self-help aisle. “Yeah,” I said. “I’m fine.”
The man pointed a finger at me. “Remember this. God loves you.”
With that, he turned and walked away. I didn’t know what to think.
“Something kind of odd happened,” I told Samantha when I got home. Of course she had an explanation. “It’s a sign,” she claimed. “Everything’s going to work out.”
I didn’t know about that, but I had to admit, there was something about those words, something about the way the stranger said them, the conviction in his voice. The whole experience. “Like I said, Samantha, it was odd.” I couldn’t get the incident out of my mind. There was something strangely comforting about it.

With Samantha’s encouragement and positive thinking, I continued my search. The stranger’s words played in the back of my mind. I had just been remembering the encounter when I got a call. A firm that made wind turbines, wanting to interview me. The day of my appointment, a Friday, I put on my best suit and kissed my wife. I was out the door when I stopped, and turned. “Say a prayer for me,” I said. Samatha beamed. I was leaving nothing to chance.
The interview was going great. Until the manager looked down at my resume. “Why did you leave your last job?” he asked.

My heart pounded. I reviewed the answers I’d rehearsed on the drive over. Looking for a change. Wanting more of a challenge. I opened my mouth. Then I thought of Samantha. Her trust in God. The faith she had in me. No, I couldn’t lie.
“Well, it’s like this,” I said. When I’d finished the manager stared down at my resume, the room deadly silent. Finally, he looked up.
“I know what you’re going through,” he said. “Almost the exact same thing happened to me.” He got up, shook my hand and showed me out. I guessed that was the last I’d hear from him. But I felt like a winner for telling the truth. Somebody, eventually, would find value in that.

First thing Monday morning the firm’s HR manager called. “When can you start?” she said. I almost threw the phone in the air! She went over the benefits, the company’s health insurance—way better than my old job. Samantha wandered in and I mouthed, “I got it!”
I hung up, literally jumping for joy. “Do you really think God cares what happens to me?” I asked my wife. “I mean, I searched for the job. I sent in my resume. It’s not as if God just sent an angel to…” Samantha widened her eyes.
To the mall? It really had seemed like that man had been there just for me, with the very words I’d needed to hear. An angel? I wasn’t sure about that. But one thing I was certain of, he’d been heaven sent.


Job Search Solution, So Good They Can’t Ignore You, Getting to Yes. The more I flipped through the titles on the shelves at the mall bookstore, the more depressed I got.
Why had I migrated to the self-help section? I’d come to the mall for an escape, a few moments to not have to think about the job I desperately needed, my dwindling bank account, my wife’s medical expenses. But everywhere I looked I was reminded of my troubles.
I’d done everything I could. Tried every way I could think of to get my name out there, sent out dozens of resumes, made follow-up calls, haunted the job placement office. Nothing. There was no getting around it. I was in a bad way. The pressure weighed on me from the moment I woke in the morning until I went to bed at night. I was a loser, a failure. No book was going to change that.

Weeks earlier I was home with the flu when my boss called. For 18 years I’d written computer programs used to manufacture wind turbines. It was delicate work, every part produced to exact specifications.
That day I was needed to measure a 2,000-pound gear we were about to put into production. I had to be sure of the specs before I could do my programming. I had the part suspended on a hoist when I started feeling dizzy. Just need to sit down for a second, I thought. I went to the break room—without lowering the gear to the floor. That was a safety violation. And I’d made it just at the moment my boss walked in. “I’m writing you up,” she said.

“You’re being ridiculous,” I replied. My second mistake. Hours later I was fired.
“It will be okay,” my wife, Samantha, said when I told her. “We just have to put it in God’s hands.”

I shook my head and turned down the next aisle. I hated when she talked that way. I didn’t believe in all that mumbo jumbo. Answered prayers. Divine intervention. Angels flittering about. I put my trust in things that were real, that I could see with my own two eyes. And what I saw now wasn’t pretty.

Samantha was diabetic and couldn’t work because of neuropathy in her hands and feet. Without insurance, her insulin alone cost $1,000 a month. Because I’d been fired I couldn’t draw unemployment. Yet she continued to put her faith in God. It felt like it was all on me, the worry, the guilt, landing a new position, figuring out how to cut expenses.

One thing for sure, hanging out at the bookstore wasn’t doing anything for me. I turned toward the EXIT sign. You need to get home and back to the computer, I told myself. Loser. Failure. The words seemed to follow me right out of the store.
I stepped out the door and standing just feet away was a grizzled, older looking man in jeans and a faded flannel shirt. He looked at me as if he knew me, but I didn’t recognize him. Had he been in the bookstore? I tried to skirt past him when I heard a voice say, “Are you okay?”

I turned and our eyes met. Was it that obvious I was hurting, that a complete stranger would ask about my welfare? Maybe he’d noticed me in the self-help aisle. “Yeah,” I said. “I’m fine.”
The man pointed a finger at me. “Remember this. God loves you.”
With that, he turned and walked away. I didn’t know what to think.
“Something kind of odd happened,” I told Samantha when I got home. Of course she had an explanation. “It’s a sign,” she claimed. “Everything’s going to work out.”
I didn’t know about that, but I had to admit, there was something about those words, something about the way the stranger said them, the conviction in his voice. The whole experience. “Like I said, Samantha, it was odd.” I couldn’t get the incident out of my mind. There was something strangely comforting about it.

With Samantha’s encouragement and positive thinking, I continued my search. The stranger’s words played in the back of my mind. I had just been remembering the encounter when I got a call. A firm that made wind turbines, wanting to interview me. The day of my appointment, a Friday, I put on my best suit and kissed my wife. I was out the door when I stopped, and turned. “Say a prayer for me,” I said. Samatha beamed. I was leaving nothing to chance.
The interview was going great. Until the manager looked down at my resume. “Why did you leave your last job?” he asked.

My heart pounded. I reviewed the answers I’d rehearsed on the drive over. Looking for a change. Wanting more of a challenge. I opened my mouth. Then I thought of Samantha. Her trust in God. The faith she had in me. No, I couldn’t lie.
“Well, it’s like this,” I said. When I’d finished the manager stared down at my resume, the room deadly silent. Finally, he looked up.
“I know what you’re going through,” he said. “Almost the exact same thing happened to me.” He got up, shook my hand and showed me out. I guessed that was the last I’d hear from him. But I felt like a winner for telling the truth. Somebody, eventually, would find value in that.

Science Of Mind Reading

First thing Monday morning the firm’s HR manager called. “When can you start?” she said. I almost threw the phone in the air! She went over the benefits, the company’s health insurance—way better than my old job. Samantha wandered in and I mouthed, “I got it!”
I hung up, literally jumping for joy. “Do you really think God cares what happens to me?” I asked my wife. “I mean, I searched for the job. I sent in my resume. It’s not as if God just sent an angel to…” Samantha widened her eyes.
To the mall? It really had seemed like that man had been there just for me, with the very words I’d needed to hear. An angel? I wasn’t sure about that. But one thing I was certain of, he’d been heaven sent.


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“I know you're tired but come, this is the way... In your light, I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems. You dance inside my chest where no-one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art.”*        ― Rumi


Mother Father God Thank you for lifting us up in consciousness and freeing us from the limitations of the law of cause and effect.
For Touching our hearts that we may accept the gift of Your Grace that expresses as the power of Divine Love that heals and blesses.
Remind us to surrender our every need, request or desire to You and trust that your Divine Grace will supply our every need in perfect and timely ways.

Song: As I am Hillstreet Young and Peter Cottontail

The Deeper Things of God - Words - Creation

The Deeper Things of God - Words - Creation

Good Morning and welcome to Dr Ing’s Sunday Soul Connection. As always, we like to begin our time together by setting the intention  with Naturally Seven and Let it be.

I applaud you for taking the next 45 minutes or so out of your busy Sunday to consciously choose to deepen in communion with the Ground of Being God in you as you and we continue with our series, the deeper themes of God.

As I've been reflecting on this subject, I realised that each of the words, albeit limited in the use of language, to define and describe the deeper things of God, each of them had a separate or another connotation.

So we started with love, which represented adoration, the adoration that God has for each and every one of us. Followed by Light. Again, that is illumination. How can we allow the light of God within us to illuminate our consciousness, how our words and our truths and beliefs can be manifested?

This morning, as we look at the deeper things of God we're looking at the word of God, which will represents creation.

We're all familiar by now. From first John, “in the beginning was the Word, the Word was God and the Word was with God. That all things were made through Him and without Him was nothing made that had been made.

The word is that vehicle that transforms, or transports, the thoughts that we are holding in consciousness, the thoughts that are in the realm of the unformed brought out into the world where they can be manifested.
It can manifest in various ways as in that the quote I shared with you yesterday. It has the energy to help, to heal, to hinder, to harm, to humiliate, to humble, to bless, to curse.

Jesus was very clear about the power of our words. When he reminded us  “by our words we would be justified, and by our words we would be condemned.

See, when we look at the creation story in Genesis when God was creating, God said, Let there be and it was so whether it was the light, whether it was separating the Earth, or the waters from the earth, or even when he said let me create man in my own image and likeness.

You see, we forget the creative power, the energy that lies in words. It also reminds us in the Bible, that whilst the tongue is a little member, it can cause a mighty flame. It can set fire because we are so sometimes unconscious of the words we are using or how we are using them.

We can become selective when really using our words to create the life we want. One of our Sunday -Soul-ers reminded me last week that I was to practice what I preach when I was sharing with her how the cat had brought a mouse indoors and in my attempt to rescue it, it escaped into my bedroom. I forgotten to use the power of the word for the mouse and for myself, to affirm divine order and the highest and the best of both myself and the mouse.

I was more focused on just wanting the mouse removed out of the house; it is a reminder that truly we have to be conscious of how we are using the word, for it is one of the deepest things of God, as it is how we create.

It is that power in the Word that we have divine authority, to create using the spirit, the energy, the life-force, the creative energy, intelligence, that is God. We direct God with our words, and our thoughts and words are merely our thoughs given to language.

It is something so simple, yet something which we continuously overlook time and time again. It was not for nothing that Jesus was speaking to the fact our words can create, can uplift, can praise, can glorify, can inspire; and our words when used critically, can have such a negative impact, can be destructive, can be debilitating.

We are using these words day in day out and sometimes we're so unconscious of the effect of the words that we are using. We fall into the pattern of using certain words because they seem to be colloquial or hip at the moment. I cannot bear or stand to use the term something “is to die for.” That is such a misuse of the power of your words; and yet people continuously use it even though they know, or something is “drop dead gorgeous”.

We have to understand that words, are our creative our power, and it is one of the deepest things of God. We have the power at our disposal. To use or misuse, to uplift or to condemn, to praise or to destroy and it isn't necessarily what you might be saying about someone else, or something else. But what you might thinking and feeling about your own self.

The word is a powerful creative tool that you have been given, and given with free will to use how you will. If you choose to use your words to direct the Creative Intelligence, the Divine Infinite and Absolute Mystery that is exist at the centre of your being to create a life that is in-harmonious or not in accordance with what you want. Then don't blame God. God is neutral. Like the air you are breathing. It is only blocked or withheld when something is forcibly stopping it.

Whether you are holding your nose or you put a bag over your head or whatever it is. You are the one that is blocking the free flow of the air that is freely given; and it is the same with the Creative Intelligence that is utilised through your thoughts and words.

You are directing It as to what you want from It.  You see one of the phrases Jesus often said and I  love he said “you will know the tree by the fruit it bares”.  You can tell someone by what is going on with them. What is happening to them or for them. Because you can see that they are speaking the word that create the life they are having.

They are holding the thoughts with which is either uplifting or destroying them! People like to offload blame on to something or someone else ie the stars or the government or… but when we know that we have to take responsibility for the thoughts that we are holding and the words that we are speaking so that we can create the life that we want.

We can no longer blame something on someone for what is not right. For  what's not going our way. We can talk about this subject forever and ever, but talking will do us no good until we start to apply it; until we stop to take heed that our words have the power and the energy to manifest in our lives whatever it is we are giving it direction to.

Sacred Text

For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. Col. 1:15-16

Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. John 1:3

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it Isaiah 55:11.

Each of these speaking to the power of the Creative Intelligence that is Spirit, that comes and express through your word that shall make and bring forth everything that is seen from the unseen; there is nothing, no thing that is not created that is an existence, that has not come through this dDivine Creative Intelligence that exists right where you are. That is everywhere present at every point in space and time.

I don't know how many times we have spoken about the power of the word. But I trust that as we understand that this is truly a deeper aspect of God, to understand to realise to accept and to put into practice this incredible tool we've been given, to use our words in alignment with the life we want to create, that which we want to experience, that which we want.

If we recall the story of Ezekiel when God tells Ezekiel to speak to the dry bones, we know that as he did so, bone joined to bone and sinew became attached to bone and muscle attached to the sinews. Because there is power in your word, there is power in the words that you are speaking there is power in the words because they are the vehicle to which your thoughts are given expression to.

Poem - The Dry Bones by Mark Walters

Breathe in the new life, His army to raise
Breathe on the dry bones, rise up from the grave
Speak boldly that flesh and sinews may cover
Speak life that the lips, long dead may deliver

Words borne of God, seed a new generation
Words borne of self, cede our own desperation
This gift is a treasure more precious and true
The gift He would give to a dead world is you

Speak, for His harvest is calling to you
Speak out His words, they are faithful and true
Must the rocks cry out, is there no one to stand?
You are Ezekiel to this day of man

I love, love, love how that poem is speaking including us to speak to the dry things in our life. The things that need to be regenerated and rejuvenated. Each and every one of us has dry bones which we need to speak that Divine Creative Word to be for our health physically or financially or emotionally or spiritually. It doesn't matter what it is, be it for our  world and everything that is going on.

We need to speak our word like Ezekiel did to the dry bones to remember that this this is one of the deeper things of God. That spirit is constantly revealing to us.

So my stories I want to use some of the illustrations of Jesus of how he spoke into existence, from the unformed into the manifest world as form. We all know about Jairus daughter, the father came and asked Jesus to come and heal and as he was going, people came and said that she was dead, so don't bother to waste your time. to just reach Jesus who spoke the world she's not dead but nearly sleeping. Jesus knew the power of His Word to speak that which he wants so that he could bring it forth into the world of form.

We know that he went put everybody at the room took hold of the daughter's hand and said come forth child get up and she did so.
We all know the story of the centurion who servant was gravely ill and he came and said to Jesus I'm not worthy, but simply speak the word. He knew the energy and the vibration that Jesus could speak forth, didn't even need him to be present in front of his servant. But that Creative Intelligence that is everywhere present would do the work. Once you speak the word with faith believing.
We know the story of Lazarus when he told that he was gravely ill, Jesus didn't rush, but lingered a further three days. So that he could prove how speaking the word, speaking into existence that which was not as if it were.

Again, He looked at the appearances when he did finally arrive and they told him that Lazarus was dead. He responded No he's not. Do you not believe that spoke the words Lazarus come out.

At the pool of Bethsaida where a man that has been there for 38 years, and when Jesus asked him do you wish to be healed? the man complained about how he had no one to help him when the waters were stirred up. Jesus asked a simple question, do you wish to be healed and then spoke the word “get up, pick up your mat and walk”.


Mark 7:31-37 - Jesus Heals a Deaf and Mute Man

31 Then Jesus left the vicinity of Tyre and went through Sidon, down to the Sea of Galilee and into the region of the Decapolis.[a] 32 There some people brought to him a man who was deaf and could hardly talk, and they begged Jesus to place his hand on him.
33 After he took him aside, away from the crowd, Jesus put his fingers into the man’s ears. Then he spit and touched the man’s tongue. 34 He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him, “Ephphatha!” (which means “Be opened!”). 35 At this, the man’s ears were opened, his tongue was loosened and he began to speak plainly.
36 Jesus commanded them not to tell anyone. But the more he did so, the more they kept talking about it. 37 People were overwhelmed with amazement. “He has done everything well,” they said. “He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”

As I always say Jesus is our greatest example of what we can achieve. For he told us that we would do greater work than he did. If Jesus could speak the word in each of those examples to make the deaf hear, the mute to talk, the blind to see, the dead to come forth, the sick to be healed.

Science of Mind Reading

What are you speaking into your life? What are you speaking into existence? What are you using this Divine Creative Intelligence that is at your disposal to create for you?

Beloveds, as we truly, seek to embrace and embody this deepest thing of God our word of God, the creation of God. Let us make it truly our practice to be more diligent in what we are speaking to, to what we are creating for ourselves. To what we are bringing forth from the unformed world of thoughts and ideas into the manifest world of expression.

You've been given this wonderful tool, you've been given also, another tool of free will and choice so choose your words carefully.  Recognise and remember the Creative Intelligence that is imbued in them. For they are the vehicles that bring your thoughts out from the world of the unformed into the expression and experience of the formed.


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Deeper things - God is Light  - Illumination

Deeper things - God is Light  - Illumination

Good Morning and welcome Dr Ing’s Sunday soul connection. As always, we like to begin our time together by setting the intention  with Naturally Seven and Let it be.

I feel it's important to set the intention for whatever it is that we're doing and that we begin every Sunday by setting the intention to step away from the outer world of distractions, what's going on and planning for the week ahead, to consciously come together to commune with the ground of our being God in us as us; from everything that would grab our attention and just let it be for the next 45 minutes.

So as always, I applaud you for honouring and taking that time out to nourish your soul and quench your spirits.

We continue in our enquiry and deepening in the deepest things of God. I must confess that when I began this inquiry I felt that truly, I was getting a deeper understanding. No matter how much we study  or read into it.

There's still so much more to uncover, and how can we with our finite limited consciousness ever think that we could completely know or understand that which is Infinite?

We tend to get it, drip by drip  drop by drop. We we feel it in moments and then other moments we forget.

Anais Nin said “There are very few human beings who receive the truth, complete and staggering, by instant illumination. Most of them acquire it fragment by fragment, on a small scale, by successive developments, cellularly, like a laborious mosaic.”

That struck me of the truth of it. Because this morning, we're going to look at illumination, the illumination of God.

Whilst there are moments when each and every one of us can claim to have felt the experience that illumination, it quickly disperses in the busyness of living and life.

Until the next time as Anais Nin says it's almost like fragments putting together mosaic. I was reminded of that this morning after having a conversation with a dear friend last night, and during the course of the conversation. She kept saying, hopefully this will happen and I'm hopeful this might occur and hopefully this will be… eventually I stopped  her and said you've been with me too long to be using hopefully in this conversation.

She laughed and said how often she corrected others and here she was. You see it is this illumination of God that lights up our consciousness and keeps us truly connected to the truth of who we are and who's we are in our hearts, in our eyes and in our mind.

So in order to expand let me kick off with our secret text.


1 John 1: 4-5
In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.

As I contemplated this text as to what it meant. What is the darkness that the light can overcome it? This darkness that cannot overcome the light and I realised that it meant the ego. The ego cannot come overcome the illumination of the truth of God.

God is that total illumination that is all truth all wisdom, all knowledge, all good, all perfection which the ego cannot overcome. So for a lot of us, we’re expressing, fragmenting pieces, a little bit at a time of God's illumination God's truth, God's light applying it sometimes and then not others.

We will find life exceedingly challenging being this unconscious. Jesus knew this truth because he came into the world and said, I am the light of the world.

He knew that he was one with the illumination, that deeper thing of God with which there is no variation or shadow or change.

That's the first thing when we can connect and plug in to this truth and allow that unstinting unhindered illumination of the Divine Spirit to guide our path to direct our way to illuminate us. We won't be hoping or wishing or begging or cajoling God.

Jesus knew that this illumination was powerful that this illumination was not subject to him alone. This illumination was for every single one of us and that is what He taught and demonstrated and lived.

I am not advocating that this is easy, because I know, as I am challenged myself. My accountant gave me some news that shook me to the core. But I had to rally quickly to remind myself that God is the source of all my needs,  for all that I want, desire or require and that I need to hold that truth, hold that illumination, hold that belief uppermost in my consciousness. So that the darkness of the ego will not overwhelm the light of truth.

We all have to face some kind of crisis in our lives, when the darkness of our egos will seek to overrule the illumination, of truth, of wisdom, of understanding of discernment, that comes from when we are connected to the Source of all that is the ground of our being.

This truth, this understanding of God’s illumination can be found in many of the worlds major sacred texts:

There is but One God, His name is Truth, He is the Creator, He fears none, he is without hate, He never dies, He is beyond the cycle of births and death, He is self illuminated,  Guru Nanak

One of the central properties of the benevolent Ahura Mazda — God — is uncreated, glorious, primordial light (xvarnah). It fills the heavens, which are the abode of light, and it was the energy from which every material thing in existence has been formed.

Islam Section 5 Vs35
35. “Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The similitude of His light is as a niche wherein is a lamp. The lamp is in a glass. The glass is as it were a glittering star, lit from a blessed olive-tree, neither of the East nor of the West, whose oil would almost glow forth (of itself) though no fire touched it. Light upon light, Allah guides unto His Light whom He pleases, and Allah sets forth similitudes for mankind, and Allah is All-Aware of all things.”

Science of Mind Reading

Buddhist scripture speaks of numerous buddhas of light, including a Buddha of Boundless Light, a Buddha of Unimpeded Light, and Buddhas of Unopposed Light, of Pure Light, of Incomparable Light, and of Unceasing Light.
The Flower Ornament Scripture, written between 359 and 710 CE, contains an overwhelming number of references to the Buddha as a Divine Light. Most of the references are in verse. To quote just a few examples:

The Buddha's great light of knowledge
Illumines all lands in ten directions...

Poem - Prose

The brilliance of the Buddha's light is often said to be indescribable. In the Sutra of the Contemplation on the Buddha of Immeasurable Life, written in various versions between the 5th and 13th centuries CE, we read that"no words can fully describe [the brilliance] of this light.”

The Buddha of Immeasurable Life has eighty-four thousand features; each feature has eighty-four thousand secondary attributes; each secondary attribute sends forth eighty-four thousand rays of light; each ray of light shines out over the world of the ten quarters; and those sentient beings who are mindful of the Buddha are embraced [by that light], never to be abandoned.


Thanksgiving Day was near. The first grade teacher gave her class a fun assignment — to draw a picture of something for which they were thankful.
Most of the class might be considered economically disadvantaged, but still many would celebrate the holiday with turkey and other traditional goodies of the season. These, the teacher thought, would be the subjects of most of her student’s art. And they were.
But Douglas made a different kind of picture. Douglas was a different kind of boy. He was the teacher’s true child of misery, frail and unhappy. As other children played at recess, Douglas was likely to stand close by her side. One could only guess at the pain Douglas felt behind those sad eyes.
Yes, his picture was different. When asked to draw a picture of something for which he was thankful, he drew a hand. Nothing else. Just an empty hand.
His abstract image captured the imagination of his peers. Whose hand could it be One child guessed it was the hand of a farmer, because farmers raise turkeys. Another suggested a police officer, because the police protect and care for people. Still others guessed it was the hand of God, for God feeds us. And so the discussion went — until the teacher almost forgot the young artist himself.
When the children had gone on to other assignments, she paused at Douglas’ desk, bent down, and asked him whose hand it was.
The little boy looked away and muttered, It’s yours, teacher.
She recalled the times she had taken his hand and walked with him here or there, as she had the other students. How often had she said, Take my hand, Douglas, we’ll go outside. Or, Let me show you how to hold your pencil. Or, Let’s do this together. Douglas was most thankful for his teacher’s hand.
Brushing aside a tear, she went on with her work.


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The illuminated life can happen now, in the moments left. Die to your ego, and become a True Human Being.


May you see God's light on the path ahead
When the road you walk is dark.
May you always hear, in time of sorrow,
The singing of the lark.
When times are hard, may hardness
Not turn your heart to stone,
For when shadows fall, remember,
You do not walk alone.

Song: Local Sound Shout to the Lord

The Deeper things of God Part 2 - Wisdom

The Deeper things of God Part 2 - Wisdom

Good Morning and welcome to Dr Ing’s Sunday Soul Connection,

As always I like to applaud you for taking the next 45 minutes out of your busy Sunday to consciously come together, linking hearts and minds with other like minded souls. 

This work that we do as we are gathered here today, whether you believe it or not, as we are expand and evolve in consciousness, it ripples out to impact the greater world around us. 

So my beloveds we continue our deep dive into the deepest things of God. The sacred texts that we shared last week spoke about that it is the Spirit that searches all things, that we can know the deep things of God.

So this week, we are looking at wisdom. Last year, we studied wisdom as one of the 12 powers represented by the disciple James. As we studied that quality, we recognised that it was wisdom that was able to discern and wisdom that was able to utilise good judgement. 

But that is not the wisdom that we are going to address today. As always, I like to remind you that we are using finite language to interpret and express that which is Infinite. That which is beyond language. I'm sure we've all had the experience that when we have “heard from God”, that wasn't necessarily in words more of a feeling and a knowing.  Whatever it is that was presented to us. But as we only have language or words at this moment, we will try our best to utilise them to their fullest. 

So let us kick off with our:


James 3:17

However, the wisdom that comes from above is first of all pure, then peace-loving, gentle, willing to yield, full of compassion and good deeds, and without a trace of partiality or hypocrisy. Now, I certainly think that that's a deeper definition of wisdom than anything that perhaps we have applied when we think of wisdom for ourselves or you know.

So let's break that down. It's pure, the wisdom of God is pure. Meaning that it's not contaminated with thoughts that are wicked or evil or something that has contradictory elements to it. It's free from all of the stuff.

It says wisdom that makes sense that it is peace loving. The wisdom of God is not based in anger, criticism, condemnation, or any of the things that sometimes test and expresses through us when we think we’re acting with wisdom.

The sacred text says it is gentle meaning it's kind, it's tender. It's accommodating. It can surrender. We all need to access the wisdom of God, which encompasses so much more than our ordinary everyday wisdom. 

We need that wisdom that is pure, that is peace loving, that is gentle, that is willing, that is compassionate, that is impartial. 

We need to be able to stand in that wisdom when whatever we are confronting, whatever situation or person that is in front of us that may be challenging us, to be so anchored in the wisdom of God, that our ego does not swerve us to one side. 

We know that we can ask God for more wisdom because the sacred text says that we are to allow the Spirit of God to guide us, to direct or to give us what we need.  I love that in the book of James, it tells us that “any one of us lacks wisdom that we should ask God, who gives to all generously.” 

When we’re empowered with His/ wisdom, we don't need to muddle along using our own finite limited way of thinking but can access the wisdom of God is ever and always available

When we are in a situation, if we can take a moment to ask for the wisdom of God to guide us, the outcome will be so much different, I would like to think so much better.

One of the things that I'm trying to emphasise, is that when we are accessing the wisdom of God, we're accessing an Intelligence that is so beyond anything and everything that we could even conceive of. 


Our Volkswagen Squareback bounced over the sand and rocks, leaving a cloud of dust in our wake. I looked over at my wife, Sue.  The sun was bright and the sky was clear—perfect conditions for off-roading. Back then, in 1984, Sue and I were living in southeastern California, right on the border of the Anza Borrego Desert State Park. The scenery was majestic, but not without its dangers. Summer temperatures could rise above 125Ft and it was no place for tourists to go off-road without sufficient preparation for getting stuck or lost. Heat stroke or dehydration could be deadly. As could the rattlesnakes and scorpions one might encounter.

Sue and I always took a day bag with us, packed with snacks, water, sunscreen and a first aid kit. We’d also had a car specially modified for driving in the desert. With it, we could go anywhere a dune buggy or Jeep could go. That day, we drove about 20 miles into the park and up through a beautiful stretch of dry wash. Around midday, we stopped to stretch our legs. As usual, we had the desert to ourselves for as far as we could see. When the spirit moved us, we hopped back into the car. But when I turned the key in the ignition…nothing happened. I tried again. And again. Nothing. I could see Sue was thinking the same thing: The engine wouldn’t start back up today.

Our Volkswagen had one odd quirk. Roughly once a year, it would refuse to start. If left overnight, the engine would run just fine the next morning. We’d taken it to two different mechanics and a VW dealership. But no one could find anything wrong with our car. Because it happened so rarely, we’d just learned to live with it. But it had never happened suddenly, when it had been running reliably.
What now? I hadn’t seen a soul on our drive out here, and we had no way to call for help.
“We could walk back to town,” Sue said. “Flag someone down.”
“That’ll take hours.”
Sue took my hand. “Let’s pray,” she said. Together, we bowed our heads. I took a deep breath, willing my thoughts to stop racing.”Please God give us guidanceShow us what to do. And get us home safely. Amen.”

Poem: Empty Me by Ted Loader from Guerillas of Grace

Eager not to waste any more daylight, we quickly gathered the supplies. We were about to set off when Sue called my name. “Look!” she cried, pointing to the horizon. Sure enough, coming up through the wash, there was...something, getting closer. It wasn’t long before I could make out what it was—a dune buggy! And it was heading straight for us!
There was a man in the driver’s seat. Not a local. Our community was small, and I didn’t recognize him at all. “You folks need help?” he asked.

“Do we ever!” said Sue.
“Can you give us a ride back into town?” I asked. “Our car won’t start again until it sits overnight.”
“Mind if I take a look?”
I knew it was hopeless, but I didn’t want to be rude to a stranger trying to help. The engine cover was already off, so he could see for himself.
He barely examined the engine before he said, “I know what’s wrong.” It had something to do with our “solenoid switch.” . We’d need a long screwdriver with an insulated handle to bypass the solenoid and create a direct connection between the starter motor and the ignition switch. “Lucky for you,” the man said, “I have that tool with me.”

Science of Mind Reading

The man got to work, and the engine roared to life. My jaw dropped. The man gave us a big smile. “Don’t stop again until you get the car home.”
We thanked him profusely.
“Please, at least let me pay you!” I called after him.
He shook his head. “Just glad to help.” And with that, he climbed into his dune buggy and roared off, continuing the way he’d been going—past us and deeper into the desert.
“That was an angel,” Sue said. I couldn’t disagree. And even if he wasn’t, if it was just a VW expert who happened to be passing by, he had to have been sent by heaven. Because what were the odds that it was all just coincidence? All these years later, I’m still astounded.

Who could have imagined that in the middle of the desert, a man would turn up just at the right time just with the light tool and would know what to do.

If that is not the wisdom of God that is at work, - the God that knows what to do, how to do it, and when to do it, then I don't know what is.

When things happen that we consider that miraculous, or we can’t explain we say that was a coincidence, and if you know me well enough, you know that I always say there's no such thing as coincidence. There is simply a higher working of the law that is unchanging and invisible, which we don’t often utilise and so when we experience it, we think it’s incredible and amazing!


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Get yourself out of the way, and let joy have more space.


May The Mind of God always guide us.
May we always remember The Life of God that flows through us.
May we always align with The Power of God that abides in us.
May The Joy of God always ever uplift us.
May we always allow The Strength of God to renew us.
May The Beauty of God always inspire us.
May we  always deepen into the deeper things of God.
And May we always know Wherever we are, God is & that all is well!

Song: Brandon Lake Just like heaven

The Deeper Things of God Part One - Love

The Deeper Things of God Part One - Love

Good Morning and welcome to Dr Ing’s Sunday Soul Connection,

So as always, I'd like to applaud you for taking the next 45 minutes out of your busy Sundays to join with me and others as we join hearts and minds across the airwaves; to consciously come into communion and connection with the ground of our being God in us as us.

Last week the Sacred text I shared from Acts spoke about the power that comes from the Holy Spirit which allows us to stand strong for the things of God. I said that we would be looking in more detail what that means in the weeks to come. 

As I contemplated what are the strong things of God it was easy or obvious to think about God's omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence. These are great words, that we bandy about and truly it doesn't really take us further or deeper into understanding what are the strong things of God; what are the deepest things of God which is referred to in the Sacred Texts I’ll share. 

We are trying to use our finite minds, our finite way of understanding, to comprehend that which is Infinite. When the Bible says “My ways are not your ways, or my thoughts are higher than your thoughts”, it speaks into the fact that there is no way under the sun, we will fully comprehend the all-ness, the fullness and the  totality of all that God is.

That’s why no religious tradition or one religion can ever, ever have the whole concept of what the Divine, the Infinite is. It may have a bit of an understanding or some knowledge but total knowledge or understanding. 

I've always loved the description. I think it was Matthew Fox who wrote God is like an underground stream, where different religions draw up from it’s well thinking it’s drawing up all that God and not just a fraction of it.

So each has just an aspect and a partial understanding. And so, this morning, we look at what are the deep things of God. I want to put it in the context of as much as we can try and comprehend, as much as we can understand given our finite comprehension of something that is totally beyond us. 

So I want to kick off with our sacred texts. 

Sacred Text 

I Corinthians 2:10-16 NKJV

But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one. For “who has known the mind of the LORD that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ.

We keep using our finite mind, to think and try and understand things. We're using it with words and words, we've already established are a limited construct that we've created that truly cannot define and describe the attribute that is God. 

God is so much more than our limited language can give us the understanding or the experience. So we have to allow ourselves be opening up, to discern, to understand, to receive the deepest things of God via God's Spirit via the Divine Mind that is in all of us all of the time. 

We forget in our moments of trials and tribulation, that we have access to the Divine Intelligence, to receive Its imprint, the direction, the whatever is the guidance, whatever it is, we need in that moment. 

Instead, we're using as the author said, the thoughts of the natural man, instead of using and accessing the Spirit of the Divine, that is God in us as us. We have access to the deepest things of God, through, God's Spirit, that God is not separate from us. Our God doesn’t  plays favourites, blessing some and not others.

No, God is ever available and ever waiting  for us to open up. To allow ourselves to be open to the spirit that is within us. That is ever speaking, ever directing, ever inspiring, but we have tuned out. 

A friend sent me a quote this week. She sends out quotes to  what she calls her tribe, and I'm included in that.  This quote she sent me, I took exception to, the quote said, “no matter how good your heart is, eventually, you have to start treating people the way they treat you.”  I texted that I disagreed, that is not the message or the teachings of Jesus. Jesus spoke that If someone sued you for your coat, give them your cloak as well. If they slapped your cheek, turn the other cheek. She texted me back and said that basically, I was entitled to my opinion. I was entitled to disagree. And she said potato I said potata. I said, you know, you’re right this is my opinion and my truth.  It doesn't have to be your truth. But this is the truth. I choose to hold and live by. 

I share that because if we are seeking to discern the deeper things of God, as Jesus continuously taught and demonstrated, then we cannot block off that which God is at the essence and at the core at the centre of our being, which is love. 

Now, I'm not suggesting that you should be a dogs body, or that you should let people walk all over you or mistreat you. But what I am advocating for, is if we are to express the deepest things of God or stand strong in the things of God, the one thing we know that God is, is Love.

We cannot fully comprehend what that means. Because we come with all about conditions about what love is. In our relationships, we know how much love we want to give no more than they're giving. It needs to have this attached to it. We only know conditional love.

The Love that Jesus taught was unconditional love; unconditional acceptance. Yes, there were people that did not resonate with him, and He simply took himself away from their company. He didn't shut them out or exclude them from love. Love is one of the deepest things of God. It is so deep it is hard for us to comprehend and understand it. 

When we are looking to be more of who and what we were created to be, we are required to express this first of the many attributes we try to attribute to God, about God, even though we have finite understanding of it. 

God is love and that love is so different from human love. It is a love that has no ending or beginning. No depth or limitation, no condition. If we are to stand strong in the things of God or express the deepest things of God, then surely we have to be looking at any action, any behaviours, any thoughts, any beliefs that could cause us to be acting differently from what we know is of God. 

Jesus, our teacher told us that we were to be perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect. The Father that is within us. We can all acknowledge that it's really tough. It's hard, because there are people out there, that we consider undeserving of our love and undeserving of our forgiveness, undeserving of our time undeserving…

But if we are to express the deepest things of God, if we have to stand on the strong things of God, then we have to continuously be be excavating, digging out, letting go anything and everything that will block or hinder  our expression of the divine. 

There was a beautiful quote that I sent out with the text notifications yesterday from March Cooley who says “when you realise that you are deeply loved by God. It enables you to love deeply.”  If we know, accept and believe in the deeper things of God, that God is love,  then surely, surely, we have to be expressing that same love in who we are, as we are, and to all we encounter. 

There is another quote that I want to share by Kevin Kerr who said, “God loves all of us so much, that we are given the choice in each moment to choose between the ultimate divine truth or mental programming of the ego.” You see that mental programming of the ego is what that quote that my friend shared. Well, you've hurt me or you've mistreated me, therefore, I'm going to start treating you the same way. That's the mental programming of the ego. The tit for tat way of being.

The programming of spirit is to love. When Jesus was asked by Peter, how many times should we forgive seven? Jesus says no 70 times seven. Always, always always, always the message and admonishment  is Love, to learn to love. 

I want to share two poems authors and titles unknown:


I am The wind in your hair,
The Sunbeam in the sky,
The moss in the trees,
The grass beneath your feet,
The birds that fly above,
I am Love…

He loves you supernaturally,
beyond your comprehension,
and above the world’s understanding
of what love is.
There is nothing
that anyone can say or think about you that 
can take that away from you, not even you.
There is no circumstance, calamity
or disaster where God’s love
cannot reach you
and hold you.


”I’m one of those people who prays about everything,” I told my new teacher friend, Rae, as we sat on a bench in the hallway outside our classrooms. It was the end of the school day, and the students had long since gone home. That’s when Rae and I tended to sit and talk about everything and anything.

Newly married in 1969, my husband and I had just moved over a hundred miles from home in New Brighton, Pennsylvania, to the little town of Ridgway. I got a job as a third-grade teacher at the elementary school. Rae’s classroom was right across the hall from mine, and we immediately felt comfortable with each other, like old friends. She was also a newlywed, and new to the area herself.

Science of Mind Reading

That day, our conversation had turned to our faith. “I learned when I was just a child that God hears us and does answer prayer.” I told her what had made me believe this without a doubt.
“My family was watching the nightly news on television, when I learned of a Pennsylvania family who’d lost their home to fire,” I began. “A gas leak had caused an explosion. Thankfully no one was hurt, but their home was seriously damaged. I wanted to do something, but as a child, all I could do was pray. So every night before I went to bed, I knelt at the side of my bed and prayed for this family. I asked God and his angels to surround them and take care of them.
“After over a year of praying, I needed to know if my prayers had helped, so I asked God to let me know what had happened to that family. Did they ever get their house back? In a few weeks, God actually answered,” I told Rae.

“In the Sunday supplement of the newspaper there was a story about the very family for whom I had been praying and how they had made a complete recovery.” I sat back quietly, still astounded that God had provided me with the answer I needed.
“Describe the cover of the magazine,” Rae said. I thought maybe she had seen the same story. “On the cover was a photo of the father with his son sitting on his lap.” Rae remembered the cover well. “That was my father and my brother,” she said. “Ronni, it was my family’s house that exploded and burned. You were praying for us.”

Over 50 years have passed since Rae and I discovered what was at the core of our deep friendship, a friendship that has lasted even after she moved clear across the state. A friendship that started with prayer long before we ever met.

Jesus’ commandment was very simple - it was that we were to love as He loved us. That we were to love God with all our heart, mind and soul. That we were to love our neighbour and that's the commandment that he gave us to love. He didn't tell us to love only those that were close to us, or we thought deserved our love. No one was excluded or exempted.


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Leave the temporary love, Because real love is God’s love. Rumi 


When the noise and haste surround you
and threaten to take you hostage,
May God’s gentle voice soothe you
and guide you to a place
of quiet strength;
When the days seem cold and dark,
and the nights unbelievably long,
May God’s smile illumine
and warm you from within;
When you feel alone and dismal,
May God send someone to you with a daisy.
May you truly go forth in joy
and be led back in peace;
May all creation sing around you;
And may the weeds of mourning
turn into flowers
wherever you walk.

Song: VOUS by Most High

Understanding Faith is the Key

Understanding Faith is the Key

Good Morning and welcome to Dr Ing’s Sunday Soul Connection,

As always, I’d like to applaud you for taking the next 45 minutes or so out of your busy Sunday as we conscious choose to  come into communion and connection with the Ground of Being God in us as us.

 This Sunday I kind of want to continue on from the Easter story; and so I’m going to kick off with a story which is from the Bible, John 20: 19 to 31 


John 20:19-31

20:19 When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you."

20:20 After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord.

20:21 Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you."

20:22 When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit.

20:23 If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained."

20:24 But Thomas (who was called the Twin), one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came.

20:25 So the other disciples told him, "We have seen the Lord." But he said to them, "Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe."

20:26 A week later his disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were shut, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you."

20:27 Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe."

20:28 Thomas answered him, "My Lord and my God!"

20:29 Jesus said to him, "Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe."

20:30 Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book.

20:31 But these are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name.

So there's kind of three parts I want to share to that story and break it down. As always we like to look at the metaphysical and then I'll jump into the sacred text behind it. 

So we know when we studied the 12 faculties of man, the 12 powers that are represented by the 12 disciples, that Thomas represents understanding. But he's understanding that can be both that which is discerning and the understanding that is based on knowledge and sometimes unable to comprehend. 

The true power of understanding is that its ability to discern and comprehend and on its deepest level, it really is about spiritual understanding and the thing that we need to we need to understand about this reading this morning, is that here is a faculty and important faculty that when it is filled with fear, mistrust, understanding in the spiritual deepest sense, is no longer uppermost, and is no longer current, is no longer capable we can see that understanding when filled with fear is doubtful, is mistrusting, is unable to accept. 

Let's bear in mind, Thomas is one of the 12 one that was chosen. He travelled with Jesus for the three years that Jesus was doing and practising his ministry. So he saw Jesus not only raised Lazarus from the dead, but Jairus’ daughter from the dead.

He saw Jesus feed the 5000, he saw Jesus when on the Sea of Galilee say to the wind and the wave “Peace be still”. 

He saw all of these things, and yet he did not have the spiritual understanding, to believe an accept. 

Now remember that is the Last Supper, Jesus washed all of their feet, because he said it it was important that He do this and we know that feet is the representation of, again, gaining understanding it’s what you stand upon what you stand for. 

So he was removing any doubts and fears and worries from them when he was washing their feet and yet, as he predicted, they were all going to scatter and be fearful. 

Here, He, presented himself. This is the second part that I want to talk about. We know that the disciples were holed up in a room in Jerusalem and Jerusalem is a representation of the consciousness of peace. But peace was far from them, because they were hiding from the Jews, from the Sanhedrin, from the Pharisees, from the people that had crucified Jesus. 

They were the very ones that they were afraid of and so we're hiding in this room and the first thing that Jesus says to them, upon entering into that space, “peace, be with you”.

It's important that we understand that declaration, because we cannot experience understanding, we cannot experience wisdom, we cannot experience anything from God when we are displaced and frazzled and discombobulated with what's going on around us. 

So his immediate work, His instructions, his declaration, is affirmation that his disciples was to state for them what they needed, which was peace, peace; so that they could be and receive that which he was sharing with them, that which he wanted them to know. 

He had foretold everything that was about to happen, before it happened and it happened, as he said, and yet they were confused and yet they were distressed and distraught, and yet they were fearful.

The third thing that I want to point out is that the overriding thing that is necessary to experience peace and understanding and everything else that goes with this, is a level of faith. When we have faith!

When we have Faith as Jesus said, as a mustard seed and do not doubt, all things are possible. You see when the Bible says it is impossible to please God without faith, it's not because God is someone whimsical, capricious, old man in the sky. It is because faith is the number one key, to control, to master to be able to express and experience, the Power, the Presence, the Life that is in you, that is God. 

It's impossible to please God, because it is through our faith that we can acknowledge God, it is through our faith we can express God it is so our faith we can experience God. So the pleasing isn't about somehow making God feel worthy or satisfied. The pleasing God is our way of accessing the divine. 

It's our way of accessing and utilising the Presence and the Power.As the disciples were huddled in this room, faith were far from them. They'd already been emboldened to go out and heal Jesus had sent them out before he told them, You can do this. But when our faith is shook, as the disciples faith was shook after His crucifixion, understanding went out the window, peace went out the window, belief went out the window, everything had gone out the window. 

Sacred Text

Acts 1:8 says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” This power that comes from the Holy Spirit allows you to stand strong for the things of God.

I love that last line. “The power of the Holy Spirit allows you to stand strong for the things of God” and that's definitely something we will be looking at in the weeks to come. What are the things of God, but we know give me we know from our story, that Jesus breathed upon them, for them to receive the Holy Spirit. 

I believe that the Holy Spirit was there from the get go. Because there's nowhere, where  the spirit is not. But what Jesus was doing was quickening, that awakening in them, the realisation that just as He was one with the Father, so were they one with the Father. Just as He could do these things, so that they could do these things. He says, You are going to have this power so that you will stand strong in things of God. The things of God that is peace, that is faith, that is understanding, that is wisdom that is life. 

It seems that we too, like the disciples, when things are going right in our life stand strong in our faith. We can stand strong in the things of God. We have our understanding, we have our faith. We have our peace, we have our faculties that are firing on all cylinders; and yes, it's easy when things are going right to be bold and brave and strong in God. But that's not when we need the faculties the most. We need our faculties the most, we need our powers, we need these representations of Spirit, when things are at their hardest and things are at their most challenging when things are at their most desperate.

That's when we need to quicken faculties. Let's see now, Thomas always been known as Doubting Thomas. Because he made that stipulation that irrespective of what his colleagues, friends and fellow disciples had shared with him that they had seen Jesus. He was adamant that unless he could see the nails in his hands for himself or see where he was stabbed at his side he wasn't accepting, he wasn't believing; and Jesus said, Blessed are those who could believe without seeing. You see, blessed are we when we trust and believe in His words that are same and true yesterday, today world without end. 

He demonstrated, He lived and expressed for us so that we can understand so that we too, can realise the Spirit of God within us as the Christ consciousness to be awakened and quickened and invigorated by it. I love the text that I shared yesterday from Joyce Meyers that “faith means you have peace, even when you don't have the answers”. 

You see the story and our sacred texts this morning is coming back to this realisation and remembrance that if nothing else,

if we can strengthen, embolden, enlarge and expand our faith everything else falls into place. We don't need to know the answers, because the Bible says that “we walk by faith and not by sight”.

We don't need to know what it's going to look like at the end. We don't need to know how we're going to get there. We don't need to know how it's going to happen. We don't need the answers, but we do need faith to know that there is a God, there is a Presence, there is a Power that knows the answers for you and for your life.

What we need to do, is to surrender and trust and have faith in that Presence that Power, that Life-Force that is unchanging and unchangeable, so It can express through us, far us, what it needs for us to experience.

If we've been hiding out like the disciples, from fear of whatever is ongoing in our lives, for fear of, not enough-ness, or whatever it is and it’ll be different for each one of us; we need to recognise the Christ right where we are. We need to come back to the remembrance of all of the teachings, of all of the truths, of all of the commandments. 


My poem this morning, something I hadn't shared from a long time from Ted Loeder’s Guerrillas of Grace.

It's all moments when our spirituality, our spiritual practice our spiritual truth goes out the window. When in the moments whatever it is that is causing us distress brings up the most most in consciousness. I shared to my women's group on Friday that the spiritual journey the spiritual path is one where we are consciously having to practice not just on a daily basis but on a moment to moment basis, these truths that were taught many 1000s of years ago, that is still applicable now. Each and every one of our lives. As I often say that spiritual journey is not for the faint hearted because it does require that we change it requires that we effort it requires that we have a spiritual practice that keeps this highlighted, anchored in the truth that is unchanging that we allow our Thomas back of understanding our determined power to operate and fire on all cylinders, cylinders. We require our faith faculties to be uppermost and consciously in effect, or whatever it is we are facing. We have to embrace and express our faith in every condition or circumstance we find ourselves in and if you do not or are not able to rally your face, that address you must be able to affirm that God did not give you the spirit of fear but the power of love another sound mind find an affirmation for me it's always always it's usually a Bible quote. That's been corrected me and bring me back to the remembrance of the truth that is unchanging the truth that is the same yesterday, today well without the truth that Jesus said once you know that you might be loved. The Universe requires us not to be like that in the universe requires us to embolden our faith that we can experience the peace that possible human understanding. Peace that doesn't crumble when things do not seem to be going our way or as we would like it. Was we planned or wished or desired or envision. If you haven't already, I invite you to close your eyes.

Science of Mind Reading


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“But listen to me. For one moment quit being sad. Hear blessings dropping their blossoms around you.”Rumi


May God unearth the unsettled and unhealed places in your life so He can heal renew and restore you.
May he reveal a fresh revelation of His love and a new assurance of His grace.
May he pour the oil of joy  and gladness over your head.
May he give you pools of blessing to splash your feet in.
May his unfathomable greatness bring a fresh mystery to your powers and perspectives.
And today, throughout the day, may you look up above your circumstances, and remember that you’re somebody that God loves
Treasures, equips and calls.
He will make a way, where there’s been no way.
Trust him and choose Joy choose faith choose peace choose understanding.     

Song: All things New by Big Daddy Weave


Roll Away and Resurrect

Roll Away and Resurrect

Good Morning and welcome to Dr Ing’s Easter Resurrection Sunday Soul Connection.

As always, I like to applaud you for taking the next 45 minutes out of your busy Sunday as we consciously come together to link hearts and minds as we deepen in our communion with the God that is everywhere present at every point in space and time and as we conclude our Lenten journey with the resurrection service this Sunday.

I trust that this has been a time that has brought you closer in relationship with the Divine like never before. 

I trust that it has been a time where you've reflected and pondered over the questions for your life, for your purpose, and for the meaning of God's will in it. 

I trust that you have found it to be a time of Revelation, a time of experiencing God, expressing God and living God like never before, And so this Sunday, is we celebrate the resurrection, the triumph over death of our beloved teacher and a Way-shower Jesus.

Who on Friday I shared that I felt so often we have looked at his frailties back in the Garden of Gethsemane and upon the cross and offered an alternative viewpoint of looking at things that perhaps wasn't showing his frailty but was really highlighting His complete unification of his humanity and His divinity. 

His acceptance of that which he was purposed for. He knew and spoke about his death. He knew and spoke about how cruel it would be, He knew and He spoke about how He would resurrect on the third day, and so having known and spoken about his impending death  it felt somehow not quite in alignment,  He would be asking God to take it away.

However, as with everything, it's open to interpretation. As with everything, you have free will and free choice as to what you choose to believe. But always I look to Jesus as my teacher and my example. 

I take this  as a message  and demonstration of His courage, of His faith, of His fortitude, of His compassion, of His forgiveness. 

As the example for which I should embrace, the example of how I should live, as the example of what I'm here to express, it is incumbent on each and every one of us to make the choice for ourselves. 

Jesus taught, but at the same time he did not impose, he allowed the individual to make the decisions and choices for themselves. And so my beloved this message this morning, is entitled “Roll Away and Resurrect”. I always I think  to mention it,  every if not nearly every Easter Sunday service. 

I like to remind you, there would have been no resurrection had there been no forgiveness. Resurrection is incumbent upon being free from anything that could tie you to the past or tie you to some emotion to which you cannot heal. If Jesus had not forgiven the heartlessness of the people to whom He had healed, the people who He had taught the people whom He had fed, not only literally, but spiritually.

If He had not forgiven the cruelty with which the Sanhedrin and the Pharisees had chosen to to defame Him, and beat Him and ultimately hand Him over to the Romans to crucify Him. 

If He had not forgiven in all of His Spirit, His soul would not have been able to resurrect!!!  

For any resurrection experience we want to have in our lives. If we have not embody forgiveness, to whomever or whatever it is, that we felt or feel has wronged us. We will never be able to resurrect. 

This is a message I have been preaching for the last umpteen years over and over again. Whilst I know that there are some of you that want to hang on to your righteous indignation that you believe that something or someone is beyond forgiveness my beloved the invitation today, this resurrecting Easter Sunday is that anything and everything can be forgiven and must be forgiven if we are to resurrect. 

So I want to kick off with our sacred text first. 

Sacred Text

Mark 16:1-6

16 When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body. Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb and they asked each other, “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?” But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away. As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed. “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.’”

There's a couple of things that struck me as I read that text Number one, Jesus had already resurrected before the stone was rolled away. He didn't need the help of the angels or anyone for him to have his resurrection. 

So the stone rolling away happened well after he had already resurrected after he had dematerialised from the physical form, resurrected into His complete soul and divine self and had taken himself out of the tomb.

But we like the women would be wondering who is going to roll away the stone. For me as I reflected on this, it struck me how  this is the kind of thinking we have, we are always thinking, who is going to do this for us? Who is going to roll away this idea of poverty, this idea of limitation, this idea of negativity, who is going to roll this away for us, who is going to roll away those thoughts and the fears that come sometimes and plague us. Who is going to roll away our anxieties, depression, healing, who's going to roll all of this away from us?

See Jesus was so enlightened that He didn't need anything or any one. He had done the work.

He had done the work that He had come here to do for which He was purpose. He had done the work on himself is 40 Days and nights in the desert, integrating His humanity and divinity. 

He taught his disciples to watch and pray, even though they couldn't manage it. He did the work for his own resurrection. 

We to have to do our own work for resurrection. Jesus said that we were to each carry our own cross. We were, each of us, to work our own salvation. 

We want somebody to roll away the stone of our ideas and limited thoughts and beliefs. No, we have to do the work. 

Jesus is always the example not the exception. I love the quote that I shared yesterday by Michael Leung who said that Easter is not limited to the passion and the death of Christ. It also includes the dismal tragedy of life on lived by the men and all the loss of passionate truth that goes with it. 

This Easter Sunday is an invitation for you to crucify, roll away and resurrect.

Roll away and Resurrect

When your physicality is crucified with sickness, dis-ease mental, emotional spiritual
Roll away; that there is a sickness greater than God
Resurrect to the truth that health is your Divine Birthright - that you are made in the Image and likeness of God.

When your mentality is crucified, with limiting self defeating and debilitating beliefs and ideas.
Roll away that lack of self worth
Resurrect that you are a child of God and Let the Mind that was in CHRIST JESUS be in you - to 

When financially you feel crucified and seem at rock bottom
Roll away the stone of limitation and lack and erroneous belief
Resurrect to the remembrance that Jesus said I came that you might have life and have it abundantly 

When your emotionally feel crucified by those you love and trusted 
Roll away thinking and acting like a victim
Resurrect to the fact that Jesus said I will never leave you nor forsake you so irrespective of what happens in our familial or any other relationship

When feel spiritually crucified that your ground is shaken from beneath you
Roll away the stone of a sense of separation from the Divine
Resurrect to the remembrance that with faith it is impossible to please God - that there is nowhere where God is not

I'd like to share a poem this morning. 

PEOM: Psalm for Easter Morning by Dr Ralph F.Wilson

In chill of dawn birds sing clear
After Friday's darkness,
After Saturday's numbness;
Dew on grasses sparkle
As night surrenders to rising sun,
And clear blue reigns above
Without hint of cloud.
Women travel swiftly, silently
On their pathway to the Garden,
Where martyred Messiah lies slumbering,
Lifeless on cold limestone
In a newly-chiseled tomb.
As they approach,
Guards have vanished;
Remnants of a fire smolder
Among debris of camp
Deserted in haste.
In their place resides a new Guardian,
Harbinger of a Heavenly Army,
Resplendent in white,
Seated upon the stone of death
Now displaced forever.
The Angel speaks,
women shrink back.
"Why do you seek the living
Among the dead.
He is not here;
He is risen,
Just as he said."
Hallelujah, risen Jesus!
Praise forever, risen Lord!
We greet you at your Resurrection,
Bow before you now and always --
Lives wide open,
Cleansed and healed,
Hands uplifted,
Hearts surrendered.
Forgive our doubts,
O Risen Lord,
Calm our fears,
Renew our faith,
And lead our lives from this day on.
For we serve You,
Christ our Lord!
And we love You,
Risen King!
In your Army we will follow.
Lead us on!
Lead us on!

Science of Mind Reading


Megan McKenna, the prolific and profound Catholic writer, shares the following vignette in her book

"Once in a parish mission when I was studying this scripture (Luke 7: 11-17) with a large group, someone called out harshly, 'Have you ever brought someone back from the dead?' I had been saying that life happens when we are interrupted, and that some of the most powerful acts of resurrection happen to the least likely people; that we are the people of resurrection and hope, called to live passionately and compassionately with others, to defy death, to forgive, and to bring others back into the community, to do something that is life-giving, that fights death and needless suffering. And then this challenge from the back of the church.

"My response was 'Yes.' I went on to say, 'Every time I bring hope into a situation, every time I bring joy that shatters despair, every time I forgive others and give them back dignity and the possibility of a future with me and others in the community, every time I listen to others and affirm them and their life, every time I speak the truth in public, every time I confront injustice — yes — I bring people back from the dead.' "


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Celebrate (He Lives) by Fred Hammond.

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

Good Morning and welcome to Dr Ing’s Sunday Soul Connection.

As always, I’d like to applaud you for taking the next 45 minutes or so out of your busy Sunday as we conscious choose to  come into communion and connection with the Ground of Being God in us as us.

On this Palm Sunday I want us to take a deeper look into the significance and as always the metaphysical meaning of this occasion. 

I think we're going to start with the sacred texts to begin with.


Luke 19: 28-38
After Jesus had said this, he went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem. 29 As he approached Bethphage and Bethany at the hill called the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples, saying to them, 30 “Go to the village ahead of you, and as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. 31 If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ say, ‘The Lord needs it.’” 32 Those who were sent ahead went and found it just as he had told them. 33 As they were untying the colt, its owners asked them, “Why are you untying the colt?” 34 They replied, “The Lord needs it.” 35 They brought it to Jesus, threw their cloaks on the colt and put Jesus on it. 36 As he went along, people spread their cloaks on the road. 37 When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen: 38 “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!”[b] “Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”

We can take what we read in the Bible as literal or allegorical or even a combination of all of them. It’s up to the individuals as to which they choose or how they choose to decipher it. 

For me, I'm always wondering to look deeper. What is the meaning?  I Just don't take it on its face value. Because always, there are things that are deeper we know as Jesus taught. There was always a deeper meaning to his parables, to which he shared later with the disciples if they hadn't understood.

So there's a couple of things that I want to share about the sacred texts that we just listened to this morning. I'm going to do two in kind of two parts. We look to Jesus as the example as the Way-shower, as the one that was demonstrating to us not only our own divinity, but the fact that we’re royal as well. 

Everything that he taught, he was speaking not only of himself, but about  our characters as well.  So when he said “I am the light of the world”, he was also saying to us, that we are the light of the world as well.

When he was proclaiming that he was king, he was also claiming that we were queens and kings as well. That we shared this joint royalty with him, because we’re all sons and daughters of the Most High God.

So it is this thing it seems as we incarnate in this physical form, we forget our divinity we forget our royalty, we forget our  Spiritual life. We allow whatever the conditions, experiences, the circumstances of growing up and living in this world to have diminish, dismantle or totally dissolved it.

The message that Jesus taught all the 1000s of years ago, is still relevant, pertinent and necessary for us to remember now in this day and age.

Jesus was not the exception. He was the example. But we have forgotten this, making him to be the one and only, He told us that we would do greater work than him. We are yet to know anyone that's done anything greater than Jesus; because we have not fully embraced in totality, our Divinity, our Royalty, our Spiritual life. 

We have days, maybe or moments within days, when we are aligned with that truth but for the most part that drops out of our consciousness. We forget, we feel unable or unworthy to embrace it or acknowledge it. 

Jesus knew through all his acts and actions, that they would be carried through time. I don't think he anticipated that perhaps some of his words or teachings would be quite as distorted in the way that is has, through all that so many different denominations. 

Jesus was a Jew. He didn't instruct us to do anything other than to love our neighbours and to love God with all our heart mind and soul. 

So when, we look at the teaching, let us remember the colt that he instructed His disciples to go and bring was unblemished. The colt being the youngster of the donkey, a very humble creature, a symbol of humility and peace. Also it symbolises the house of King David. A sign of royalty, to which he had descended. Jesus didn't come in on a horse or horse that signifies war and pride, but on something that represented humility, and meekness. 

We can also look at the donkey as we've shared previously, as a representation of our animal nature, that side of us that needs to be sat upon and needs to be squelched, that needs to be submitted subjugated.

We know this aspect of our nature our animal nature, that side of us that wants what we want, irregardless of the cost of or to somebody else, or that thinks we’re more important or superior to someone else. Jesus demonstrated that we have to sit on that side of our nature

I think this reminds us that we are constantly called not just in this Holy Week, but throughout to align ourselves with God, with the Spirit within. The Divine Omniscience, Omnipresence, Unlimited Infinite Intelligence, that is right where we are, to strengthen us, to embolden us, to enliven us, that we may truly embrace this Palm Sunday .

As Jesus entered into Jerusalem, we remember that Jerusalem is the city of peace.  It's that consciousness, that is spiritual peace. The invitation is that we are to enter into that spiritual consciousness of peace, our own internal Jerusalem, that we are to find within ourselves, that level of peace that passes all human understanding.

Palm Sunday isn't just the historical something you read in the Bible. It's an invitation to claim your divine sonship or daughter ship your queen or your king for yourself. 

As he entered into Jerusalem, the disciples were shouting hosanna hosanna, the Hosannas of the rejoicing multitudes spreading their garments and their branches before Jesus could represent us, representing our souls joyful obedience and homage in our consciousness to the God in us as us.

It's an invitation for us to embrace both our divine, spiritual royalty as sons and daughters  and as prince and princesses to enter up into the consciousness of peace, spiritual peace, that peace that can look to the storm and sleep calm in the back of the boat and then rise and say “Peace be still”.

It is that spiritual peace, that even when he is in the Garden of Gethsemane, asking for this cup to be taken away from him, that can say “not my will but Yours be done”. It is that spiritual peace, that when he's more on the cross can say “Father forgive them for they know not what they do”.

This comes as an invitation to embrace your royal divine spiritual self and in doing so, and to enter that consciousness of spiritual peace that passes all human understanding. 

I have two poems that I want to share today. 

Poem: What Have We Learned? By Loyd C. Taylor, SR.

They shouted with praises, reaching the sky,
Pushing and shoving to see Jesus pass by.
Crying, 'Hosanna, hosanna, glory to the King!
He comes to us today, great joy He doth bring.'

They threw down palm leaves, covering the way,
Clearing the way for His entrance that day.
Raising joyful voices, as praises filled the air,
The day had come, God answered their prayer!

But, in a short time they changed their chant,
From joyful noise, to a mob's hate-filled rant.
From Hosanna, hosanna, as when He was praised;
To crucify Him! Crucify Him, as their anger blazed!

In disbelief we might question why they turned?
But maybe the question is, 'What have we learned?'

Poem: Author and Title Unknown

Ride on Lord Jesus. 
Upon a colt, 
over cloaks, 
under branches – 
ride on Lord Jesus.

Towards a city, 
through its gates, 
past the crowds – 
ride on Lord Jesus.

As Hosannas fade 
and enemies sneer, 
as danger closes 
and friends falter – 
ride on Lord Jesus.

Showing the way, 
teaching the truth, 
bringing life for all. 
In the name of the Lord – 
ride on Lord Jesus.

Story: Bad by name; bad by nature?

During Nelson Mandela's 19 years imprisonment on Robben Island, one particular commanding officer was the most brutal of them all:

"A few days before Badenhorst's departure, I was called to the main office. General Steyn was visiting the island and wanted to know if we had any complaints. Badenhorst was there as I went through a list of demands. When I had finished, Badenhorst spoke to me directly.

He told me he would be leaving the island and added: 'I just want to wish you people good luck'. I do not know if I looked dumbfounded, but I was amazed. He spoke these words like a human being and showed a side of himself we had never seen before. I thanked him for his good wishes and wished him luck in his endeavours.

I thought about this moment for a long time afterwards. Badenhorst had perhaps been the most callous and barbaric commanding officer we had had on Robben Island. But that day in the office, he had revealed that that there was another side to his nature, a side that had been obscured but still existed.

It was a useful reminder that all men, even the most seemingly cold-blooded, have a core of decency and that, if their hearts are touched, they are capable of changing. Ultimately, Badenhorst was not evil; his inhumanity had been foisted upon him by an inhuman system. He behaved like a brute because he was rewarded for brutish behaviour."

Source: "Long Walk To Freedom" by Nelson Mandela

I believe that is a clear example of someone who had not allowed an animal nature to be subjugated he had not sat upon the coat. He had not sat upon that basic nature that allowed him to operate so brutally and yet, there was still hope for him, as he had the realisation as he was leaving and was able to wish them the best. Somehow his light, that light that is in all of us, managed to escape through a crack and for him to express his divinity 

Science of Mind Reading

Science of Mind Reading

The invitation for this Palm Sunday as we enter into Holy Week is to truly make it a Holy Week in our lives. To open up to the alignment, to the remembrance of our royal divine heritage; to enter into that spiritual consciousness of Jerusalem within us so that we may open up our hearts and minds to the Spirit of Christ coming in this week; so we can go about all that we have to do in alignment with Spirit within us.

This Holy Week is an invitation to take more time as this whole Lenten journey has been about deepening in spirit, deepening in our connection and communion with God in us as us. 

Everything that Jesus taught and demonstrated was an example for us to follow. That is why he is a Way-shower, this Holy Week is an invitation to raise our vibration that we can have whatever it is that we need to crucify and have our resurrection experience into a higher vibration, a greater alignment with the divine that is right where we are.


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“The lamps are different, but the light is the same.”

Benediction (Palm Sunday)

Mother Father God as we enter into this Holy Week

Passing from joy into sorrow and  eventually on to elation,
May we deepen in our Christ consciousness this holy week.
May the journey of this week lead us into the fullness of Christ’s love.

Song: Kirk Franklin - Hosanna